saving FACE*

... So last week, it was quite a major event in my Blogging life! 'BAM!!!' ~I posted my very FIRST photo of myself with my babies...That's right, I was-CROPPED & headless!!! My dear brother had told me once before, "...you better NOT post any pictures of yourself in the blog...they would cut and paste your FACE and it will pop up in a foreign porno adult sites!!! ...and dirty old man would you know what with your FACE!!!"...My reaction was, "Whattt?!!! uuugh...!" As usual, being paranoid which by the way runs rapid in my family! ...errr that scared the living day out of me! Definitely one of the TOP10 biggest NIGHTMARE!!! ...shall share the other TOP 9! next time perhaps-perhaps-perhaps...

Dear fellow bloggers, I've visited your lovely blogs... there are some of you who started off with hidden faces and lately but surely started to reveal your faces...Do you think I may follow soon?...errr?? Must say that it's always nice to finally see the 'real faces' behind the blogs so to speak... And there are also those who still have their faces 'blurred-cropped-or even cleverly hidden by interesting objects!' But I'd say majority are those who continue to stay anonymous...faceless... What is your thought on this ??? Curious LENORENEVERMORE wants to know...I'm such a nosy little creature with a real FACE! ...really!!

First was my illustration, then photography...and now digital COLLAGE darlings...You like??? ~It's all about "FACESsss"...trust me- none of these faces belongs to mine...literally still saving face & GRACE! ...keeping it real (whatever that is!) and 'anonymous'(...also whatever that means...???) Perhaps one day I woud...?!...errr-errr??? ~My dear brother is still talking in my head!!! ~Talking about 'revealing', take a look at this zip-zip-& more zipsss fashion... In the meantime I feel like telling my brother to ZIP* his mouth sometimes...

oooh la-la... ZIP*-alicious !!!
{fashion by Sebastian Erazuriz}
Revealing indeed...reveal-reveal-reveal...
just not ME* face for now...~hee*

-Pics (top 2 bottom) via Lovelogy (thank you Mila!), Lenorenevermore ARTs, Meetsebastian.com -For more fabulous 'ZIP codes' fashion visit HERE the amazzzing CoutureCarrie* also highlighted this Z trend!


Formerly known as Frau said...

Boy I never really thought about that great too late now! So we are all porn stars now thats alot of pressure! I don't know if I can fit that in my schedule!

Aline said...

that dress is crazy!!!

I started out not showing my face, but decided that since a large part of my blog was going to be my outfit posts that I should just start showing my face as well:)

Anonymous said...

Realy there are peeps who past another persons face on your body..Uhm where can i find these peeps?
Can they past Jenna Jamesons face on my body? ;)That would be a laugh! I show my dogs they are much cuter then me.

Jan said...

I think you'd have to be pretty sad to want to cut and paste moi!
Serious story - a customer (I had previously sold him a camera) told me that he had saved a pic of me (taken at work) and was using it as a screensaver! (because I looked cheerful he said)
Freaked me out slightly, but I'm sure he was harmless.
Unfortunately, he was no George Clooney ('cos that would have been perfectly okay of course.)
Enough with the teasing already and get one posted up! :)

Kat Mortensen said...

I go back and forth between revealing my face and hiding it. At the moment I'm incognito, but if you root around on the blog, you'll find the real me.


Fifi Flowers said...

I wish those last few photos were my body... sigh... I'd be showing the bod and not caring who put what head on my hot bod... LOL!!!

LenoreNeverM♡re said...

whahaha...you are too funnnY!Pressure is a doctor doing MICRO operation surgery darling! ~hee*

...yes, and what a beautiful face you have dear! Continue being stylish & gorgeouss!!

I agree, how can we possibly compete with their cuteness!

Thank you for sharing the 'creepy' story...I'm sure he is harmless...errr??? You are funnY- I should change my blog name to LENORETEASERMORE!!! ~hahaha...

Perhaps 'incognito' is what I should learn to do more in my life...but it's easier said than done...errr...errr??? ;)

LenoreNeverM♡re said...

Fifi Flowers,
If I had that body, I'll unZIPPed all the way to my 'birthday suit'!!! ~hee* But, you are not body dear...you are such a fabulous talented painter!!! I thinks it's more attractive non?! Different special gifts for each one of us..."yay*" I'd say!

Unknown said...

yikes, and my picture is on my blog (though very, very small).

Anonymous said...

Actually they take your face and put it on an animal....LOL! And if they put my head on a porn star, the body would be better than the one I have now :D Oh well......


Gabbi said...

I love your collages and your style of writing Leonore, I say don't rush posting a pic until you feel comfy about it. I had a MySpace about 6 years ago and put up all kinds of photos of my friends and myself and my family and then I started getting creepy guy friend requests and dirty messages so I freaked out and deleted it. Then about 3 years ago I reopened and didn't put any photos up, only photos of things or places and artists. It took me almost 2 years to get comfy enough to put photos up and even now I only put mostly little discreet ones. I think when you're ready you'll do it and judging from your blog I'm sure it'll be amazing.

trishie said...

HAAAAAAA! That is exactly the type of thing my dad would say about my face ending up on a porn site attached to someone else's body!! But then i think why would anyone do that??!
I do like to see the person behind the blog, though it's not the most important.

Laura Trevey said...

I do think it is nice to put a face with the people you are in communication with!! Go for it :)

Char said...

I don't do my photograph - I'm a photographer by hobby and hate photographs of myself (though I love them of everyone else). I guess because I've also seen some people that do so many self portrait it seems like bragging or something....LOL I guess I'm just weird.

drollgirl said...

i am one of the paranoid and faceless! and i am not exactly a raving beauty, so blech to putting my face out there. ahhahahah!

but YOU, now you are another story. if/when you are ready, you will post that pic all ovah!

nicole mountz said...

the way i see it, hopefully i'm not important enough to those porno stalkers... so i call myself safe ;) i think you should go for it, i find myself more interested in blogs where i can see the people, it makes me feel like i know them better!

Elizabeth Marie said...

I began my blog thinking I would be completely anonymous...and clearly, not so much! My face is allllll over that gosh darn thing.

Sometimes if I think about it too much, I can get creeped out. But I love how personal it makes it.

Either way, your blog is just fabulous! xoxo

La Belette Rouge said...

I will never show face. Now I really won't after hearing your brothers scary stories. Yikes!!
I think that facelessness adds a certain mystery. I say 'save face'.

Mervat said...

Too late for me!!!

Hope to *SEE* you soon!!


Keith said...

I'm a guy so I guess I never have worried about showing my face. Since my blogs neither one really are about me personally, I've never felt the need to post pictures of me. I do have pictures of me on my myspace.

Annie Spandex said...

You could always wear sunglasses :)

Diana said...

i am always weary of showing my face, not so much for the creepy men factor, but an image thing i have with myself. i know my face is fine, but will people like it?? i know, very silly and immature to think that way.

i think you are beautiful no matter what.

Mekkan said...

I also got the same advice from my blogger friends in Japan. There are many in Japan who don't like put their faces on the Internet. Hope this won't disturb your updating your blog. I'm always looking forward to coming over to your site. I always enjoy your blog.

www.janetteria.com said...

I wasn't thinking about this yet, but some people like this... Pfff... I uncovered my face only one times yet. Searching? :S Porn star? Awful!

I love first photo!


Jeannette Mariae said...

I also too late for me... I even showed my tatoo. Argrrrrrr...

Love your post. xxx JM ;-)

English Muse said...

i would love to have my face posted on a hot body! At the moment, i'm posing as a melamine plate!

Unknown said...

That is an incredible dress/wrap thing! And if you want to show your face, show it! Don't let fear or paranoia stop you ;)

Simone de Klerk said...

Not having been on your blog a while and I see I have missed a lot again. Love your headless stories and your snoring CD to come! It is so much fun to go through your stories AND pictures, dear Lenore!

Anonymous said...

Well Doll, everyone is different. Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to be faceless and have people purely judge me by my blog, but at the same time, that wouldnt be who I am. In so many ways I develope friendships on here, Im reading peoples lives, hearing about theri biggest successes to their hugest failures, their family, their past, I mean you name it we all post it. And so much of me wants that connection. A name a face, so I put mine out there,because that is just how I am, but I do get creeped out sometimes, believe me, I have some horror stories for you!! Haha.

But either way, your blog will be just as wonderful with or without a face because we pour our SOUL on these vitural pages and that is the most personal, beautiful thing :)

Suecae Sounds said...

That dress was indeed a little bit on the cool / crazy side. ;)

If one can photoshop and mix faces and bodies, maybe plastic surgery can do it in real life soon. That would be the real crazy of the day.

Geri Wu said...

haha the quote is so funny!

xx, Geri

Kitty Stampede said...

I've yet to show my face too...I'm still relatively new at this though..I think 2nd month or maybe 3rd. That is me in my avatar thingy but my face is looking down, reading so that doesn't really count. I like it either way...it wouldn't change the awesomeness of any blogs...it might just make it cuter...:P

Christina said...

i slowly showed my face (or maybe it was no face and then i guest blogged and revealed it on someone else's). i want to see the porn someone uses my face in, ha!

paula said...

ha! Hope no one sees my face popping up in odd places. The thought never even closed my mind:)

Anonymous said...

wonderful blog. i agree with you- a bit paranoid myself...:D

Eda said...

The first picture is so cute!
I was a little paranoid about posting pictures with me too... I think it had something to do with the fact that in the past (before starting blogging) followed my in the bus. He was quite aggressive. Since then, I learned some self defense techniques and I stopped using public transportation...but we can't live our lives hidden inside because of a few crazy people. They are the ones with a problem, not us.

PS: I added you to my blog roll, I hope you don't mind.

Christy said...

Thanks for the comments. I was scared to at putting my face online, but you just have to live.

noone said...

wow cute dress!! I actually thought of not showing my face, but I figure what are the chances since I'm not really a celebrity lol. If they do I'd love to be on Miranda Kerr or Adrinna Lima's body!!

Couture Carrie said...

That dress is fantastic! And I loooove your new banner... Can't wait to see your pretty face, L!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for commenting on my blog!

I always want to see people's faces when I read their blogs. I have one dear blogger friend who I only know as a chicken *sigh*.

This is why I have a real and recent photo of me on my blog.

WendyB said...

Aw, come on, show yourself. A vicarious career in porn is fun.

Miss Kris said...

Hi! My face sideways is my profile...my crazy family always made me PROMISE TO NEVER EVER have photo's of us or the house...Boo Hoo...Isn't that all the fun! Oh well! I love you little PUGS! So adorable!

Off I go to figure out how I might possibly get into that dress!!!

Mag Yip said...

I will re-size the photo or change resolution.If someone take the pictures cann't see clear.

modernemama said...

I never did, then I retro Warhol'd my face with PhotoFunia - it's like me but wilder

Eeli said...

Gosh Lenore what a post to get the heart palpating in the morning (after having NOT slept too)lol !!!! :(

I've had that thought many many many times believe me! But then I think that it is inevitable that your image will float around the web and whos stopping people lifting THOSE pictures and plastering them on other peoples' bodies? Also I'm trying to be honest with myself. This is my blog and I have the right to post what I like, whether they are pictures of myself or not. If others take these images and use them innapropriately then it is incredibly unfortunate and annoying but like the expression says: those that know you shouldn't care and those that do shouldn't know you or something along those lines lol.

I think every blogger goes through this and I'm sure EVERYONE in the public domain has also, ie celebrities, new reporters, reality tv stars. You just have to trust in your own abilities and be very careful of how you represent yourself on the internet. I'm expecting no half nudity form you Ms Lenore!!!!! Actually I think I remember seeing a piccie of you when you had a picture gallery scrolling near the top of your page?

Enough from me know.


ticklishfromadistance said...

Love it! Great post.

Kwana said...

Love this post. So many great images. I was sort of faceless for a while with my younger image and only only recently coming out. I love your image it's so cool. You can come out here and there when ever you want. My hubby still doesn't like that I finally came out. He know's my outspoken personalty and I think is afraid I'll say something and then be open to all sorts of nuts throwing eggs at me on the street. Oh well. Or maybe he just thinks someone will fall in love with me and want to sweep me away. Who knows?

I do keep try and keep images of the kids of my blog though. It's tough. I'm very tempted. It may change one day.

Valerie Rojas Braverman said...

wild dress!! i was one of those who never showed face...it's sort of nice to see who's behind the words, you know? xo

Angela said...

the dress is so cool. well, as for remaining facelss, it's all about comfort level.

jess said...

I've never thought about not showing my face. It doesnt bother me when people don't. I think I need that zipper dress.

Unknown said...

everyone just have to do what they feel comfortable with. even if someone doesn't steal your "face" they can take your likeness by plagarizing your blog. Obviously this is not the same as having your photo off in random places but I keep telling this to myself to feel better about my own feelings of being so "out there" -
I think this place is fabulous and honest and real and I have no idea what you really look like. seeing your face would be a treat but it's okay for me to not know you bc via your blog we almost already do:)

as for showing your kiddies...that's a completely different story. I know a lot of bloggers and photographer who do but again, everyone should do what they feel comfortable with:)

sallymandy said...

Oh, dear! So interesting and thought provoking. Does that brother of yours have evidence that this porn-appropriation happens? Yikes.

I have mixed feelings about this. I didn't post a picture for a long time. Then a wise older woman friend prodded me to dig deeper about why I didn't have my photo up on my blog. What deeper self-revelation am I afraid of? So I did eventually post one, kind of to prove to myself that it's not a big deal. I guess I posted another in a post; sometimes I don't mind, but I'm mindful of seeking a balance. I don't feel like showing my family, for instance--not much anyway, or close up; etc.

Long comment. I see you got many. Lovely and thought-provoking! thank you, dear.

sallymandy said...

p.s. it would be fun if you feel like posting a photo-IF. I do like to see my blog friends. Because we ARE real people behind the screens, and the pix bring us closer.

Joyce said...

wow what a fun dress if I was 30 years younger. lol...

I don't show my face either. My love is a little more caution than me. I guess after a couple strange emails I thought it was best at least for now. smile.... Enjoy!

kadler said...

I still don't show my face, but not because of the porn thing (which I'm now seriously thinking about). Mainly because I have a semi-serious job, and I can't imagine my employers being fans of it.

kadler said...

But, if you want to show another headless shot, I tagged you!!

erin@designcrisis said...

I have a picture up on the blog, but it's not really me...

or is it?

Charlie said...

I started out without showing my face then the designers that I was writing about thought I should because they felt it made the site more "credible" Wha..huh? So I did. I posted my picture, for all of 48 hours. In which time I received marriage proposals, indecent proposals and scary nasty proposals...say wha? at this age? They must have been blind or desperate or perhaps both. In any case, I pulled my picture off my site, even though it's already out there. I relate to your brother, sorry that I am so paranoid but I did give it a try. maybe someday I will give it another try.

Jill said...

Still haven't shown my face. Maybe----someday---