It's all GOOD...

NO!...Never!!! My mind is always open...
like your nearest 7Eleven!

To re-adjust, re-balance, re-align...

...NOT these! But my personal LIFE!!!
It's all...

and so

for NOW at least... will be back???
(...errr I hope!)

Wishing + hoping
for better direction & perspective!
Hope you 'busy' lovely people understand...


some words of wisdom ~Kindness in words creates confidence.
Kindness in thinking creates profoundness.
Kindness in giving creates LOVE!


...It’s been very gratifying indeed... In this short period of time, I’ve come in contact with some wonderful people & LENORENEVERMORE has grown beyond my expectation! Most importantly I’ve grown...and learned a lot! For the most part I’ve successfully distracted myself from the ‘blah-blah-blah’ void at the center of my ‘creative’ human existence. For all this I am so grateful to all of you who have been so supportive. It is in large part- the knowledge that you, my readers & blog-friends who are lurking & sparkling out there like a shadowy stars which have kept me on the path and working and postingsss... It is the thrill and immediacy of being able to post and share ideas with like-minded individuals. So Thank YOU!!!
I feel an overwhelming need to move forward to allow for the possibility of great changes in my life. From this point forward LENORENEVERMORE will no longer be updated... until who knows when… All I know is that this is not the end… (I hope!) I intend on leaving the archives, so some of you who have linked LENORENEVERMORE in your blogs will not be 'penalized' for your impeccable fabulous taste...hee! I am pursuing a few exciting ‘real world’ projects which have nothing to do with any pixels! Again...this is NOT the end of the road for LENORENEVERMORE- a new post hopefully will be published again one day…someday! Well, dear RSS subscribers, please feel free to leave in your feed reader...
Sincerely, THANK YOU to all of you- kind readers and wonderful fellow bloggers. You’ve made these past few months a gratifying experience for me. I hope that when I resurface, wherever-whenever it may be, you would gracefully come and visit me again. Until then I encourage each one of us to continue counting all our blessings... SHALL WE! ~God bless!


  1. Noooo, I just found you!

    Maybe you'll miss us so much you won't be able to stay away!


    Best wishes for a happy journey....


  2. No!! I will miss you!!
    But Goodluck! Hope you come back soon.

  3. I hope what ever it is you need to do gets done. Be good and healthy and happy. Good luck!

  4. Aww - it'll be sad to see you go, but I hope you do come back one day!

    Take care until then! -x-

  5. We're gonna miss you big time...
    Already waiting for that future update!!


  6. NO! don't leave! i love your posts. and you actually read my other blog :(

    i will miss you loads.


    but, i shall be a good sport and say have fun with whatever you are going to do next, and good luck!

    <3 <3 <3 <3 lise *hugs*

  7. Well, if this isn't the saddest news I've heard lately!
    Good luck, Godspeed and May the Force be with you in all of your endeavors.

  8. We will miss you! I will definitely need to check out your archives then if I feel the need for some more lenorenevermore. Take care!

  9. OMG I'm so sad the hear this!!!!!
    You'll be very missed my dear.
    But I understand your point, so feel free to follow your heart.

    Hope you could be in touch and that this isn't a goodbye, but until we meet again.

    Feel free to return when you feel like it.
    We will be here waiting for you.

    One thing is true, I love you, my dear.

    So take care, all the best, and until...

    Blessings, Namasté


  10. God bless you! Hope all turns out the way you want it to turn out and that you have a wonderful journey with great experiences that will enrich your life even more! Good luck.

  11. aw dear :( i'll miss you and your beautiful photos :(
    take care honey and hope you have a wonderful journey ahead :)

  12. Hi!! i like this pic . I hope follow my blog and please click my google ads.

  13. Hi!! i like this pic . I hope follow my blog and please click my google ads.

  14. Oh shit you're going as well. have a great break (assuming you're coming back) and enjoy your free time. :P

    Of course, I will miss your enchanting posts. They are gems.

  15. Aw, you'll be missed darling

  16. Oh, sadness! It has been great following you - looking at your always interesting pics - and reading your quirky take on things. Good luck with the real world projects!

  17. I hope everything it's all right, we miss you. Good luck!!!!!


  18. aaaw good bye! i hope you succeed and find new roads to walk upon! but i shall miss your quirky blogging :(
    good luck!

  19. Oh lady, I feel like I just found you! But I completely understand. Best wishes on everything you pursue, and please do keep me posted so we don't lose touch!

  20. good luck with everything, you deserve the best...everyone will miss you and some good words from the heart maybe will help you!
    God bless you and be happy:)

  21. You will be missed, but I understand the need to move on and get better perspective! Wishing you the best!

  22. oh i hope you'll be back soon! ill miss you and im sure you'll miss us :D

  23. oh good luck with whatever you will be doing and hope to see you again soon!

  24. Thank YOU darling for your sincerity and attentiveness! Please don't be gone long, okay?


  25. Hope you'll be back soon!

  26. definitely will miss you as one of my blog friends. i will leave you in my bloglovin list so when you do post i'll be there:) all the best and see you soon hopefully! x

  27. I have absolutely loved your blog :) Hope you have a wonderful and happy future, and if you do ever decide to return to blogging, I shall definitely be reading ;)

  28. Bonne chance! I'll miss you too but a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do! :)

  29. alamak! wassuupppp???? Wa ha ha ha!!!!

  30. I shed a tear reading this. You are so loved and you will be so missed dear. I was just about to go to bed when i noticed that beautiful necklace you made hanging on my dresser and needed to see you.... :(

    I understand though, we all do, you must do what you must. I will probably be thinking about you till God knows when.

    Thankyou for being here and just being the kind soul you are.

    Wishing you well.

    Eelie xoxoxoxoxo

  31. Well, please keep checking my blog for inspiration and good thoughts! I'll miss your blog! Best wishes!

  32. why are so many bloggers that i love leaving the blog-world? i'm so sad now.

  33. You will be missed dear. Good luck with your project. Please come back soon.

  34. Aaaaaaw, what a pity...
    Anyhow, this post ROCKED.

  35. I've enjoyed your blog, you'll be missed! Wish you all the best!

  36. Aw sorry to hear you won't be updating anymore, but I understand, and best of luck to you in your real world projects and all, take care, and thanks also for all the lovely comments you've left me since we've known each other in the blogosphere! <3


  37. come back quick! :(

    but best wishes for a lovely time :)

  38. Best of luck in your good life! Hope you'll visit again soon :)

  39. Oh no, darling! I'll miss you!
    Thank you for beautiful comments and support during all this time.
    Best wishes!

  40. NO!!!
    I'll miss You bunches!

  41. Miss you! Hope things are going well.

  42. noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    this breaks my heart!!
    take care,
    I will miss you
    come back someday
    and if i don't read anymore "good luck in life" see ya in in the afterlife :)

  43. have a good time n pamper urself as much as u can u got only one life to live :o)

  44. Hi sweetie - just checking in!


  45. thank you darling!
    i hope i feel better soon, and mmm...Vit C...tasty

  46. jus wanted to swing by to see if you are interested in some contacts. ounsreysomaly.blogspot.com

  47. my lady are you back?!?!? :D :O

  48. oh noooooooooooo!!!! take care dear!

  49. We know how you feel!
    I must have read at least 5 blogs today all talking about lack of time and to dos and business.
    Feel free!

  50. Happy Valentine's Day, L!


  51. Hi my dear friend.
    How are you, I hope everything is fine.
    I miss you darling, thank you for dropping by my blog.
    All my love and a Happy Vday, gorgeous.


  52. I miss commenting on your page!!! xxx

  53. All the best in the future and good luck :)

  54. Where are you? We all miss your posts....

    Coe back soon!

  55. sad to say that i just discovered your great blog! :( sob-sob!!

  56. Will you get back here already?! :)

    P.S. Word verification: holday. I think it meant to say "holiday" and that you've been taking one for way too long!

  57. Nooooo come back.

    All the best,

  58. Just checking if you're ok and thanking all the nice and kind comments you've been doing in my blog.

    Hope everything is ok, my darling with many blessings.

    Love you
    Enjoy your time.

  59. it's all good and it has to stay this way:)
    all my consideration and good thoughts!

  60. Aw; I hope you'll be back soon; I love your witty posts!!

    "My mind is always open...
    like your nearest 7Eleven"

    This made me laugh!

    Hope you're happy though; whatever you're doing(:

  61. Just checkin' in to see if you've changed your mind yet :) Hope you are well.

  62. so happy that you decided to blog again!!!

  63. I just read through LNM and stumbled upon this post! Yikes!! I would have cried like a baby if you had not returned! I am so happy to have had the opportunity to be a part of this wonderful blog and your awesome creativity. Huge Hugs and have a lovely weekend!
