~I feel so GAY !

Show off time :
Received not one, but two!! bottles of bubbly Dom Pérignon from one of my clients.
Isn't that very special ?
(errr...what I meant to say is; "aren't I special?"~LOL*)
I'm going to copy Marilyn, and send him a 'thank you' card ASAP!
...obviously I feel gayer today ~Cheers!
* life is good *
P.S: Please drink alcohol responsibly darlings! -Photo ©LENORENEVERMORE -Marilyn Monroe letter via ffffound.Com


Laura Mullins said...

how very nice!! haha love the note.

Erika Lee @ A Tiny Rocket said...

YUM! The note is adorable.. What are you going to serve with it.. I personally love champagne with french fries.

M said...

Cute post.
Bottoms up! :-)

Dee Paulino said...

Woohoo!! Enjoy :)

Bruce Barone said...


Susana said...

I love that champagne! Lucky you, but you surely deserve it! Enjoy ;)!

carolina @ patagonia gifts said...

ahhh I bet you feel gayer! how couldn't you? love the note! so marilyn! xo

Anonymous said...

oh my yes to be drinking stars... ;)

martinealison said...

Une bouteille de champagne Dom Pérignon attend patiemment d'être dégustée dans ma cave...
C'est formidable d'être gaie de temps en temps. Bisous

Shady Del Knight said...

Yep, back in the day when the word gay was used in conversation and in popular songs it just meant happy.

LenoreNeverM♡re said...

back in the day, I bet they didn't use LOL either!

SabinePsynopsis said...

Oh my, WHAT are you doing for your clients, Lenore?!? It must be waaayyyy good. Enjoy!

stephanie said...

Those are some very nice gifts! :) I need to get some clients like that.

Anonymous said...

Oh this is fun! That little note just made my day :) How cute!

Anonymous said...

I need a bottle straight away, NOW!

Cez said...

LOL for the note!!!! hummmm Don Perrignon the best!!! love it....

Tiffany Kadani said...

You got some Dom? Whoa nelly! That is a NICE gift. You must kick some bootie at your job. Congrats to you!

*Trisha* said...

Great gift to get!

Love the thank you note :)


Simply Mel {Reverie} said...

This is one of my all-time favorite quotes by Marilyn! Yes, I'm a devoted bubbly drinker!


Wow now those are some fabulous clients, dear! :)

Stacey said...

Love that Marilyn quote at the end-so fitting too! Congrats on the bubbly! XX

Susan said...

Wishing you a curiously gay and super bubbly day. Sx

Jan said...

I can remember(sadly) when the word gay was applied to articles about interiors.
Hey ho - times change.
Did you drink both bottles at once?
If so, I understand.
Easy to do with Champers I've found.

David Toms said...

Yes, you have to! Marilyn would be proud!

Caroline said...

Hahahaha...I Love it! Cheers!

Callie Grayson said...

oh life is good! can I come over .......

Cheryl Peters said...

I love that note!! And more than that, I love that your client appreciates you too.

I hope you treat yourself to some champagne real soon.

Unknown said...

you very lucky girl, enjoy those!

Karena said...

Woo hoo girl enjoy the champagne...be gay and carefree...until your next client's project!


Art by Karena

www.janetteria.com said...

Enjoy, darling Lenore!


Tracey said...

Haha ... that thank you note is fantastic! :)

Lucky you, what a wonderful client you must have ... if you need help drinking it, you know where to find me! ;)

stephiejane said...

how lovely and delicious!! what a great gift :)

Saving Capulet said...

oh what a very nice present! and I love the note, Marilyn is just epic! :))

Kitty Stampede said...

what a cute note. she was so sweet.

Sam said...

Ha ha ha! Mailyn was a bit more than a dizzy blonde, wasn't she? Lucky you - what a civilised present!