
Such lovely vintage tin boxes...perfect to store anything really
...even secretsss?!
Another confession by LENORENEVERMORE :
I'm not really good at keeping a secret!
Major ooops!!! Am I alone here?!
~do share any secrets (if you dare!), plus all the juicy bits of course...
'promise' not to tell ...errr-errr???
-Vintage tin boxes via Tawnillia


Simply Mel {Reverie} said...

Shhhhh....don't tell anyone, but I LOVE secrets too!

Unknown said...

Oh! That wooden box is so adorable, I love all the pics on it! Have a sweet day! x

debra@dustjacket said...

shoot .. you scared the bejeebers outa me with that header!

Mmmm secrets, you tell me one then I'll tell you one ;o

LenoreNeverM♡re said...

Dustjacket Attic,
hahaha...sorry to shock you,
I'm dangerous like that!

sofiasophie said...

I love boxes, I have plenty of boxes. my last one is a cardboard one, from Laduré... beautiful!

And actually I think, I am quite good keeping secrets....

trishie said...

Love the boxes. I think i'm terrible at keeping secrets all to myself. i'm good with sharing them...ha!

Jeannette Mariae said...

I is such a joy visiting your blog. I have been so busy, so it is great to be back.

Sweet secrets... Sweet day... Sweet you ;-)

Kalee said...

Beautiful and so dainty!

ticklishfromadistance said...

Hahahahaha!Secrets are great when they are not yours! xoxoxox

Amy said...

I can if I want to. I usually seal the secrets "in the vault". tee hee!

love your new header and those beautiful boxes!

Christina said...

oooh, these vintage tins are SO pretty. i'm not the best at secrets either, i suppose it depends on what type of secret it is?

Yelena R. said...

I love those! Oh and I also love secrets....but not telling mine :D

Anonymous said...

i totally love secrets. i haven't heard many lately, though...

Laura Trevey said...

LOVE the new photo! the Peacock :)

xo Laura

Anonymous said...

I love knowing secrets and I'm very good at keeping them. I think that's why people tell me everything. LOL

Seeker said...

Oh I just adore those boxes!!!
Secrets... I'm good on it... I just have to tell Hubby... lol lol

And what a gorgeous picture you have on your header, love it!!!!

All the best my sweetie

Blessings xoxo

www.janetteria.com said...

J'adore boxes, especially the jewellery and cookie boxes. :-D


Gigi Thibodeau said...

I love these boxes and I love secrets. I'm good at keeping other people's secrets, but I'm lousy at keeping my own!! xo

Anonymous said...

My youngest can't keep a secret to save his life! So what I want "slipped" I let slip to him LOL!

Your new header freaked me out!

Alicia @ boylerpf said...

Love those tins! I'm a secret keeper so go ahead and confess!!

Mekkan said...

"promise not to tell anybody else!" I love this phrase! When you speak this out, a secret is not a secret anymore!

Magdalena said...

Love the vintage tin boxes, adorable. I also love a good secret, you know, the kind that shocks you and fascinates you...they are so much fun to hear!!

Cheryl Peters said...

I love your header. Absolutely eye catching and fabulously unique and creative.

Secrets...I'll pass on the opportunity to share mine...maybe someday?

. said...

These vintage boxes are so lovely!!

Ela said...

Such pretty boxes and tins!
Oooh...I'm a vault :)

Thank you for your sweet words, hon.

Simply Colette said...

I keep others secrets... never my own. Quite quilty of TMI... ;)

Kay said...

i have my own secret tin (only they are wooden) and i adore them; and share the wealth inside, for what is a secret if not for sharing? :)

Anonymous said...

The boxes are just darling - I love old tins! I'm terrible with secrets, especially if they have to do with gifts I've purchased for friends or family.

Unknown said...

I would love to keep all my secrets in a pretty painted box or two! What a charming idea.


Sam said...

Cuties! I'm a bit of a box collector - they are great for bits of bling and trinkets. I'm pretty good at secrets I think!

drollgirl said...

i can keep a secret, no doubt!

Aline said...

I am the best secret keeper!

A Whimsical Girl Named Debbie said...

I did a post on vintage tins - love 'em, so pretty! Thank you for visiting GirlWhimsy - your comments always make me smile.

Jan said...

Love the header - love the tins - however ...
Whaddya mean ? You're brilliant at keeping secrets Lenore.
I mean you're positively genius at keeping us in suspense !
:) x

leah - moxiethrift on etsy said...

i love, love, love, tins. i can barely make myself list them in my etsy store. did i mention i love them?

ilikestuff said...

I would just like to say how much I enjoy visiting your blog and seeing a bright and shiny new header that puts a smile on my face.

And these tins are precious! I have a set of 3 that I got from Ikea recently that I like. But I still don't know what to put in them...

cherie said...

lenore, i have not been down here in a while, and i am sorry. i have been truly preoccupied with the disasters in SE Asia. would you visit my blogsite, please, and help me spread the links to relief organizations to help the victims in the philippines, indonesia and also samoa? thank you so much. God bless you.

Anonymous said...

I am from Taiwan! Si vous voulez visiter Taiwan, bienvenue sur mon site et des visites Zhijiao, je vais proposer divers types de visites guidées et visites guidées ...

I am from Taiwan! If you want to visit Taiwan, welcome to my site visits and Zhijiao, I will provide various guided tours and guided tours .

Ich komme aus Taiwan! Wenn Sie nach Taiwan besuchen möchten, herzlich willkommen auf meiner Besuche vor Ort und Zhijiao, werde ich verschiedene geführte Touren bieten und Führungen ...


Joyce said...

I love containers young and old. Very nice treasures you found.

I love this quote, "If you reveal your secrets to the wind, you should not blame the wind for revealing them to the trees." and try to live by it. I'm not always successful. LOL... xoxo

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

I loooooooove hearing a good secret. Such a weakness of mine. Does that make me a gossip? Oh well. Ah ha

Gabbi said...

Lovely boxes and tins! Especially that brown one... too pretty! :)

Madeleine Miranda said...

ohh! I adore the secrets box! Yippee, they are gorgeous!

I'm very pleased to have discovered your blog, I'm now a follower :)


her name is bek said...

I remember reading a story when I was younger about a girl who could never keep secrets so she would whisper them to the trees.... I wish I still had that book

your boxes are beautiful, I'd keep my secrets in them too

tina tarnoff said...

I love tin boxes, perfect for anything. and I do not knowhow to keep a secret. I would like to, desperatly, but I always tell. I'm not a bad person, really, it just comes out!

Unknown said...

Neither am I. I say to people not to tell me anything they wouldn't want at least four other people they don't know to hear. But I'll keep a secret of yours if you give me one of those vintage tins. Cross my heart ;)
