
" New week!! New Happy* Monday!!! "
...errr-errr ???
Don't remind me pleassse...and you thought I was doing so well without getting any 'Monday-Blues' lately! It's baaaaack... oooh! I may need 'happy-pills' so I can show up at work looking + posing like these ladiesss...~whahhh* ~Hope Our NEW week be filled with fabulous Extravaganzasss!
Cos' I really like the sound of it;
Extravanganza...Extravaganza...Extravaganza !!!
[ NOT bad for a Monday Blues...errrrrr ]
-Photo ©Ormond Gigli via Artnet.Com


Yelena R. said...

oh Mondays...they happen too often...

Ela said...

Aw, I wish I were as happy as you are whenever I'm blue! Oooh, fun to say too lazy to type, so I'll just say it with you :) Hope you got that relaxing weekend you deserved :) xx

Anonymous said...

I am right there with ya, L. I SO wish I had another weekend going on instead of a humdrum Monday. Hope you see something today that brings a grin to your gorgeous face!

carolina @ patagonia gifts said...

oh yes, this weekend was toooo short! we had a wonderful time celebrating my birthday... don't want to start the week yet! xoxo

Cheryl Peters said...

I'm doing a whole bunch of talking to myself this particular Monday morning. Life is great, work is great, people are great, I am great, I'm happy to be working, blah, blah, blah.

So far it's helping me. I've survived the first hour and a half anyway.

The sun is shining; of course, that helps things tremendously.

Hurray, hurray.

I love your errrs and whahhhs...

Formerly known as Frau said...

Why do they come around so quickly!

Magdalena said...

Hang in there, only a few more days until Friday!!! I'm looking forward to hosting a nice happy hour this Friday!!

Jan said...

Step away from those pills!
You can deal (we know you can.)
Wishing you an xtra happy week anyway.

Christina said...

hello monday blues- i'm right there with you!
ick. double ick.
these are fun photos though- so at least we have that:)

Char said...

reminds me of a saying, wherever you go, here you are.

happy monday

Anonymous said...

Yes, it is Monday, isn't it. Where did Saturday and Sunday go?! At least we are working our way to another Friday!

Brian Miller said...

lovely pic...hope you have a fabulous Monday!

Lola said...

Super pic - hope you have a great Monday despite everything!!


Micaela said...

not bad at all :)

lovely Monday morn. to you darling! xo

Keith said...

I actually feel pretty good this Monday. That's a change for the last few Mondays. A couple of weeks ago was a real nightmare.

meraldia said...

Aw,I hate Mondays! Btw, great picture!

Alicia @ boylerpf said...

It seems that lately every weekend is too short & Monday's happen too often. What's with that? Happy week, dear lady!!

cherie said...

right with ya there! hahah! we'll make it!

Anonymous said...

Just jump and hold on! The week has just started ;D

Anonymous said...

Were those photographs done in a real city or were they in a kind of doll house?

Dumbwit Tellher said...

Those photos are perfect. In your honor I will run around the house yellling "extravaganza, extravaganza..extravaganza!" Happy Monday Dear Lenore

Iva Messy said...

ooohhh no!! but you were doing SO well :) hehhe its ok.....really...umm just step AWAY from the happy pills :) lol

Extravanganza IS a GREAT word :)

Extravanganza Extravanganza Extravanganza hehhe enjoy :)

Kay said...

So, true, a great word!!! May this Monday bring you something new! :) Exciting!

Aline said...


I am not loving this monday, blah!

Kitty Stampede said...

everytime you turn around,monday is here to bop ya in the brain. bah...haha!

Jeannette Mariae said...

Soon monday will be over, dear!!! You know I love mondays (big smile...)
Love JM

www.janetteria.com said...

Happy Monday Honey!


BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Throw some of those happy pills my way. Monday can suck it. Ah ha

poet said...

They say that there's an extravaganza gene. It makes you more likely to want to stick out. My mom says I have it. I believe you do, too! :) So don't get the blues - you're extravagant!


Couture Carrie said...

What cool pics!
Sorry about your Monday blues, darling! Feel better!


drollgirl said...

love the picture! hate mondays! boo for monday pain! that whole groundhog day of another monday happening is SOUL-CRUSHING.

so i am debbie downer today!

hmmm. now for something cheery?!??!?! ummmmmmmmmmmm. got it!!

YOU MAKE THE WORLD A BETTER PLACE! i always love coming to your blog, as i have no idea what i will find! and it is always GOOOOOOOOOOD!

Joyce said...

Blue is a pretty and a great color for a Monday. Enjoy! xoxo

Lianne said...

Great pics. And I have to say I click on your blog throughout the day because it makes me smile -- that baby is just so adorable.

Jennifer Fabulous said...

Love those pics!! And happy monday to you too. Lol. Mine hasn't been too bad actually. Yay!

Tina { Luphia Loves... } said...

monday again.. these pictures are pretty though :)

Haute World said...

This pic definitely brightened up my Monday! (ok, my Monday is almost over... maybe that helps). I've always thought making Wednesday a day-off would be a great way to break up the week and make every week day more bearable. Hope you have a great one!

Cindy said...

love them, but love the new banner more. that baby is so cute and right in our faces.

Toothfairy said...

I've just had a pretty ok monday, I must say!

love these pics!


Unknown said...

weekends are never long enough. great photos! hope your week is fabulous!

Gabby said...

Well, I hope your Monday hasn't been treating you too badly, my dear!

Sam said...

Oooh la la! I had a terrible dose of Monday-itus too! Chin up - remember Monday is one day closer to Friday!

Timoteo said...

Just discovered you. The most amazing blog...when I saw the kissing dogs, cats, and insects post I knew that here was a mind I'd love to take the cover off of and see how it ticks...

debra@dustjacket said...

Hey, you are doing fabulous for a Monday ;o

Noble Beeyotch said...

You seem so happy, that too on a monday! I am going to take your cue and try and be this chipper on a monday!

ilikestuff said...

I LOVE your new header. It's curing my case of the Mondays as we speak, LOL!

Phoebe Limanta said...

i hateee mondays :( i have tutorials for uni *sigh*

i loveee looking into those baby blues everytime i see your blog! the baby makes me smile :)

Angela said...

wish you all the happiness so you can pose like those lovely ladies.... : )

Sixpence and A Blue Moon said...

Hello SWEET lady!!! And you thought I was gone, but NO, here I am like a bad penny.:)

It's been a wild past week and half! Still not over, I'll be leaving for Indiana on Thursday, back over the weekend. I feel like I have been away for 2 months. Have missed your wit and humor.

Hope your Monday wasn't too long, nor too BLUE.


Sierra said...

Thanks for entering into my giveaway extravaganza (sounded like a good work lol) and sooo glad that Monday is over...Tuesday around the corner, watch out! ;)

Analisa said...

Haha I'm on summer break so every Monday just feels like every other day, but once school starts again, oh gosh! I hate Mondays

Elizabeth Marie said...

Ohhhh darling...how was your Monday?! I am a bit late in catching up grrrr...miss you...hope we have a TERRRRRRIFIC TUESDAY :)

sofiasophie said...

The pic is funny!
what is it ????

come one, you'll see as the week is very short and very soon it will be friday again...

ticklishfromadistance said...

I am with you. You would be cuter than any of these posers! xox