
.... Hellooooo...~Take a look at what I made over the weekend! It was a cold rainy day, perfect time to create something in the kitchen~ My dear friend always says, "Why don't you just buy it from the cake shop, less mess to clean afterwards...no?". Well, for me I have always enjoyed the whole process...from buying the ingredients from the favorite grocery store, even peeping through the oven window while I wait for the cake to rise & start to crack a little... and now as a blogger(ehem), clicking some photos and be able to share my passion with all of you. Moreover, I simply lurrrrve the delicious smell that travels throughout the house...so warm & cozzzy! But my friend is right about one thing, the mess afterwards...errrrr not so much fun! Anyway, here you are darrrlingsss...

...tempted to try?!

*Le Marquis~Chocolate Cake with Blackberries*

~Here are what we need = ~8 inches in diameter and 1½ inches deep cake pan ~3½ ounces semisweet baking chocolate ~2 tablespoons brewed coffee(optional) ~3½ tablespoons softened butter ~3 egg yolks ~1/2 cup granulated sugar ~3 egg whites ~Pinch of salt ~1 tablespoon granulated sugar ~2/3 cup sifted cake flour ~about 2 cups of fresh blackberries or other fruits...next time I want to try using kiwis...oooh would be very pretty!

1. Preheat oven to 350F. Butter & flour the cake pan. Measure out the ingredients. Stir chocolate & coffee in the saucepan over boiling water until chocolate is melted, beat in butter by spoonfuls to make a creamy mass. Let it cool to tepid while proceeding with recipe.

2. Beat egg yolks in the mixing bowl, gradually adding sugar, until thick & forms a ribbon.

3. Beat egg whites & salt together in a separate bowl until soft peaks are formed; sprinkle on sugar & beat until stiff peaks are formed.

4. Fold tepid chocolate & butter into egg yolk mixture, then fold in one-fourth of the egg whites. When partially blended, sift on one-fourth of the flour & continue folding, alternating rapidly with more egg whites & more flour until all egg whites & flour are incorporated.

5. Immediately turn into prepared cake pan and run the batter up to the rim all around. Bake in the middle level of preheated oven for about 30 minutes

6. Remove cake from oven and cool in pan 5 minutes. Cake will sink slightly & top will wrinkle. Allow to cool for at least 1-2 hours before icing. You can use any icing/frosting...for me I used dark chocolate ~frosting recipe click here*


D e l i c i o u s
simple...with food we make people happy!


GUGAW said...

look at that masterpiece! i can almost taste the chocolate....

Manju said...

OMG so much chocolate, an blueberries as well *drools*

Mr H. said...

Looks divine! Slurp :)~

Jan said...

Looks delish !
My mother was a fab baker/cook but sadly I didn't get that particular gene.
Lovely week Lenore x

Formerly known as Frau said...

wow looks amazing!! And did you say fat free?

Phoebe Limanta said...

omg it looks delicious! i must try this recipe out! :D

Magdalena said...

Oh L. you are killing me here, its 8 am and now all I can think about is this cake. Your pictures are so gorgeous I can almost taste the blackberries and rich chocolate.
I'm going running and then I getting some chocolate cake asap!!
( definitely printing this recipe!!!)
Wishing you a lovely Thanksgiving.

Kay said...

mmmmm....that looks delicious! and I agree, there is something about the smell of baking (especially in the cooler months)... also a good reason to have someone there to make the deal (I'll bake it if you clean it) hehe-- I need that person right now! :)

www.janetteria.com said...



Anonymous said...

Oooooh, it looks 100% perfect!

AJ at OFLBlog said...

Lenore, you are a chick with many talents, I see!!! Just like me (he he)....oxox....I sooo understand what you mean by "the experience" of baking....

Anonymous said...

That looks SO GOOD!!! I've been craving chocolate lately. Yumm!

Keith said...

OMG. That looks so delicious. You've got me so hungry now.

carolina @ patagonia gifts said...

oh my goodness, darling! I couldn't imagine you baking! you're really talented! xo

Kitty Stampede said...

GET OUT! That looks soo amazingly scrumptious. I can taste it now..wahhh...Can I have some?!? For Breakfast?? I can just smell and taste in my brain. You look like a talented baker. I'm kind of glad I don't have it,cause I might eat the whole thing..heheh.

Áine said...

I need to get a bucket and mop to clean up the drool,that cake looks so scrumptious!! :) YUM!!

Iva Messy said...

Lenore...dark and sexy! yes yes! {teeheehee} LOL

Cameron said...

Ah, I adore you even more now! what an insanely gorgeous chocolate yummy masterpiece!!!!!!!!! SERIOUSLY that frosting.....is now in my wheelhouse, I will dream of this, so thank God for the recipe!!!

you are the best :)

Unknown said...

oh WOW! i wish i could be as useful in the kitchen as you are! haha! ;P that looks heavenly!

Phoenix said...

I really, really think I love you. Also, on a related note, I'm now completely craving chocolate cake for breakfast.

Thank you so much for posting such a fabulous looking recipe (and those pictures make it look so incredibly yummy!)

Aline said...

my mouth is watering!

Tights Lover said...

That looks soooo delicious!!

James XVI said...

Wow, this cake looks amazing and these photos make my mouth water. I will make this for Thanksgiving desert at Garvinweasel. Thanks for the post!!

Thanks for visiting my new blog. Wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving.


BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

OMG, if you could see the drool right now. I can't eve begin to say how delicious that looks! Ahhhhhhhhhhh

Anonymous said...

Y U M M I *°*°*°*

Anonymous said...

Y U M M I *°*°*°*

bananas. said...

looks devine! if i liked cake i'd be all over that but luckily the love-to-bake-for-himself boyfriend would enojy this recipe so thank you dahling!

Toothfairy said...

ooooh sexy!!!!!
and yes with food we make people happy, but with chocolate we make people fall in love!!! haha


Beth Dunn said...

Live for all things blackberry. Looks scrumptious! xoxo


Kate Moore said...

I sooooo wish I could pop right over and enjoy some of that with you. I am with you. I love the whole process, it's just finding the time for the big special concoctions. I did a pumpkin, gingernut crust cheesecake this winter gone and haven't ventured for anything as fancy since.

Amy said...

oh my word!!! my ass just gained 500 lbs. looking at it! divine, divine, divine!

thank you for sharing the recipe, chicky!

Shining Windows said...

oh.my.gosh! looks so very good! send me a piece!!!

Amy said...

Oh. my. gosh. That looks like the most sinfully amazing thing I have seen for a while. I kind of feel like I have eaten too much already just by looking at it. Thanks for sharing :D

me melodia said...


and calorie full.

Melanie's Randomness said...

Oh my!! I've been getting into the whole baking thing lately & Omg this is so good. My mouth just watered, literally. I love the blackberries. I will so give this a try!!

Thanks for stopping by my blog the other day! Your always welcome! =)

Debra said...

Ohhhh my... this looks... well, almost obscene-in the very best possible way. You now having me craving something rich and chocolate-with still Thanksgiving two days away!!! I may have to make this between Thanksgiving and Christmas- ohhh... thank you so much!

Chelsea Talks Smack said...

OMG that looks stupidly amazing.

drollgirl said...

good god that looks delicious!!!!

hope you have a super holiday!

Dumbwit Tellher said...

Does that cake come with a warning label? You are quite the faaabulous cook Missy. Why oh why do you not live right next door I ask you? Thanks for the next best thing, the recipe. I adore you Lenorenevermore xx

debra@dustjacket said...

Oh that really does look delicious, I'm serious. Blackberries always remind me of my childhood, collecting them in tubs.

emily said...

mmmm devine

Mary-Laure said...

Looks too good for words... Beyond luscious.

Anonymous said...

Ohhh I want to try. And it's good for you! Anything with chocolate and fruit must be good for you ;)

Haute World said...

Oh my goodness that looks good! As a chocaholic, I'm drooling over my keyboard right now. Can you send over a slice please??

Ela said...

Shut up, you made that! Oh my gosh, looks like heaven on a plate. So amazingly divine. Yums. Thanks for sharing the recipe ;)

Holly Lefevre said...

I may just be in love...yum!

Charlie said...

Mama Mia...that looks so delicious, yum sister yum! I will bake this this weekend because I am a chocolate nut and I cannot resist.

Sam said...

I can't tell you how good that looks! I would be far too impatient to bake it however - I might accidentally on purpose let my boyfriend see this recipe! Thank you!! XX

WendyB said...

You're my type of cook! Borrow my kitchen any time.

Gabbi said...

Yummy!! Will definitely try to make also... thank you for the recipe dear Lenore.♥

Tracie said...

That is my kind of dessert!