brrrrr...it's so cold outside!

...and inside as well!
" brrr-brrr-brrr..."
(excuse me, I'm not a polar bear!)
I had to rush to the nearest hardware store last night,
to purchase an additional portable heater.
Have you seen those heaters lately...they're all very ugly looking!
On the other hand, I saw so many hot-hot guys there, 
you know...the bluecollarbutchmanlymantype!
A sight for my sore eyes indeed! (blushed*)
'How's the weather in your zipcode?'
[as usual, I'm so nosy like that!]


Erika Lee @ A Tiny Rocket said...

It is cold here too! We are supposed to get snow.

I need sunshine in my thoughts... beach.. maybe a fruity drink with an umbrella. :)

Susana said...

Hey!! Here it's really cold too!!! I am dreaming of Caribbean beaches these days...

Big hugs!

Unknown said...

Its so cold here too. I actually have one of those portable heaters under my desk at my office to keep my toes toasty. I cant stand it when my feet get cold!

LenoreNeverM♡re said...

Erika & Susana,
I'm dreaming the same location as well & coconut scented spf!

Old Cow,
feet & hands, I was wearing gloves indoor.

~Stay warm & cozy everyone!

Bruce Barone said...

01090 = cold @ 21
snow arriving tonight
10-20 inches

Tiffany Kadani said...

It's cold here! Like, 30's.

And I seriously think they should make designer space heaters.

Hot guys at the hardware store= awkward me. haha. Did you get any numbers though? Is that other guy in your life? See, I'm just as nosy!

www.janetteria.com said...

Oooh It's rainning weather, not so cold...


Anonymous said...

Ah.. the look of "not fun". I'd bottle up some warm California air for you but that sort of thing never works.

Anonymous said...

They are kinda ugly aren't they. :) But, I love how you looked on the bright side of things Lenore! LOL!

Zipcode 53548 = winter :(

martinealison said...

J'ai également acheté un chauffage d'appoint pour l'atelier... il n'est pas esthétiquement beau mais il chauffe... force oblige cette année avec le froid qui perdurait. Le thermomètre était descendu à -17°C chez moi avec neige+++.
A présent tout va mieux les Températures sont redevenues positives et la neige a fondu.

A~B said...

It's also very cold, and still too early to wait for spring today!
Keep warm Lenore!!

Cez said...

hey there...just because i love your blog...
I would like to give you the "Stylish Blogger Award" for your beautiful and so inspiring blog!

How this award works is that it's passed on from blogger to blogger, so I received the award from someone and I pass on the award to others. Part of this award is to write 7 things about yourself (on your blog post) and pass this award to 15 other recently discovered blogs you think deserves this award too.

You can see my post and the link for the award here:

Take care

Diana Mieczan said...

Its freezing here too...I cant wait for spring:) Hugs and kisses

drollgirl said...

for the first time in 10+ years i am using a heater this winter! i broke down when the temperature was 55 degrees in my living room. ack! so cold! nothing a heater and a blucollarbutchmanlymantype couldn't cure, eh?! :)

Kwana said...

It's only getting colder this week. Stay warm.

Shady Del Knight said...

60's/30's here in Florida, Lenore. Not too much to complain about. Stay warm, stay cool, stay safe!

Angela said...

cold in my opinion but i shouldn't whine since i live in socal.

Caroline said...

*snicker* I too love the bluecollarbutchmanlymantype :) Shhhhh...don't tell my husband ;) It's kinda chilly in my neck of the woods...55 degrees. I am such a weather wimp!

Mistress Maddie said...

Lenore, i have to admit since the holidays are over dear, I'm soooooo ready for spring! Although, I just adore a lovely winter wardrobe of sweater,scarves and nice jackets! And the weather here for tonight..... 19 degress and expecting 8-10"! Do you want to have a snow day tommorrow and help me design a groovy igloo?,

Unknown said...

Thanks for coming by my blog!!! It's about 8"'of snow here and 10* but feels like -5*. So it's quite cold here in my zip code!

Anonymous said...

it's 29* here and for a so cal girl that's cold!

David Toms said...

I hope that you asked some of the manly guys for some advice on how best to heat up your apartment! Freezing up here in Toronto, and snow tonight. Keep warm darling!

Stacey said...

It's so cold here too and we have lots of snow that has turned to ice! Schools have been closed since Monday. Stay warm:-)

Cheryl Peters said...

I'm so glad you were treated to some fine looking men at the store since the heaters were ugly.

Better to have ugly heaters than ugly men, right????

LenoreNeverM♡re said...

Oh Shaddy,
I'm going to steal that line!!!

Marsi @ The Cottage Cheese said...

It is sooo cold in the south! We just had our biggest snowstorm in 18 years (a whopping 8 inches in my yard, haha). And it's just getting colder for the rest of the week, with temps in the teens each night. Brrr... I've been loving our snowy winter, but I'm ready for a nice 60 degree week!

Saving Capulet said...

it's cold here in manila, too but very tolerable :>

Kitty Stampede said...

you're right about the heaters being ugmo. same with fans too. i much prefer the old romantic versions.

it's brrrific here. being inside is lovely!!!! and bed is better ever.