
.... Went on a blind date last night... arranged by a close friend & it was so scarrrrry... Errr-errr moments- cold sweats and all! Well, it was quite thrilling at the same time! He was a gentleman but there was no fireworks... Fell down on the steps outside the restaurant...don't worry, didnot break any bones...errr nor my sparkly teeth! I'm so very graceful like that!!! Thank goodness for the ballet class I took when I was a child...imagining I was a Swan Princess. So why is that I feel like an ugly duckling lately??? Wooohhh...this is getting wayyy too personal... The 'Swan Princess' would not like it, while the 'Ugly Duckling' is still smiling! Once again, struggling with my split-dual-personality...and still smiling ear to ear and wrinkles on my nose Darlingsss... ~XOXO*


schnitzerPHOTO said...

Cheers to you for taking chances, and smiling gracefully despite the lack of fireworks. Keep having fun!

Char said...

grace under pressure is always always a good thing

Ela said...

Ooh, what a lucky guy he was! Will you be seeing him again?
I'm sorry you fell, hon. So glad you didn't hurt yourself!
No ugly duckling talk/type whatsoever allowed. You are gorgeous and I never want to hear otherwise! xx

Amy said...

i am with schnitzerPHOTO...kudos to you for taking a chance, you fab girl! however, in my eyes, if there are no fireworks, that'd be it for me. if there was an inkling, then i would give it another shot!

falling down is a very human thing to do! yay!

Anonymous said...

So glad you escaped from the fall unscathed! And good on ya for trying out a blind date ... not sure I'd have the guts.

Yelena R. said...

Oh, I always fall and trip over stuff...it's just a part of life :)

sorry, there were no fireworks...maybe next time :)

carolina @ patagonia gifts said...

oh my! such a blind date, eh? lucky swan princess! keep trying, darling! to stumble is not to fall! :) xoxo

Couture Carrie said...

You are a swan princess, darling! Glad you had a fun blind date, but sorry about the spill! I'm sure you handled it with grace :)


Gabbi said...

Blind dates are exciting and scary aren't they... too bad about the sparks though. Sparks are hard :)

You're most definitely a Swan though dear Lenore, but it's very appropriate to feel a bit like ugly duckling I think. If a Swan felt like a Swan all the time it'd be so conceited no one would like them. Did that make sense?

Angela said...

I am sure you can't be an ugly duckling even if you try. blind dates are tricky. on the one hand it is exciting but dinner can become awfully long when there is no chemistry. yeah, did a few of those back in the days. : )

Jan said...

Can't start a fire without a spark.
Blind dates - do they EVER work out ?
Lovely accompanying photo to this post lovely Lenore x

Heidi said...

I'm sorry there weren't sparks. Perhaps the next time with another gentleman?

Glad to hear there weren't any bones broken. And there's no way you're an ugly duckling. No way! Swan. Graceful and beautiful swan all the way. :)

Dumbwit Tellher said...

Sparks..smarks..who needs them, they just shizzle after awhile. Have to admit though, sparks are pretty special. So glad your fall left those pretty purlies intact. Keep on - then when you to find your roman candle, you will appreciate him all the more.


Lianne said...

You're hilarious and what a graceful end to an evening.

noone said...

blind date, was he cute?? and koodos for taking chances! I'd never have the guts to do something like that! And I'm sure that you're a swan, you have such a lovely personality, you make me laugh all the time!

noone said...

P.S and not a lot of people make me actually chuckle infront of my monitor at work

Alicia @ boylerpf said...

Kudos to you for going on a blind date! I can't imagine dating in today's times. Even though no fireworks, a gentleman is always a plus!

Christina said...

i am the least graceful person when it comes to falling, some ballet classes might have done me well! sorry there were no fireworks but kudos for the attempt. blind dates are SCARY!

TheBeautyFile said...

Why is it that every time we want to impress, we {or I} end up on the floor? I ALWAYS fall when I am doing something important...in college I fell face first down the steps where EVERYONE hangs out in the summer time. I ran away. LOL.

Simply Mel {Reverie} said...

Your Prince will come...and he will adore his Swan Princess with the wrinkly nose!

Brian Miller said...

blind dates can be that way...back in the day if i heard "i know the perfect person..." it was time to run the other way. as long as you had fun...tuck that ugly duckling away...swan princess.

drollgirl said...

ok!!! it is so good that you got a date under your belt! no fireworks is ok! you can try again and/or move on to the next.

and if there were ever to be a KLUTZ-OFF, i'd be the hands down winner. you hear me? you wouldn't have a prayer next to me? k? k!

Anonymous said...

But you are a Swan Princess, you were just testing to see if he was a true Prince and would save you from falling.

Someday your true Prince will come along.

Elizabeth Marie said...

You are most definitely a princess my darling!!! Good for you for putting yourself out there...I predict huge fireworks in your future soon! XO

WendyB said...

I fell the other day too! It must be going around. Am proud to report that I too have my teeth.

Anthony said...

Good for you, Lenore!

Fortunately, I never had to maneuver through that whole dating gauntlet thing. I pretty much met Tommy right after high school, and the rest is history, as they say. I did have a few other relationships before him, but never actually "dated" anyone. I consider myself VERY lucky!

I'm so sorry that you fell. Too bad it had to be out in public, to boot! It's sort of amazing that your escort for the evening didn't wind up falling, also. You know, since he's "blind" and all. Hee-hee!

Maybe, next time you could go on a date with someone that can actually SEE... ;)

Toothfairy said...

Oh glad you're ok! stupid steps haha!
So guess, you're not going on a second date with this guy right? :P


CC said...

ohwww a blind date---exciting yet terrifying--am still to experience one =(

Cindy said...

glad you're ok. scott and i met on a blind date many moons, ago. it wasn't love at first sight, either. you never know where things will lead ;).

Aline said...

ooooh, good for you for trying a blind date!

you are so silly!!

Magdalena said...

You gotta have sparks!! I can't believe you fell, I just can't picture you wiping out. Makes me like you even more cause I'm sure you are a blast. (glad you didn't get hurt)

Sam said...

It's excellent that you have got back in the saddle again after that last no show. I think it's not a question of "If" you meet Prince Charming as "When" - so sorry to hear about the tumble!! But that is minor compared to what I've done on dates *shudder*!

poet said...

Sometimes you scare me, Lenore! :)


Kitty Stampede said...

awww...you are such a sweetie! He is lucky gent. You are so gutsy...it would be terrifying. I hope you find some brilliance to match yours..
haha..laughed about the falling, that is so something i would do.

NannyKat said...

Thank you very much for your comment! Your date is somewhat comical...don't get discouraged - I think you're a brave soul for going on a blind date! I've never had the courage to do that!

Iva Messy said...

WOOHOOO for a fun date even if there were no fireworks!! totally ok. You are such a swan princess! YOU ARE YOU ARE! YAY for falling, I do it all the time :) fun times :)

Anna G said...

So glad that it went well. I hope you see that guy again.

Kay said...

OH! Well, I hear that! (side note) took gymnastics for years, loved it! but wanted to be a graceful ballerina, took classes, realized I did not 'add' up and when I switched back to gymnastics the teacher says "she's much better at this!" ugh... graceful, not, tumbling, YES! and proud of it! :) Part of appreciating who we are, date went bad? Make a connection/friendship out of it...I mean, why not?

sofiasophie said...

How courageous you are.....
I would never never dare to go to a blind date!
am far too shy for that!
and regarding the fell, I am sure you handle it with grace....

modediktat said...

Hi there,
thanks for sharing this moment with us. You're very brave to go on a blind date. I can remember that I went to a blind date initiated by close friends. Torture! ;)
Oh no, my heart skipped a beat when I have read about your fell. Lucky that you didn't get hurt.
The same has happened to me - in school - which was way more frustrating. I walked the steps just behind my secret crush. And then - bambadambadambam... Everybody was looking at me including him. And it took them all one year to forget about it... :( Oh look, there she comes, beware of clumsy girl - boohooooo...
Wishing you a wonderful weekend!
xoxo sofie

Sarah said...

Good for you Lenore! Girl, you should never feel like an ugly duckling, ever! That's wrong on so many levels! You're one of theeee MOST beautiful people I've ever crossed paths with. I'm very proud of you for going on the blind date. No fireworks? That's ok. You were out and met someone new....be patient my dear, it will happen.


BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

I'm most certain that there is no ugly duckling in sight when it comes to you!

Sixpence and A Blue Moon said...

OK, now you're sounding way much like me with the falling down.:) You're ahead of me, I never had any ballet lesson, so I am not grace under pressure.

If no fireworks, just keep on moving on.:)
