pass the Kleenex*

.... Such a touching love story...
Some of you might have received this story via emails, but worth sharing with those who have not... " Pass the Kleenex pleassseee..." ~sob*sob**
~take a look...
This bird was injured badly by the roadside...

Her mate brought her food & tried to attend to her
with love & compassion...

shocked by her death, he tried to revive her!

"wake up! wake up!!" -[ in bird language of course... ]

He was aware that his sweetheart was dead...& cried

He was so devastated by the loss & stood beside
her lifeless body......
Isn't it touching...sob*-sob**
Well darlings...as usual I'd prefer to end with a SWEET note*
~ a touch of sweetness and a cookie or two...or more?!
(can pass the cold glass of fresh milk now...Kleenex then milk!~hee*)

"Aren't they too beautiful to munch*...?!"

~Famous for her whimsical, Eleni's hand-iced designs
quickly dubbed “conversation cookies” YUM*!!!
ooohhh... I do BELIEVE*!!! ~xoxo
-Pics via Animalrescue.org & beautiful cookies now available online: Elenis.com


Laura Trevey said...

I am amazed at the detail in those cookies!!! wow...

Diana said...

i can almost hear this little birds heart breaking. this is so sad but so touching, too.

Alicia @ boylerpf said...

That is incredibly sad. I read it over and over...animals do have feelings and souls...IMHO. Glad you posted the treats...they look fake.. they are done so well.

Char said...

ohhhh...so sad, bluebirds do mate like that. it made me cry.

those are beautiful cookies.

Keith said...

Those are some sad and sweet photos. Poor bird.

drollgirl said...

are you TRYING to make me cry! wah! my face will be all puffy tomorrow. wah.

Mekkan said...

Oh, it's touchy. Thanks for sharing this story. I'll talk to my Japanese frieds. Of course about amazing cookies! It's disappointing I can't make an order from abroad. Maybe I'll check Dean$Deluca here in my town.

Awesome Sara said...

that bird story, i cried. i need some choclate and a hug from the boyfriend.

www.janetteria.com said...

Ooooh, little bird! SO SAD! :(((


Anna G said...

So touching, I love stories like that. But those cookies are so darling, I would feel bad eating them but I still probably eat one.

Pyzahn said...

The real bird love story is too sad. I want to focus on those marvelous cookies. Absolutely amazing. Hope they taste as good as they look.

rkinkoph said...

aww, poor little bird. :*( My sister (beccabookie) showed me your blog. How fun! We wondered what would happen if you dentist ever read your blog. :-)

Awesome Sara said...

you got to go to india!!! lucky!!!

LenoreNeverM♡re said...

Laura Trevey,
Wow indeed...someone definitely have steady hands in their kitchen!

Told you darling we needed Kleenex...tears & blow nose too*

I feel the same way too sometimes,There some who might disagree... The cookies do look like plastic toys, But I'm pretty sure there's no 'made in China' at the back! ~hee*

LenoreNeverM♡re said...

That right there are a few Bird species that mate for life...Cranes are one of the. Arrgh* unlike Hollywood couples!!!

Hope we see these pics, & also reflect upon the fragility of our own life as well... Live,Live.LifE!

when I was little I cried at cartoons on TV & I told myself that it was good for my eyes...to me it was like washing/cleaning my eyes... Quite weird huh?!

LenoreNeverM♡re said...

I'm sure you'll find something else in your city & country...But they are not the same as hers...she is the best that I've seen & tasted!

Awesome Sara,
Glad you have chocolate to munch & a boy friend to cuddle darling! I have a day old pop corn & a sad pillow to hug!!! ;(

Ohhh dear... I'm making everyone sad today... Wish I could give you all some cookies & milk!!! None to those who aren't sad! I'm on a tight budget! ~hee* warm Cookies + milk is always YUM!!!

LenoreNeverM♡re said...

Anna G,
I know how you feel, especially when you think abt how much time/effort to ice the lovely design & we can just devour them in only seconds...

They are not only beautiful darling... they are Yum-Yum check out their web & the reviews...

LOL! My-my-my...the dentist crush is still getting so many feedbacks. The answer is he'll never know...errr I hope??? Shhhhh...don't tell either Okie!

Well, once again thank you all & nightie night!!! ~God bless*

Jeannette Mariae said...

It made me cry... so thank you for cheering me up with the cookies.


muchlove said...

Oh my, that is so sad. I've never seen it before.

The illustration is simply beautiful though... and so are those cookies!

Eda said...

Very sad but beautiful story!

Mary-Laure said...

What an unbelievable, adorable, moving story!

Kitty Stampede said...

so very sad...
I hit a little squirrel once and killed it, and his little friend or lover did the same thing except for squirrel style. I pulled over and bawled and bawled like there was no tomorrow. I feel bad to this day.

-those cookies are beautifully made, I don't think I could eat them...I'd hang them on my wall or something..:P

Dorkys Ramos said...

Aww that's so sad!! :(

paula said...

so sad... I had no idea birds would do such a thing.

Christina said...

is that your illustration at the top? it's gorgeous, i love the colors. and those cookies are so fun looking but i'm not sure i could eat them (too pretty!)

Doshii said...

aww that was so sad!!

:( devastating

you captured the emotion pretty well. I am still sad!

Joyce said...

Sniff... I haven't seen this and it is so sweet and sad. Very touching.... Great illustration and tasty looking cookies... sniff... but I need to find a kleenex... xoxo

K. said...

Oh, my God...that was incredibly touching! I never even think about birds having feelings...
Really beautiful...thanks for visiting so I could find this amazing post!

K. said...

Oh, and I LOVE your illustration...you are so talented!

Charlie said...

How sad, the driver didn't bother to stop. Poor little bird... thanks for the cookies..I cried in my milk. Hugs

Anonymous said...

Oh the poor little bird couple! Sigh.

Formerly known as Frau said...

Wow that was a touching story! Sad!

Couture Carrie said...

The story and your illustration are so lovely! And I adooooore Eleni's cookies - those birdies are too beautiful to munch; you are right, L!


Fashion Moment said...

Beautiful, beautiful post!


Hello Lindello said...

That is so sad!! How precious though...

Poke Salad Annie said...

what an interesting emotional journey you've just taken me on. first i'm sad for birds, and then i want to eat them! :)

me melodia said...

Thisis soo sweet what a great little photo essay

Gabbi said...

Heartbreaking story in photos, but the cookies and your illustration make the pain bearable... xo

noone said...

thats so sad! You can see his heart breaking in the photos.

Simone de Klerk said...

Such a sad story! I love how it ispired you to make that lovely illustration.
And the cookies ~ I wouldn't dear to eat one ...

Aline said...

that is so sad:(

your illustration is just beautiful

Seeker said...

What a beautiful illustration, darling!!!
OMG those cookies are so lovely, such great details.



Winnie said...

Aw that is so sad. I couldn't possibly eat those treats straight after this story though.....or maybe I could!

Unknown said...

wow ...your illustration is BEAUTIFUL! ...and those birdies made me cry :(

Jen said...

You almost had me going for the kleenex, till I saw those delicious delectable cookies!

Jen said...

I love your illustration. I am a believer - you are talented!
and hilarious.

A "cheery" disposition said...

wow that post above is so sad. I love your bird art very beautiful.

Anonymous said...

OMG...that is so sad. Yes you made us all sad....cookie?

Syed said...

Awwww!! I actually cried, but those cookies made me smile :)

Fifi Flowers said...

Ooooh how sad... I'm already weepy today and NOW this... le sigh! Thank goodness yo have ended with ADORABLE cookies!
ENJOY your weekend!

Trish Hunter said...

Oh my gosh I love animals so much!!
I also love cookies...
so animal cookies... mmmmmm

Unknown said...

These sweet cookies look so delicious, but I know I would have such a hard time eating them! -e

sealaura said...

those were such moving pictures. so lovely.

Dan Johnson said...

So sad. Glad I have a giant Vodka grapefruit in front of me...