
What does one do hundreds of miles-up in the air?
Well...all I know is what LENORENEVERMORE did...
Here are some...promise- no photo of the tiny airline lavatory!!!
errr...seat belts not required Darlingsss...~Enjoy the flight!
Watched the in-flight movies...
this Samurai film was quite borrring...BUT
The actor was quite an eye candy! (blush-blush*)
...should see what he did with his sword...sexy!
reading the newspaper...no I don't read Japanese...BUT
the pictures were irresistible... Oh deer!!!
~everybody together say, "awwwww..."
Lunch came in a 'Bento-Box'
...almost like opening a present!
I like.....

" Wahhh......"
I avoid using this word- but I simply MUST !
" CUTE.....!!! "
The soy sauce came in this tiny-cutie-cutie bottle!!!...again," sooo... cuuuuute !!! " (dang* I really-really need to grow up!)
Hmmm...the view was about the same'O-same'O...
(...yawn!!! better think of something creative & fun!)

They served some sweet candies with hot Green Tea~
"...hmmm??? what can I do with cellophane candy wrappers???
~they sure are pretty! I KNOW!!! "
Simply placed it against my camera lens and
click-click-click some picturesss!!!
~take a look...more :

~Interesting images no?!
" SOHO art galleries...pleassssse call me...I'm waiting......"~hee*
...definitely keeping those candy wrappers for my future projects!!!
Anyway, before I knew it...there was the landing announcement.
Seoul, South Korea here I come!!!
" Hellooo...boyssss! "
What's new...sob-sob* they did not even reply back!
(Duhhh...another 'teaser' Billboard Ads!)
Anyway...Aren't these smiling Korean boys so preeety!!!

Approaching the Hotel entrance...
"...ooohhh! Love the giant evergreen topiaries!!!
So whimsical...~Butterflies in my stomach again Darlingsss..."
...to be continued...


DaisyChain said...

and again with the amazing photography! love it

Sixpence and A Blue Moon said...

Hmmm... it was hard for me to move down past the yummy guys! But then, I did make it to the food and I will admit, it looked good!!!

Love your pics!

Have a wonderful trip. See ya when...


Diana said...

i love the way you document your vacation!

www.janetteria.com said...

the deer photo is lovely...and I agree...samurai movies are really boring for me...haha!

Great post!


Jessica Morris said...

SERIOUSLY!? That is what your lunch came in?!?! That is SO AWESOME!! I love it! :)
I want on that flight just to get a lunch like that!! lol

Thanks for stopping by my blog :)

Anonymous said...

Yummy flight food! Don't get that here in the states.

Can't wait for more photos!

Couture Carrie said...

Oooooh I am so excited for this leg of your journey, L! Love these photos ~ the Bento Box lunch looks so special!


Winnie said...

Oh wow, I just scrolled back through a bunch of your posts. Looks like you're having an amazing time, Korea will be great too!!

I so need to visit Japan soon!

noone said...

wowww lunch on the JAL looks amazing... they don't even serve food on planes here anymore!

Anairam said...

What a great trip! And I love your pics of those candy wrappers! (PS Oh, sometimes when I wake up in the morning I look very Linda Blair-ish, cross-eyed, wild hair sticking up round my head, foam coming from my mouth, oh no wait, that is toothpaste ...)

Fashion Moment said...

So interesting post, dear!


Patsy said...

Whimsical photos, a good eye, and a happily broad mind! God, that good looked good. I love it.

Jan said...

Nothing wrong with CUTE
Totally applicable to the boy band
Woah - I need to get a grip (enough excitement for one day)
Looking forward to your posts though

Clare said...

You are SO entertaining! I just re-read this post and need to see more. I have a new blog. Deleted the old thisandthat one.

Secondhand Stella said...

Wow, that airplane food looks pretty good!

I hope you are having a wonderful trip!

Aline said...

you are so funny! Have a great trip!!

Anonymous said...

Asian guys are to die for.

maverickandlove said...

omg food looks amazing, im drooling!!

Sam said...

Gosh! What an adventure you're having! How did you make a plane flight look so glamorous!! :) Can't wait to see South KOrea - I've always been interested....

Mekkan said...

I really really love the way you observe every little thing around you. Life is not boring! Thank you for sharing all your excitements. Waiting for the next!

Joyce said...

Great photos and play by play- I love it! xoxo

Simply Mel {Reverie} said...

Aren't you just the traveling gypsy? Have fun....

Heidi said...

I love the cellophane photography....what a neat idea!! You are full of incredible ideas!!

Have lots more fun out there in the great beyond....

Monica said...

Nice pictures. I hope you had a good flight.

Erin W said...

The trees look like broccoli!

poet said...

Lovely pictures! I recently came back from Europe and I now also have a very cute little bottle, with vinaigrette in it! :)

Enjoy the rest of your trip!

Alicia @ boylerpf said...

Seoul...you lucky lady you! Great pics...enjoy!

ilikestuff said...

Wow, I wish Southwest airlines had in-flight service like that. You must have been flying first class.

Fifi Flowers said...

FAB in-flight post!!!

Formerly known as Frau said...

Wow you have a great life or maybe it's your job! Have fun I can't wait to see more of your amazing photos. Flying budget Ryan Air today and no snacks or meals! Have a wonderful time.

Eeli said...

Wholly crap I am like one of the biggest fangirls around. Just a recent liking to Kpop and Jpop (boy bands that is) ;) but WOWZA aren't they delish!

Why aren't my flights to Jp not as cool-seeming. We never get bento! Just cold sobu noodles lol and DEFINATELY no cute candy. Which airline to you fly with?

Hope you had/are having a faboosh time travelling :) Thanks for your well wishes to hun. I'm hoping all turns out well :)


kadler said...

Haha, you are hilarious. I'm sure the picture taking made the flight more bearable - I'm never a fan of those long trips!

Brian Miller said...

fun pics through the cupcake foil. safe travels!

muchlove said...

your in-flight lunch looks soooo cool! All in-flight meals should look like that.

May Kasahara said...

I am so jealous. I would be constantly distracted by all the eye-candy.

Amy said...

i am with DaisyChain...your pics are delicious! your blog rocks! i am loving the tales of journey!

Christina said...

you are so much fun and yes, your candy wrapper photography is quite creative.

me melodia said...

I want those wrappers.
Wish I was tagging along.