New Week~Wake UP!

" Wake up Curiosity, Wake Up!
Must admit that I've been spending too long under my own 'comfy blanket'...
Planning to expand & broaden my horizon and view the world differently.
How & where do I begin?
Double Dream Hands + Red Bull ?
-Photo ©LENORENEVERMORE -Video~Thanks Jason!


Anonymous said...

to seriously mess yourself up, ask
"What is the thing I'd hate doing the most?"
then do it.. it'll turn you on end. ;)

Cheryl Peters said...

When I feel really adventurous, I walk to the mailbox along the right side of the driveway instead of the left. What a rush!!!!

Are you ready for something that challenging, Lenore? Best of luck with whatever you choose to do!

Kitty Stampede said...

oh mymymymy...hahaha..that guy is wild. i especially love the shoulder moves.

you horizons should be pretty broadened considering all the travel you do. ;)

it's always good to get of your comfort zone!! do something you've always dreamed of but never had the guts to do!

LenoreNeverM♡re said...

Who says white guys can't dance,huh? LOL!

I just need more gutzo & explore outside the comfort zone, whatever/wherever that is...

~Thanks ladies!

Callie Grayson said...

double dream hands, love it!!
maybe add a bit of kick to that red bull??

Shady Del Knight said...

Stretching is great for you, Lenore. Bust loose from that L-7 square. Experience new things. Set new goals. Challenge yourself. As Flashdance admonished in 1983: take your passion and make it happen.

Caroline said...

OMG...that video was hilarious! Have you seen this take???


*Trisha* said...

"double dream hands" bahaha (:

I find myself learning tons of new things by being around people very different from myself... not that you should try to make friends with people just because their lives are foreign to you ^_^ But, you get what I'm sayin'.

Good luck, and let us know what happens. I like broadening my horizons too (:

Lipstick said...

hee hee....gotta laugh about that Sugar Free Red Bull! I tried it this week and it tasted like medicine. Best of luck on that one! :) I tried soooo hard to like it too.

martinealison said...

Pourquoi les lundis sont plus difficiles que les autres jours ?!...

CharlotteBellatrix said...

My advise is: Start doing yoga!

Have a splendid week!

Formerly known as Frau said...

Mondays suck plain and simple! Hope yours is good should be if you are downing Redbull!

McVal said...

Well, THAT woke me up! I think it was a combo of the dream hands or jazz hands... lol! Too funny! I'm going to have to show that to my girls tonight so they know how to dance at dances.

Bathwater said...

I think winter encourages us to hibernate.

Alkyoni said...

Hey, just letting you know that I gave you two awards at my blog.

Couture Carrie said...

Mondays are so tough...
I need a Red Bull too!


Melanie's Randomness said...

Great idea for motivation! I should have a red bull with my lunch it does vamp you up!! Good luck with your day!! =)

Melanie's Randomness

Anonymous said...

Boy, do I love love that video!
I'm having such a hard time getting motivated this morning....maybe I need that Red Bull...

Jan said...

Ha ha - hilarious LNM.
"Fists to your sides"
is my favourite bit.
Wishing you a great week!

Ana Degenaar said...

I really needed this! Thanks!

Jessica Turnbow said...

I couldnt watch the video :( Redbull is my fav energy drink though!
Come visit my blog, I am doing a giveaway and would love to have you enter in!

SabinePsynopsis said...

Ha! Had the day off today... Does that mean I could have done the 2 hands off workout? Only with Redbull!

LenoreNeverM♡re said...

Oh lucky you Sabine!
this video is perfect for any winter blues I tell ya'

Thank you everyone~

Kwana said...

I so enjoy double dream hands. LOL!