Shoot...it's Monday*

Hellooooo...... It's Monday and I am going back to
my office after a long absence. Honestly, not really looking forward
to it... especially when I am still recovering from a terrible jet lag!
This morning I woke up at 3 am!! O'well...hopefully I' ll survive
this extra busy day without drinking a gallon of coffee...
I shot the above photo from Singapore...The taxis there are
covered with all kind interesting Ads! O'yes, as promised, I wish to share
more of my 'Singapore photos' from my last trip this week okie*

errr...come to think of it, my office isn't really
a JUNGLE today!
But more like this :
" Good morning Mr. Boss....
pleasssse be gentle today...I'm sill having jet laggggg...
Is this the wrong time to ask you to review
my Christmas Bonus???
Didn't I perform very well in Singapore?!
You like my glowing sun tan...errr-errr??? "
Have a wonderful NEW* Week Everyone!
...off to work now!!! ~XOXO*
-additional images via Pixadaus & MarthaStewart.com


Pretty Zesty said...

welcome back! And yes, our offices are jungles for sure!

Jan said...

Well, let's just hope Lenore's cage doesn't get rattled today !
Have a great week ! x

Anonymous said...

I hope your day goes okay and that the jetlag leaves you soon!

Mekkan said...

Hope this week won't be mean to you. Have a pleasant week!

Iva Messy said...

LOL! Happy Monday Lenore! I hope your jetlag wears off soon....I woke up at 4 this morning if it makes you feel any better...no jetlag...just a cute little baby :)

I REALLY hope you had a fabulous Christmas Bonus :)

Happy Monday!

Joemill said...

Ha ha! You're funny but your spiel might not be too effective for a Christmas bonus. :)

drollgirl said...

oh, i hope it goes ok at work today!

and fingers crossed for a christmas bonus for you. AND ONE FOR ME TOO! :)

carolina @ patagonia gifts said...

haha! hope your Monday is not such a jungle, darling! xo

Alicia @ boylerpf said...

Ah...my office...with just me in it..is ALWAYS a jungle! Happy Monday!!

Unknown said...

hang in there! I hope you have an ok day...and that you can catch up on your sleep:)

Couture Carrie said...

Good luck back at the office, darling ~ hope you have a lovely week!


Dream Sequins said...

I know how you feel, girl. After just a quick weekend trip, it was torture to be back in the office. Can't even imagine how it must feel after a trip to Asia! We can swap notes next month after I return from Asia myself ;0

Phoenix said...

3 AM?! Yikes...jet lag OOOF. Maybe you can nap during your lunch break? :)

www.janetteria.com said...

Welcome back! Haha! Thats true. The office is a jungle! LOL!

Laura Trevey said...

back to work... back to work :(

Love the first image!
xo Laura

Kitty Stampede said...

I hope your day and jet lag disappear...poof..and next thing you know you are dreaming peacefully with your poochies.

bananas. said...

welcome back to the grind. fuuuunn (said in my most dry sarcastic voice). my office is so not a jungle, thank goodness.

hope your monday flies by so you can get some sleep already!

Sam said...

Bonne Chance Lenore! Thinking of you - Love your piccies - I wish I looked as full of chutzpah as that last personnage! More piccies please!!

Laura said...

Good Monday afternoon...see you made it through. Wonderful post as always sweetie. Come stop by for a slice of San Francisco...

Anonymous said...

mondays are rough! good luck with the back to work syndrome :)

Gabby said...

Hope your jet-lagged Monday isn't too bad, lady!

Gabbi said...

Taxi very much fits my mood today :) And the doggie in the lion costume is so cute!

Welcome back again dear Lenore... hope your Monday didn't suck... :)

Anonymous said...

Welcome back!

Our office is not a jungle, it's more like a funny farm ;D And we survive on Excedrine...seriously we do.

A Whimsical Girl Named Debbie said...

I hope you have a wonderful work week! I'll be thinking of you!

A Whimsical Girl Named Debbie said...

I hope you have a wonderful week!

Cheryl Peters said...

I empathize with you as you get back into the swing of going to the office. That can be very, very tough.

With your unique sense of humor, I believe you can handle everything and with class besides.

jdavissquared said...

welcome back!

Wanted to let you know that I'm having a little givaway on my blog, you should stop by!

Hope your monday turned out well!



Elizabeth Marie said...

Welcome back love!! You are so cute!

Susan said...

Hey I just got back from California - did we cross in mid air? I'm curious to know how many hours apart we are including the jetlag ...

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

I hoped you led with your suntan. Ah ha!

. said...

hope you had a great Monday!

Jill Pilgrim said...

Oh my God! That last pic is adorable!

sealaura said...

Hi there! I hate mondays too, luckily or unluckily I missed today since I had some sort of bug. I couldn't even enjoy this extra "day off". Hope you have a great week!

Keith said...

I hope you ended up having a good day at work. Mondays are never my favorite day of the week. I'm sure you definitely weren't ready to head back in.

ilikestuff said...

Haha! I always need to remember to check-in with your blog to cure the Monday blues. Suddenly life doesn't seem so glum.

kadler said...

Ooh, what were you doing in Singapore? Were you there for the Grand Prix? Also, how come I live in Hong Kong and have never been to Singapore?

debra@dustjacket said...

Welcome back honey, really hope the first day was easy on you. Just a little snooze in the cage today.

Magdalena said...

Hope your getting over the jet lag and work is not too hectic. Just a few more days until the weekend :)
fun pictures Lenore!!

Helen said...

Hope work went well for you!

TheBeautyFile said...

Love this!! So cheeky!! Have a great week and don't bite the boss!

Marsi @ The Cottage Cheese said...

The doggie lion costume is beyond cute! My pup Dodge would make a good Holstein cow (and he is getting fat as one too - he keeps eating acorns that falls from our giant oak tree).

Ela said...

You always make me giggle.
Love that pic!
And yes please to that bonus. You deserve it! Hope it's a BIG one :)