
Last year in August...
I was trying to figure out something new
in my life...

I hit the button and...
LENORENEVERMORE was first published in this
Has it really been a year already???
MY-my-my...hope I hit the right button...
" ooops! errr-errr....."
~Thank you* everyone for all the wonderful
love & support LENORENEVERMORE
had received for the past 1 (ONE!) year!!!
-Pics via designofsignage & Misilleballoon.com


Sixpence and A Blue Moon said...

Ah, so glad out cyberpaths crossed.:) You're one of the sweetest and nicest people I have met on here. Wishing you many happy days ahead...


Happy Happy Weekend!!!

Jan said...

Thank yous not required.
Happy Blogoversary Lenore!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! And Happy Birthday on your one year!

Hope there are many more so I can still count you as my friend :)

cherie said...

well, happy birthday, my dear!! paint the town red!

Sam said...

Au contraire madame! Le plaisir est pour moi et every other fortunate person who discovers your lively witty pretty fun sparkling blog - thank goodness for that fateful day one year ago I say! Happy blog-birthday!

Cheryl Peters said...

You picked the right thing to do last year when you started up your blog. You've created a fun place for many of us to visit.

Thank you!!!

Simply Colette said...

Happy Anniversary! Love that first photo :)


aurbie said...

Your banner rocks.

One year? Congrats.

Kwana said...

Happy Blogiversary. So glad you hit that button!

debra@dustjacket said...

Happy 1st Birthday, it's been great getting to know you and hope you continue on for a long time to come!

Love your photo's and sense of humor honey.

Jo said...

Hooray! Happy Blog Birthday!!

drollgirl said...

hahahah!!! i am glad you didn't push THAT button!

congratulations on a year of fabulousness! you and your blog are TOTALLY unique. and in the sea of blogs out there, yours is one that i treasure!

now treat yourself to something fab. i insist. :)

muchlove said...

Happy blogiversary!! :D

Anonymous said...

Happy one year! I've really enjoyed reading your blog!

TheBeautyFile said...

Congrats! I love your blog & creativity! Keep in comin'!!!

sofiasophie said...

Funny pics!

Happy birthday. Yor blog is very cool, funny and refreshing!

cherie said...

hello, lenore! i'm back, teehee! just want to say please go grab the Cupcake award from my site - i just gave you one!

modediktat said...

All the very best wishes for your blogs first birthday celebration!!
And cheers to more fabulous year to come!! I love your blog so very much and your view of life, style and humor! <3
hehe... I knew the last picture - hard to find balloons in shape of cruise missiles - the perfect excuse for driving the highway too fast! :-D
happy sunday to you! much love, sofie

cherie said...

ms, lenore, you're on my blogrol, and that's the only rule for the Cupcake award, so go grab it, please! it's yours! hugs!

Charlie said...

Congrats on your first year!I am so happy you hit that button and we somehow connected. What would the blogosphere be without Lenore Never More!? BORING! I cannot tell you how much joy you bring into my days. You are one of a kind and have an amazing way of making me laugh. Huge hugs and here's to you and many more.

Anthony said...

Congratulations, Lenore!

Your contribution to this little thing we call a "Blogosphere" is truly unique and entertaining!

I'm sure that I'm not alone when I say that I look forward to MANY more years of your witty and intelligent postings.

And something tells me you've only just begun, anyway...

Keith said...

Congrats on the one year anniversary. I really enjoy your blog. It's awesome. Hope you're having a nice weekend. Cheers!

sealaura said...

congrats darling! I am so happy to have found you and glad you came back from your blogging sabbatical earlier in the past year. I was elated to see your posts back on in the blogosphere. as unbelievable as it may seem, I think you truly do have a special spot in many people's daily lives, mine for sure.

Mekkan said...

Congratulations from Japan.
I feel so proud of myself having "met" you and being a fan of you. I really like reading your blog, which has lots of humor, kindness, information and intelligence. Keep on hitting the button !

Gigi Thibodeau said...

Hooray! Happy anniversary! I feel so lucky to have found your blog. Best wishes for the coming year. xoxo Gigi

Lola said...

Happy Blogoversary! And here's to many, many more!

So glad to have found your site - love yr sense of humour - rather like my own!!

Hope you've had a great weekend!


Laura Trevey said...

Happy One Year Anniversary!!!
So glad I found your wonderful blog a while back ~~~

Coming home after a 2 week vacation by the ocean :(
Have a great week ~~

xo Laura

B said...

Happy Bloggy-birthday!!!

Thanks for stopping by my place, you have a great blog; LOVE the header. Who is that little cutie - anyone you know?

Looking forward to reading lots more about you when I get back from Greece; these internet cafes are costing me a small fortune ;O)

Iva Messy said...

ohh my goodness! A whole year. wow wow wow!! A Very Happy Blogoversary to you my fabulous lovely friend! I love your blog! It is absolutely one of a kind that I greatly enjoy and treasure. You are so special and unique and blogging without you would not be complete!

A very happy weekend to you as well :) Celebrate this wonderful moment! I will toast to you :)

jdavissquared said...

Happy Blog-birthday! I'm so glad you hit that button!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Happy blogoversary gorgeous!

Couture Carrie said...

Happy Blogiversary, darling L! What a milestone!
Keep up the amazing work!


Gabbi said...

Happy Anniversary dear Lenore... so happy you decided to start a blog! *bises*

SQCXLover said...

Hola...Happy BLOG Birthday.....I am so happy for you.....

trishie said...

Congrats and happy anniversary! So glad you started the blog a year ago. My blog's 1 year is coming up soon too!

bananas. said...

YAY!!! happy one year! congrats on the success of your blogs. here's to many more years.


poet said...

Congratulations on blogging for a year! Looked at your first entries earlier... interesting to see how your unique writing style developed... very cool, keep it up!


noone said...

wow one year! That's awesome congrats! I love reading your blog- you come up with the most creative things to blog about!

Anna G said...

Congrats on your one year!!! I was so nervous to press that button.

Wondering Helen said...

Hurray! Happy Birthday, m'am! I'm so glad to have met you through this crazy blog machine.

Much love your way! xox

muchlove said...

thank you for the well wishes for my upcoming trip! :)
and I would love to see your pop-up books!

Baybay Mama said...

I love all the photos....amazing.

Amelia said...

Congrats on your blog anniversary!!! I'm getting close to mine, too :)

LenoreNeverM♡re said...

Thank you everyone...you made me so very special + HAPPY!!! ~God Bless!


Formerly known as Frau said...

Happy belated Blog Birthday!! Hope you had your cake and ate it too!

Marsi @ The Cottage Cheese said...

Hooray! Happy blog anniversary my dear! I'm so glad you're here ;)

McVal said...

Congratulations on your blogiversary! I hope I hit there someday!

Christina said...

happy blog-o-versary! no need to thank me for the support, you're easy to love.

Kitty Stampede said...

CONGRATS!!! Oh geez..if I get a spare moment later, i must...celebrate!!! I ADORE your blog, you are truly an inspiration and do it VERY right. I am so glad I tripped one day and discovered this blog...it brightens my days all the time. You are amazing! Sorry I'm late...I haven't been around a computer this weekend.
Lots of looove...xoxox

Diana said...

Happy Blog Birthday!

Isn't it amazing what we can do to influence others with the "publish post" button? :)

Kitty Stampede said...

Little Blog Post for you Dahlink! ;)

kadler said...

Yay, congrats! So glad to have you in our lives :)

me melodia said...

Wowzers you've only been doing this 1 year? You're a GD pro. Happy Blogoversary.
You're so impressive.