" Where the hell am I ? hmm...where did I put the maps!!!
I'm really lost... help! S.O.S..."

... Capture the spirit of travel… There’s a good reason many of us take MAPS with us when we travel...relying on them as the journey begins. Maps can guide and ‘transport’ us - Maps help us 'connect' to others… engenders a desire to see a new place, or to travel simply for the joy of the journey.. Who knows where this blog will all take us... you and me should just continue to travel this journey… shall we? Life is afterall Series of ‘maps’…maps of life?
When we are going somewhere that we have never been, we need a map to find our way there. That ‘map’ can be of a printed graph style… viewed images as described by someone to us. Who knows where this post will take us… but I think we all have our own ‘Graceland’… that special place where we go for reasons we can’t really explain, with the hope of not getting lost in the middle of nowhere… being well received? Getting lost can sometimes be a blessing in disguise…It might be the town not in any guidebook, the one we find when we get off a train… at the wrong stop! It’s the restaurant without a sign, a gem tiny art gallery in a back alley perhaps, the beach we would never be able to find again…but will always remember. Another reminder for all of us-- that it’s not the destination, but the journey that matters… Whatever it is, by car, boat, train or plane, even by foot…and burn some calories!!! The manner in which we travel plays a large role in the way in which we experience the world...I’m not sure we can call ourselves 'a traveler' if we had never made at least a trip by train, passing time watching the world pass outside our windows…so romantic!
Nowadays it's all about the Yahoo, Google and Map Quest... GPS systems and all kind of gadgets galore! Anyhow, life is so much easier...safer when we have whatever maps in-hand… This Thanksgiving week, millions of Americans will be travelling -- Have a safe journey everyone... most importantly always enjoy the journey of life! Shall we...
PICs & ARTworks : Photogragher Sophia & Mauro for Numero Magz - ZSUZANNA ILIJIN illustrator & graphic designer - LIZ GROTYOHANN Map Bowls -SHANNON RANKIN her Selflesh Shop HERE -ELISABETH LECOURT Map dresses


  1. What is it about maps? I adore them, especially old tattered stained ones.....am i wierd or am i wierd.

  2. i love maps :) i like looking at where things are and trying to learn. i wish i had a gps in my car!~

  3. Beautiful post + pics
    kss from Spain

  4. I love maps, it's like they hold secrets and opportunities. Cool post!

  5. have just realised you're back! welcome back! :D

    maps. i need maps. i have a very bad sense of direction haha. but i like getting lost too! (provided it's a nice lost and not the scary kind) lets you explore more.

    p.s. that picture of the head rest with the little man drawings in your previous post are so funny and cute!

  6. :) I am really bad at reading maps ^^ I like them though, especially those old ones. In a bookshop here, they have real nice "travel diaries" with pictures of old maps.
    By the way, thanks for all your comments.

  7. I'm OBSESSED with maps. Our library room in our house is decorated with different maps that cover almost all available wall surface, including a map of Middle Earth, which is one of my favorites.

  8. this is such a great piece!
    i missed reading your blog:)
    hope you're doing fine and best wishes from me!
    take care and be very happy!

  9. Extremely cool themed post! Loving those little map dresses. Maps make awesome wallpaper too :)


  10. Those map dresses are after my heart. Very inspiring post!

  11. What a beautiful post, darling! Love the photos and your message too. Have a blissful, wonderful Thanksgiving with your loved ones, dear! xoxo

  12. What a lovely post. There are definitely places in the world that I feel I've visited and left a bit of me behind because I feel so at home there. Makes me want to go on holiday now! I agree, there is something so nice about sitting on a journey whether by train/bus listening to music as you look out the window. It is definitely a romantic vision.

  13. ohh maps have such an magical feeling I can't describe.
    nice post

  14. I really love maps. I would love to design a room around one in a future house someday :) great post!

  15. I really like old maps! and I also love those globes that are also lamps hehe!
    Great and funny post!

  16. Oh my dear what amazing pictures!!!

    "most importantly always enjoy the journey of life!"
    Words of wisdom...

    Lovely post my dear

  17. woww this is an amazing post!

  18. Ooo these are awesome! What a brilliant collection- it makes me want to get crafty... and travel!

  19. I love all the maps...especially good to see a GB one there!!

  20. a feast for the eyes :) as always :) lovely!

  21. Lovely maps - I am saving some of these pictures in my Inspiration folder. (And what a coincidence - guess what the M in my alphabet book stands for!) Have a great thanksgiving, and if you are travelling, be safe!

  22. beautiful post..trying to figure out..where we exactly are. I have to have well, some sight to always help me get around town. Like that motel or this theater..to remember.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  23. Those may be paper, but I want a real frock with a map print! Really cool..

  24. map in a bowl!!!! how thoughtful.. figure out where you are while you eat! heheh

  25. Nice naked turkey picture- enjoy your day. You have an award on my blog.

  26. Very clever you are, Lenore.
    Like the ending. yes indeed it is the journey not the destination that matters.

  27. VERY cool maps! I love map art.

  28. i love the promise of maps...we've collected our faves from the places we've lived...

    this collection is perfection...

  29. Love those bowls. I wonder if I could attempt to make something like that myself...Think I have seen those little dresses before - you have a great selection of map items here!

  30. OH those map paper dresses are supercute!

  31. So true, the best journeys are the ones unplanned. My favourite moments of any trip were the ones where I wandered around, got lost, and met some wonderful strangers. Moments unexpected are great :)

  32. I love the first bowl, and the little dresses! How cute!

    I was taking pics of my favorite ornaments last night. I have a mini globe ornament - it looks very oldschool. I have always loved maps. Beautiful post!

  33. Thank you so much for commenting on my blog, since it meant I could find yours! I adore it - bizarrely enough, I saw this atlas dress in a gallery window the other day and fell in love with it!! I'll be checking back - and now have to read the Tim Walker book!! :)

  34. i love it here! so much eye candy!
