" what to do...what to do....? "

The beautiful & talented La Belette Rouge posted about her search for the perfect hair style and cut. She is feeling a little ‘hair fatigue’ and in search of a hairstyle that will allow her to rule the world (hellooo… I believe it could happen !) Anyhow, she is afraid… To some, a trip to a hair salon can be worst than going to the dentist…hair raising-ly terrifying. She is definitely specific and has strong hair cut fears…. (read her post here*)

Well-well-well… LENORENEVERMORE is always here willing and able to help… “fear-fear go away, whoosh!” Here are some tips/suggestions…hope this might errr…help??? ...errr???

1. They say- Always think outside the box!

2. Be inspired by nature...

errr…perhaps NOT so much of farm animals
(or anything that walks on hoofs!)


3. Try not to go for a ‘vintage’ look...
A can of hairspray per day isn’t good for the environment…
think & go ‘green’ always!


4. Bringing a picture to show the hairstylist
is sometimes NOT a good idea...

told you so......

5. Remember we are not those celebrities/movie stars…

6. That terms; ‘SEE & be seen’ should apply at all times
.. .

7. If everything fails…there is always a fancy hat!
(...adore you & your hat Aretha Franklin!)

...or a nice simple hair accessory
(like mentioned- ‘rule the world!’ look)

8. Carry a portable wind tunnel machine with you…
supposedly, the ‘wind-blown’ look is always sexier for some reasons…

9. Condition-condition-condition-er !!!

10. Change is always good...No FEAR !
(but again- with a name like hers...I'm sure all fears are
REBUKED to the bottom pit of hell !!! ...Amen*)


" hope LENORENEVERMORE has been very helpful darling..."
...any hair-raising stories or tips on our
'crown of glory' ???
~Do share.....
- Pics via Google Images key words : ' bad scary hair '.


  1. What a great post! La Belette's post inspired me to go out and do something about my 'do and I posted about it. My results aren't anywhere near as adventurous, but then I haven't taken any early-in-the-morning photo's ;).

    Best wishes

  2. Roaring here! What a great blog! Thanks for visiting mine, and sorry to hear both your grandparents had AZ. Love your wit and phenomenal photos! Liz

  3. You are a genius. So funny and witty! I wish I would have discovered you earlier.

    I used to be a hair dresser, so I have stories. I may write a book, haha.

  4. I just ADORED this post, so fun!
    The perfect hairstyle - we're all looking for it, no?

  5. Haha, I think I might get the one with the horses when my hair grows out XD

  6. wow that second picture is wicked, and this made me laugh.

  7. fabulousness as always from lenorenevermore! keep it coming!!

  8. Thanks for the happy spring wishes!
    Loving your sense of humour.
    Do come again :)
    Yep - hairdresser almost as gruelling as visiting the dentist for me!

  9. lol............this is the funniest post i've read this yr :o)....really inspiring :o)

  10. Such a fun post, L!
    Hair-raising, indeed!
    And of course we should trade links - I have already added you!


  11. Now those are some interesting heads of hair!

    I know what it's like to get an awful haircut. About 10 years ago, I got my hair cut short like Halle Berry's used to be, and I hated it. I was so upset that it scared me off getting my hair cut again for YEARS!

  12. What a fantastic post and selection! I love it!

    xoxo: Janet

  13. i love this hair post. i also love the many faces of madonna. i can't decide which one is my favorite.

  14. Your hairstyle tips are totally cute and I'm glad we agree on Aretha's hat. Your blog is really fun.


  15. omg, so hilarious. why is hair such a perennial and universal problem? agh!

  16. Hahaha! Trust you to find the best of the best! The cream of the crop! The hairiest and the scariest! Actually, L'Usband cuts my hair - it costs me not a cent, and I can boss him around as I would never dream to do to a hairdresser. (I find them a terrifying and intimidating breed ...)

  17. This made me smile from hairline to hairline! Excellent stuff! And have I mentioned how lovely it is to see you back in the blogosphere? It is!!!

  18. What a fabulous post - so funny. Loved it. I always believe that you should really go for it and change up your hair fairly often since it can always grow back.

    Thanks so much for visiting my blog!

  19. ha! this post is awesome....so glad that I found your blog!

  20. Haha such a fantastic post. I always seem to struggle with my hair, even on good days it's just a bunch of frizz lol.

  21. I'm so glad you're back! eeek!
    super fun post.

  22. OMG some of those hairs are amazing!

  23. hey there, you had left a comment on my blog about popcorn ceiling. i just wanted to let you know i responded but you gotta go back to my post. i was having a look see and i am digging your blog. its sexy, funny, and i'm stealing your pics!! i'm putting you on my fav list.

  24. I love n.6 but that could be me lol

  25. Hello Lenorenevermore,
    Thank you so much for popping by to view The Empress Dowager's New Jewels!

    Haircuts - I couldn't decide so I had a two-in-one (http://likklegirl.blogspot.com/2009/01/two-in-one-haircut.html). x

  26. haha! this is why I missed so much your posts!
    Hope you're having a wonderful weekend, darling!

  27. Enjoyed the post very much, full of surprises and humour. Very good use of pictures.

  28. Great pictures! I love the very first one with the huge hair, Char x

  29. those hairstyles are truly inspiring!
    wht a great post.. can i link youuu??? (:

  30. hahaha i had a good laugh with some hair photos :) but i do understand fear with hairdressers. i have never been "there" and came out satisfied. not even once. im trying to find a stylist who would, for one, do what i tell him/her to do, and for two, do it properly. its easy and simple. i wear my hair straight with banks. and i want them cut straight! but no... its always longer on one side. it hell!

  31. haha, you know that first box-beehive style is a sure winner.

  32. This was a great post! And these are tips I should keep in mind next time I go to my salon. If I could, I'd get a new hair cut every week...

    Have a lovely weekend!

  33. haha!
    I love the aretha one.
    It is so true too!

  34. this post is great!!!
    this is so funny :)
    love to read this !

  35. WHOAW to the 3rd and 4th photo!! Hihi. So creative!! :)

  36. haha your post is great!
    I'm scared for the hair salon two, I've had it shortend waay to many times (whilst I didn't want to)

  37. This is so much fun to look at! I love the one with Audrey Hepburn!

  38. i work at a hair salon! i LOVED this post ahaha makes me giggle!! love you dear

  39. Love the pictures, sooo cool :D

  40. am loving the 'outside the box" style:}

  41. I love the Nagi Noda hairstyle! Have you seen her other hair creations? I remember seeing a treehouse style once... not sure if she created it herself, but I think she was creative director for it.

  42. Hi-larious! I have a bit if hair fatigue as well, perhaps I will take these tips to my stylist when I finally get around to making an appointment :)

    ~Amanda @ One Happy Panda

  43. love it! makes me wish i did more with my hair..... Will enjoy following you!
