~Wow IKEA, really?!

They look so expensive looking in this gorgeous room, yes?
As we all know, IKEA products are so dirt-cheap! 
...or should I say inexpensive?
I'm planning a trip to IKEA later today! Not for the $1.99 
full-hot-meal they serve there, but for some stuffs for our office.
Have you been to this giantmegasuperstore before?
errr-errr...I'm always so intimidated by the humongous retail space!
Let's just hope that I won't get lost in there! ~help!
I'll report & let you know...
- Photo found via Livethemma 


Diana Mieczan said...

The second photo is incredible...I love Ikea..They have some great home solutions:)
Hugs and kisses,sweetie
Have fun!

SabinePsynopsis said...

The problem with Ikea is everything is so [err...] inexpensive that one easily ends up with an Ikea catalogue room.
You enjoy your trip, Lenore! xoxo

Caroline said...

Looooooooove me some Ikea (and I do love there meatballs and mashed potatoes too ;) ).

Caroline said...

Have fun! Check out their frames as well!!! I love an IKEA outing!! XO!

Caroline said...

Have fun! Check out their frames as well!!! I love an IKEA outing!! XO!

Carol@6WilsonBlog.com said...

Really, it's the wardrobe I'm interested in! Check that out -- to die for in the second image. Oh, leave a peanut trail to find your way back out :)

Formerly known as Frau said...

Just follow the arrows and you will be fine! I wish we had one here!

Gabby said...

I love me some Ikea! It's so inexpensive. Have fun, lady!

stephiejane said...

i'm also usually intimidated by HUGE retail spaces but there is just *something* about ikea that i could go there all the time...haha i just love it.

LenoreNeverM♡re said...

Carol & Frau,
I'm thinking of taking a compass with me!

Laura Mullins said...

wow, these look really great!! i like ikea's cinnamon rolls haha. but i prefer thrifting/secondhand furniture when i can help it. or craigslist! (:

All things nice... said...

Good luck with the shopping, you will have to update us on what you purchase. Lovely images above, I have seen them in magazines before, really pretty

All things nice...

Anonymous said...

Lenore these are great! And bonus! I need some!!!! Great idea.

I love seeing these pictures, you find the prettiest photos to go with your posts...love that....

Anonymous said...

This might make me rethink Ikea, but I object to more than the Danish Modern design sensibility.

Cez said...

just incredible that ikea does that!!!! beautiful!!!!

martinealison said...

Dans votre première photo j'aime cette belle cage avec le ruban...
Allez fouiner chez Ikea...!
Je vous fais de grosses bises et merci pour votre gentil commentaire laissé sur mon blog.
A bientôt,

Erika Lee @ A Tiny Rocket said...

Ikea does surprise me everytime! I love those stupidily terrific meatballs!

Saving Capulet said...

oh it looks marvelous!! o.o happy shopping lenore!!

Anna White said...

I live just around the corner from Ikea..very dangerous territory for me that place...the only way I can drag hubby along is because of the cheapo meals..lol
I always end up leaving with nothing that I needed..but oh so loved!

Cheryl Peters said...

If you do get lost, hopefully, there will be some good-looking hunks to assist you. Remember the hardware store??

Look around. You may want to get lost on purpose.

Have fun!

Karena said...

Boo hoo I wish we had IKEA here!!!!

Art by Karena

Mekkan said...

I love exploring a huge shopping center. Have fun!

Kwana said...

Have fun. I have orange magazine files and boxes that I love on a skinny shelf that I got for next to nothing. Have some Swedish meatballs while you are there. De-lish!

Kitty Stampede said...

I was floored the first time I walked into Ikea..I don't own anything Ikea though..hahaha...even though there is one up the street. I don't know, I just really like mismatched vintage furniture preferably. I think I need to go shopping there with an Ikea expert to show me the light, because I just haven't found it..but I feel like I'm missing out.

Unknown said...

I LOVE IKEA. Although I planned not to buy anything for that visit, I always ended up with a thing or two. ALWAYS :) Their stuffs are irresistable.

David Toms said...

I am usually opposed to the Ikea mentality, as I think that things from Ikea only have a life of 5 years max, however that said, I am guilty of buying from Ikea. Occasionaly you will find something there that you just cannot do without, and their Billy bookcases are a classic

thais said...

I own many ikea 'inexpensive' items and love them. good luck with your adventures and good finds.

jason said...

Oh, how I wish we but had an IKEA here in this podunk town.
I dream of it nightly.

Susana said...

Hey! I love Ikea and seeing your photos I think I am right ;)!Don't be afraid of the retail space, you only go there after looking for your product in the computer, when you already know exactly where it is. Besides, most of the small products can be found outside of that space, in the display area, where you feel much more comfortable.

Huge kisses and good luck with the shopping!!

Sam said...

Oh yes! We have an IKEA here in Sydney that is so enormous that truly it is the size of a suburb - a medium sized one! Great fun though - make sure you tell someone where you are going and what time to expect you back! XO's

Helena - A Diary of Lovely said...

i love ikea no matter what, and love these 2, I thought the same, whaaaat??

Tracey said...

I love Ikea and the way they keep things so affordable and yet looking like a million dollars - those photos are glorious! :)

the southern hostess said...

What a gorgeous room! Hope you had fun at IKEA.

www.janetteria.com said...

I love IKEA!


McVal said...

Oh boy! I'd get lost... Gorgeous room.

Stacey said...

I'm yet to go there! But i wouldn't mind getting lost there!

*Trisha* said...

That room does look gorgeous!

I have still NEVER been to IKEA. Crazy, right?!?

I hear nothing but good things. So, I'm sure I'll be taking on that adventure in the semi-near future (:


abigail said...

hard to believe! looks amazing.

skeletaldreams said...

ikea is amazing, the display room looks magical