Pampered PUGs

My dear pal Marsi, recently shared a photo of her in-law's pug in the new
 CHARMing doghouse, which by the way matches the colors of their Tudor home!
...is that a YSL chewing toy? ~how GLAM is that!
~bRaymond Meier for Vogue Magz
Mr Valentino's pugs are always so pampered...private jet+yacht+nannies ~hello?!!
" Oh...MOMMMYYYY !!! "
I think my baby is feeling a little envious lately!
errr...you know all my pugs are tech savvy, right?
-Photos: The Cottage Cheese~thanks Marsi! Raymond Meier for Vogue via NeoTraditionalist & LENORENEVERMORE


www.janetteria.com said...

Hehe! So adorable!

Cez said...

omg!!! my sister has the same one...so cute!!!!

Shady Del Knight said...

Pugs are hot status symbols nowadays as I'm sure you know, Lenore! I once owned a Yorkie and I always appreciate dog pictures.

LenoreNeverM♡re said...

For me I just adore their faces & curly tails, they snore too!
Pug's personality suits me perfectly somehow...

martinealison said...

La première photo m'a beaucoup plu.

debra@dustjacket said...

Now that is a home befitting a Pug! Love all the pic's...too adorable.
xoxo DJ

Marsi @ The Cottage Cheese said...

I'm delighted that you re-posted one of my images, thank YOU! These pampered pugs do have the life :) Your furry "kids" must miss you so much when you are traveling.

Helena - A Diary of Lovely said...

they are so beyonf cute and probably the best company ever

Anonymous said...

OMG I love this post Lenore! So precious are the little lovelies. Too cute :)

carolina @ patagonia gifts said...

oh so cute Lenore! love those bags too btw... xo

A~B said...

Luv pug, so cute!

Cheryl Peters said...

I bet your pugs fight with you over who gets to use the laptop. Or do you have a schedule that you all follow?

I love that you so love your pugs!!

Mekkan said...

Good Morning! It's Tuesday in Japan. Pugs are just lovely! Your post makes a perfect start to the day.

Kitty Stampede said...

OMGOMG...pugs KILL ME! i just adore them. that photo with the sexay shoe is the mouth is priceless.
i love little pug howls. i want to hang out with some pugs. none come to the daycare. i need to send out some puggy prayers. ;)

Tiffany Kadani said...

Haha! My friend got a new pug and for the life of me I tried to get a photo of her with my phone but she would not sit still long enough. I was like "Chris! I need to take a photo for Lenore! She would love this dog!" No such luck.

Tracey said...

They're all so cute!

It's so dangerous visiting here as I just want to go and adopt lots and lots of adorable pugs! ;)

Diana Mieczan said...

OMG they are soooo adorable and sweet...Happy Tuesday,sweetie

Jan said...

Is the top pug friendly?
I don't think he'd let me in.
Oh and I'm expecting a post from your babies sometime soon.

Melanie's Randomness said...

awww isn't that lil guy cute!! Wow I love the lil house. I wish I had a mini dog to cart around & play with it. They are too cute!

Melanie's Randomness

The Snarky Narwhal said...

WHAAAA I miss lingling....

so cute, adorable...wheezy adorableness

McVal said...

NOTHING worse than pug envy...
Adorable little pug house!

Couture Carrie said...

OMG love these pugs!

Adorable post!


Nadine Flatt said...

hahaha awesome pictures!

Anonymous said...

they're enough to make you wanna kiss'em on the mouth. If you haven't seen it already, I highly recommend "My Dog: An unconditional Love Story"

Cindy said...

i could be happy in that house ... how fabulous!

Anonymous said...

This made my day. So adorable! I need a house like that for my dog.