In the previous post...I shared a little confession- I adore the smell of books...such a 'turn-on'...not only that,

...find them extremely sexy!

yes, sexy...hmmm







....aaahhh yes again! (getting there...)

Yes! Yess!! Yesss!!!
(sexiest! climatic!!...ok, I need my cigarette now hee! sorry...almost forget this blog is G-Rated)
Hope the forever changing high-technology will not spoil & 'flush-down' my romance...
(do you read while...err never mind......forget it! too much info!!)

Amazon Kindle can now store thousands of books into the palm of
our hands...err not that sexy...no book-smell?!
I really want to create a perfume line...
That's right, the sexy-scent of books...available soon in the nearest retailers near you...hee!
Rei Kawakubo of Comme des Garçons loves the smell of burnt rubber, she bottles & sells...genius! (I bet she reads a lot!!)
...perhaps 'odd' to some & absolutely Divine to some, yes?
Any favorite 'odd ' smell...scent ??? Confess please...
PICs : 3rd fm top-Music group AurevoirSimone by FloraHanitijo, 'Books' images found here & here, Amazon & Images.com - More on Comme des Garçons parfums click here


  1. Agreed with the book smell business!
    I also love the smell of gas, but I think I wouldn't love it as a perfume. :)

  2. that kindle thing just doesn't cut it for me, no sexy book smell :P

    I'm drooling at all those bookcases. I need a good wall-to-wall bookcase

    hey thanks for that lovely comment!

  3. I saw a picture of Karl Lagerfeld's library. man that was sexay kerazy as well.

  4. I FEEL THE SAME WAY!!!! I love the smell of books, and I could stare at an overstuffed shelf of books all day!

  5. books are my one true love...!

  6. I love books, reading them, browsing through them, the smell of them ... LOVE the picture with the colour coded books. At a stage I wanted to cover all my books with white paper - but I guess that is a bit obsessive. Also I will need to cut down a small forest to be able to do so - I have hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of books (used to be over thousand, but I gave away half when we moved to a smaller house!)

  7. Oops, wanted to add that I like the smell of petrol and the smell of a match that has just been struck - not at the same time though!!

  8. haha i love the smell of books too. or when you go into old bookstores and sometimes they smell gross and musty but sometimes they just smell amaaaazing

  9. haha crack up loves it! Oh yes I love the smell of old books. However, it's more nostalgic then sexual lol!

  10. oh yes... that smile... oh my GOSH... im definitely in love, or should i say lust :) lol

    i need to start another book after i finish with the twilight :)

  11. Lol, you are hilarious! I love the smell of new books, but old books - not so much.

    I like the smell of wet paint. I know it's probably toxic but I can't help it.

  12. So will you get a kimble? I'm not sure I'd like them...love the bathroom with books. My grandpa keeps the Bible and the best westerns by his commode in the bathroom.

  13. Congrats, my dearest Lenore, you are the winner of my leaf jewelry give away!!

    Please contact me at cshanahan@patagoniagifts.com for contact info. Thanks a lot for participating!

  14. HIlarious. I too love the scent and feel of books!
    PS thanks for visiting my blog.

  15. i love the smell of books. what lovely pics! i'm still undecided about the kimble because i love the feeling of books. i also like the smell of new cars.

  16. Hello there,

    I think I've fallen for your blog...love.

    Can we be friends?

    Love Twigs X

  17. I agree, but only new book smell for me. Those musty old books can stay on the shelf.
    A new box of crayons is my fav yummy smell. oh.. and gasoline, but no perfume for me. :)xoxox
    happy weekend. :)

  18. LOVED this post! i think i need a cig now :) hahaha I would TOTALLY buy your parfume darling! totally.

    Okay sexy sex scene: Atonement!!! when he does her against the library stacks...


  19. i do love books, especially rooms full of them, but i am thinking not quite as much as you do.
    i do love the way hubby smells after a shave.

  20. A mi también me encanta el olor de los libros!! y otro olor que me encanta es el del plástico, la cortina nueva del baño o los muñecos de antes, no puedo quitar la nariz!

    Me encantan las fotos que has puesto de libros!!


  21. If you prefer, I write the comment in English.

    Enjoy the weekend!


  22. oh ilove reading. I want my own library :)
    and yes you are alright. I think more people should wear colours in winter.

  23. I feel the same way, L!! What fabulous photos! I especially love the labyrynthine library . . . reminds me of Borges!


    P.S. Adore the smell of baked goods. Vanilla is tres sexy!

  24. I too love books, but can't bring myself to love library books. They usually smell like they've been licked by homeless people.

  25. I would SO BUY a book-scented perfume. You should really pursue this idea, Lenore ... my weird favorite smell is my hubby's breath after he's had a beer. I don't drink, but there's something sexy about the smell of it coming off of him.

  26. I LOVE the smell of books
    and also sharpie pens, gas, and smoke. Haha.

  27. I too love the smell of old books, just amazing.

  28. haha love this post.. hilarious! i think i need to read more often though.. :(

    i love the smell when i turn on my gas stove.

  29. I agree, I adore the smell of books. Especially fresh brewed coffee and books! I love going into my local book store they have a cafe that is so aromatic plus the scent of books... I don't know I just love it! BTW amazing photos of all the lovely books, and thanks for stopping by my blog ♥


  30. Books have an amazing smell!!

    But the oddest smell that I love is the smell of dog paws..I am willing to bet few would agree with me.

  31. NO WAY!! I thought I was the only one.....

  32. thank you! and i'm back now :D
    and i too love the smell of books, new ones are the best :)

  33. Brilliant post. Long live book lust!

  34. you are so funny & so sexual,Lenore!
    I must say the smell of new shoes & new toilet paper roll, also nail polish remover. Gosh!!! I'm weird!!

  35. OMGGG, I love the smell of old books, too! I used to study at the library in college because it was just filled with really old books. My friend once told me that it smells like dust, allergies, and death. What does she know?? I also enjoy the smell of ball point pen ink... right after you've written on a piece of paper.

  36. Hahha books do smell good! I think old books are dirty, but they smell good!! I just started reading again. Hahha I bought a ton of books recently! =)

    Yeah! I've been taking fish oil lately and it doesn't seem to be doing much! Poo!

  37. i really don't like the smell of books. or not a room full of them. maybe one new one.
    magazines, on the other hand, yum. and new sneakers (haven't smelled that in a while though), and just being in hermes...powerful stuff.

    but i LOVED all your pictures. just wonderful!

  38. I always feel more comfortable when I walk into someones home that has a lot of books.

  39. Oh there is nothing better than walking into a book store and taking a big whiff! hmmm...books ^. ^

  40. Lol...
    Before I married, one of my prerequisites for seriously dating a guy was that he have a bookshelf with books on it. :) I never told them that, of course

  41. What an amazing post my dear. So creative. I really admire your imagination.
    I also love the books smell!!!
    And a weird smell that I like is the glue smell. lol

    Hope you're having a wonderful weekend darling.


  42. you are not alone! and, they DO make perfume: here and here!

  43. Look up CB I Hate Perfume, they have a library scent..I wear it all the time. :)

  44. Oh dear.

    I am feeling a bit--ahem--warm'ish.

    Thanks for THAT post. That was fun.

  45. I would SO wear a perfume that's redolent of books. I've read somewhere that the reason books smell so good is that the breakdown of a certain tree molecule (lignin, I believe) from the paper results in a sweet, vanila-like fragrance. No wonder I devour books so much!

  46. haha this is such a great post! =) you always have the most amazing photos in each post i've no idea how you find the time to search for so many! i love the smell of books too. Put me in a library or bookstore and something inside me just quietens down. A great way to destress in my opinion. =)
