By the WinDow*

So here it is...my 'homage' to one of my favorite movies-
Ridley Scott's 1983 movie 'Blade Runner' ~compliments
via the 30th floor of my hotel room in Seoul...
The view from up here is quite spectacular
during the day...but it's even MORE at night!
...it comes ALIVE !!! Fear of heights anyone???

~Quite 'Blade Runner-ish' aren't they?
I refused to close the curtains in my room...you understand why now...

Remember the passionate kiss scene in the movie?
Well, I had the view, plus the window...
but no cute man was pressing LENORENEVERMORE hard against it!
(le sigh*......)
Highly recommend this movie for those who haven't watched...
The costume design & art direction are superb...
~it's high-voltage visual delightsss...
...and BIG PLUS~ Harrison Ford was very dreamy
& so-very 'Le sigh*...' indeed Darrrlings!
"Woo-Hoo !!!" ~XOXO*
- Photography by LENORENEVERMORE & 'Blade Runner' pics Via Photobucket.Com


Anonymous said...

I even own that move from the 80s. On what was hi tech at the time, a video disc player. I'm also a cult follower ;)

Kwana said...

Wow whee!! You are so right Very Blade Runner. Now I want to watch the movie again. Thanks for these awesome pics.

Mekkan said...

Wow, beautiful! You are right in the middle of this breathtaking night view. Sorry about "Harrion Ford" around you. How's your TOTO doing, then???
I enjoyed the way you organized a story with posting pictures. We all love it. Gee, it's been a gorgeous trip anyway. What is your "Mission Impossible"? Good night!

Anonymous said...

Good call, Lenore! Those images are so very, very "Blade Runner." Gorgeous!

Jan said...

Yep, Harrison would be a good choice for some by the window action !
(well when he was a bit younger anyway)
Getting any sleep with the city lights beaming in ? Or maybe you're dreaming of electric sheep ? :)

Winnie said...

What an awesome view!

Couture Carrie said...

What an incredible view, L! And I adore your Blade Runner homage ~ that film is fantastic!


P.S. Vitamin CC ~ very cute!

Fashion Moment said...

Oh, wow... Amazing shoots!


VanessasRunway said...

Great pix! Nothing is nicer than the city lights at night!

kendalee said...

GREAT shots!! Very Blade Runnerish! I love that movie too - Harrison Ford was dreamy and I think he's aged beautifully... Like Sean Connery :)

Looking forward to enjoying your grape juice at our picnic tomorrow... I love grape juice and a girl's nail polish and drink should always be coordinated if at ALL possible! I absolutely agree! ;)

Aline said...

wow, what a view!

I haven't seen that movie in ages...think I will add it to my netflix queue!

Alicia @ boylerpf said...

Spectacular view..and very much Blade Runner!! I wouldn't close the window drapes either...perhaps a new Harrison Ford may swoop in..aahh..to be so lucky!

Anthony said...

You're a woman after my own heart, Lenore! Blade Runner is probably my numero uno, absolute favorite movie EVER! And that nighttime view DOES look very Blade Runner-esque...

Sorry, you didn't encounter any Deckard/Rachael lip-lock action by the window. At least you'll always have the memories of time shared with TOTO!

Angela said...

what views. my brother in law said when he was in korea, he had korean bbq every day.

Anonymous said...

Hello Sweetie Darling,
I got your email, send one back! didn't you get it? :(
Fab view and Bladerunner...well they don't make movies like that any more!
xoxo M

Dionne said...

I have never seen this movie, but how you talk about it has whet my appetite.

I am off to go put it on my Blockbuster rental queue.

Kat Mortensen said...

I just noticed the way you have the date - that is cool!
Whatever happened to Sean Young?


drollgirl said...

WOW!!! it looks just like the movie!!!!!!!! that is just bonkers!

and harrison was looking pretty damn good back them. yum. gulp!

Jessica Morris said...

what a stunning view!
Not only would I never close the shades, I don't think I'd ever leave my room!! Awesome!

leah - moxiethrift on etsy said...

i like your last two, multi colored, slighty blurred ones the best. delish. i would probably close the curtains, but would oggle for quite some time before i did.

Gabbi said...

Wonderful tribute dear Lenore... I'm a huge fan of the film. The fashion, the soundtrack... such mood. And the view from your window is extraordinary, I can almost see the flying cars buzz by!

Keith said...

Those are some incredible images. I love Blade Runner. It's such a cool movie. I wanna watch it again now. It's been awhile. I hope your week has started off well. Cheers!

Mag Yip said...


Wow!!you have a good trip!!
Your hotel room has great scenes!!

Eda said...

I haven't seen it...I'll put it on my list.

muchlove said...

what an amazing view!

www.janetteria.com said...

What a great bellevue! WOW!


Christina said...

i'm scared of heights! fantastic photos.

Seeker said...

WOW, dear!!!
Fantastic photos!!!!!

Love and blessings


Sierra said...

Wow, that view is amazing!! Those pictures are so beautiful and bright lights!

CC said...

wowwwwww, am loving the view!!!

Diana said...

This is an amzing movie and some amazing photos!! I love it!!

Sixpence and A Blue Moon said...

A room with a VIEW! Gosh, what a lovely view it is.

I am out of the loop here, I have never seen Blade Runner.:( Now it is on the list of 'must see' movies. Especially with that kiss - hey, gotta experience passion somehow, right? :)

You have had one glorious trip. I am envious, darling. A fashion show could happen on that runway!
