After a very looooong...17 hours flight,
I'm so glad to say that I'm finally back home-sweet-home!
The best part about coming home has always been
A LOVE FEST Welcome Greetings*
by loved onesssss...
~Take a look :
~Weeehhh...sure received
Lots & lots of tail wagging excitements
...LOVE festival indeed!
" pleassssse....
" my-my....this LOVE Fest is just
a little too much...give me a few seconds
to catch my breath...will ya' "
" ...ready for more??? You know
I give you more-more MORE!!! "
" ready or not !!! "
" We've been very-very good while
you were away...
We learned new trick
heart-shape-tails... you like?! "
[There's really nothing better than receiving unconditional LOVE*]

~XOXO*via home-sweet-home*
-My 5 loving Pugs Photo ©LENORENEVERMORE


Kalee said...

Welcome home! Glad you got home safely.

Keith said...

Welcome back home. I hope you get some rest and relaxation. Take care. Enjoy the weekend.

Anonymous said...

Such cuties! They clearly missed you a ton.

Anonymous said...

hehe. welcome back.
i love all the puppy bums

Cheryl Peters said...

Your doggies are wonderful, tails and all!

You're so entertaining with your pix and words. I gotta love you.

Anonymous said...

Welcome home!! And what cute photos. Hopefully you can rest up this weekend!

Ela said...

Aw, they missed you so much!!! Glad you got in safe and sound. Jet lag?

Have a great weekend, hon! xx

Laura Trevey said...

awe.... to CUTE!!!!!

Enjoy your weekend HOME!!
xo Laura

daisychain said...

welcome home darling

Mr H. said...

awww... pug's love is the best!

Micaela said...


yes, yes, UNCONDITIONAL love.

i don't know how you do it, fly all the time and for 17 hours!!!

next time i travel, i'm taking you to calm me. xo

Seeker said...

Welcome home, lovely you!!!!!
Oh they're such cuties, of course they just could be glad for you being home :)

Lots of love


Christina said...

your puggies are so cute, how do you tell them all apart?!
glad you're back home safely. now get some rest!

Dream Sequins said...

Awwwwwwww. So sweet! Welcome back :)

Kitty Stampede said...

Awwwww...Welcome Home! There is nothing like being greeted by poochies,do they ever know how to show they care. Kitties maintain their composure a little more..heehee. But nothing beats an outright losing all control greeting. sigh...i miss doggies.

carolina @ patagonia gifts said...

oh loveliness! how cute are they? welcome back, darrrrling!! have a wonderful weekend home! xo

Haute World said...

Welcome back! Wow, talk about a cute love fest! How adorable are they??? I bet they totally missed you. And the heart-shaped tails = best trick ever. Geez, 17 hours flight is a toughie though... you must be exhausted! Have a lovely relaxing weekend!

www.janetteria.com said...

Welcome back, doll!

YAY! Doggies! They are adorable!


Couture Carrie said...

Welcome home, darling L!

Cutest pups EVER!


Liz said...

I have a weird obsession with pugs and seeing your pics made my heart melt!

Anonymous said...

All that lovin' does make one exhausted. They are adorable!

Cindy said...

i'm wagging my tail, too! ok. so it's imaginary. welcome home!

Gabbi said...

Welcome home dear Lenore!! Your puppies are ADORABLE... you probably smelled infinitely exotic to them. :)

Alicia @ boylerpf said...

Welcome home! It's so great to be greeted with that unconditional love! Happy weekend ;)

Sam said...

Oh bless those peeps!! I can feel the love from here!! It must be the best to be back in your own home sweet home!! Have a lovely weekend sweetie! P.S. So glad you liked the prints! Thank you for your uber flattering comments! XX

Karen said...

Hey girl, your doggies are so sweet! Did you have a good trip? Welcome back :)

drollgirl said...

welcome home!!!! and your babies are just adorable!!!!!!!!!!

. said...

awwww, so adorable!!! welcome back!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Awwwwwwww. I bet they missed you!

Jan said...

Ah, they missed you so much.
Lucky for us we still got to read your blog , so in a way it didn't feel like you were gone.
Do tell more about your trip.
Have a well earned rest first though !
love xxx

Magdalena said...

Glad you are home safe and sound, your babies must be thrilled to be with you!! I hope we all get to see more of lovely Singapore after you are well rested.
No matter where you are this evening I hope it is fantastic!!!

Iva Messy said...

WELCOME BACK!! YAY!!!! omg..they are just tooo cute!

sofiasophie said...

17h flight.....
hard journey.....

aren't they cute these little dogs ???!!!

Cassaundra said...

awww pug love!

Joyce said...

Welcome Home! These 3 peas in a pod were so happy their tails were curling. They are cuties!! Isn't it great to be greeted by such happiness? Have a golden weekend. xoxo

Dumbwit Tellher said...

Pug love at it's finest. Welcome home Lenorenevermore :D

♥ your pug babies ~

sallymandy said...

Welcome Home, Lenore! What sweet babies. Five of them...you're five times blessed, and five times licked, I'm sure. hee hee.

Simply Mel {Reverie} said...

I just want to squeeze all your five beauties!

Isn't it grand to be welcomed by those cute little puglets!?!?!

TheBeautyFile said...

Oh, your babies are freakin' adorable!!! I don't think there's anything better than walking into your house from being away and getting the doggie greeting!

Simply Colette said...

Way adorable. Just want uncoil those little tails;) welcome home!

debra@dustjacket said...

Oh they are just SO ADORABLE, I love them. I love the photo's ~ a picture speaks volumes.

Syed said...

Awww these photographs are so adorable! Glad you're back home safely dear :)

Sixpence and A Blue Moon said...

Hello, GF! I haven't forgotten about you, not at all. I just needed to take some time to smell the coffee and feel the morning breeze brush my skin - something to make me feel alive again. Not sure I'm there, working on it though.

I've had a 16 year old staying with me the past 3 weeks, not sure I was ready for that.:) Damn, I don't think I would want to go back and visit 16 again.

Looks like you've been away on one of your adventures (I want your life) it appears to be much more exciting than mine.

Your dogs are absolutely adorable. I just want to hug and kiss them, snuggle with them. My babies are doing wonderful, they are the cutest things ever. I don't know how I am going to let them go, it will be heartbreaking. There is no way I can keep them, no matter how much I want to. Well, you will watch me go through a serious bout of depression when I have to give them up. I am not good at letting go of things, this certainly will not be any different.

I am going to try my best to post something tonight.

Thanks for the visit, it was so nice to go to my blog and see your note.:)

Hope you have a wonderful and magical week ahead, darling. You're the BEST!!!!


Unknown said...

Such a lovely welcome home! Have a sweet day! x

essbesee said...

welcome back! your dogs are insanely cute.

kadler said...

Holy moley, you have five pugs? That is too amazing for words. I'm so jealous!

How do you tell them apart?

Kwana said...

Welcome home! I can't stop smiling at those wagging tails.

Marsi @ The Cottage Cheese said...

Your babies are so cute! I can just imagine all the wiggly pug happiness when you returned home. There is nothing like the love from a pup. It's amazing, the bond between woman and dog. Unconditional love indeed. No other creature loves as a dog does. Pretty cool that the highlight of someone's day (every day) is when I walk through the door. I love doggies...

Diana said...

Your pugs are absolutely adorable!

me melodia said...


pve design said...

You are back! Time for some treats at home!!!