When I was in IKEA yesterday,

among many other things,
I witnessed a bunny orgy!
errr...others saw it too!
as mentioned earlier this week,
I still can't believe what my eyes were subjected to lately!



Mekkan said...

Oh, my, it's like a commuter rush in
a big city like Tokyo. "a bunny orgy"-----that's much funny!

By the way, I'm the first! Maybe it's due to the time difference :)

Melanie's Randomness said...

I went to Ikea yesterday and didn't see the bunny orgy!! Oh darn! I guess I need to walk through the kids section too. These are all so cute!! =)

Melanie's Randomness

David Toms said...

They all look so happy!

LenoreNeverM♡re said...

I spent too much time at the kiddie dept! I really need to grow up huh?!

Couture Carrie said...

Awwww so cute and cuddly!


Unknown said...

Bunnies LURVE orgies!! ahahahaha

Oh Lenore, you are priceless

Tiffany Kadani said...

Ikea makes stuffed animals???? I want!!!

A~B said...
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A~B said...

haha..you are a hoot!
I want to know what's going on inside your head!

Shady Del Knight said...

I want that hippo, Lenore Nevermore! Correction: I NEED that hippo!!!

Anonymous said...

LOL! So cute, and I love the bunnies!

You're not going to be happy until I make time for an Ikea outing are you ;) Ok....if I must... :)


samantha ramage said...

that ain't right! did you see anything as beautiful as the picture from yesterday?


Erika Lee @ A Tiny Rocket said...

Ikea is one of those places that gets your when you get in and see sooo much cute stuff then by the time you are ready to leave.. your like do i really need that.? oh sweet ikea.

Anonymous said...

I feel like I need a cigarette and I don't even smoke...


Haha so cute! Can you even imagine? :)

AEK said...

This post had me laughing out loud. Thanks for helping to put a smile on my face!

Diana Mieczan said...

Hahahah how adorable:) Those dogs are cute! Did you get something cool? Hugs and kisses, darling


For holiday, we gifted all the Ikea elephants in every size, and we received many smiles in exchange.


Caroline said...

Naughty bunnies ;) Cute shots!

Cheryl Peters said...

OMG! You must be so traumatized! How very unexpected and shocking it must have been for you.

I certainly hope you made a nice purchase elsewhere in the store, something to take your mind off the horror of the orgy.

KristiMcMurry said...

who knew a bunny orgy could be so cute! haha...I get to go to Ikea this weekend and I CAN'T WAIT!!!!

Stacey said...


LenoreNeverM♡re said...

Thank you everyone!
I have recovered from my trauma now~


Kitty Stampede said...

bahahahhaa...i did NOT expect this from your Ikea visit. interesting....

bananas. said...

bwahahahahhahahahahaaa!!! voyeurism at it's cheapest ;)

get it. ikea = cheap.


Jan said...

Worse - who knows what they get up to when the store's closed?

Dee Paulino said...

Hahaha, you're hilarious!

Jill said...

Plushie Heaven!

Saving Capulet said...

i received an error whilst commentiong T.T so i'm posting another one to be sure :>

bunny orgy omg :)) but i lovee the stuffed animals!! <3

jason said...

how do you manage it!? Such gorgeous photos from such unlikely sources.:)
You truly have a gift.
I'm serious!