BLOG enVy*

This is where Martha Stewart spends her time blogging
[Le sigh......]

She dedicated this whole studio space as "BLOG ROOM"
[Le sigh......]

((( Le sigh*...3X! )))

Oh...Martha, Martha, Martha...how could you do this to me....I don't want to be envious but I simply can't help it right now... ~Martha Stewart, either you love her or hate her... I happen to admire and respect her very much. Confession time; I even had reoccurring dreams about her- that Martha and I 're really good friends, she was in my garden and we were discussing about our favorite plants...she was very sweet & kind... so very knowledgeable! (Anyone, pleassse... what does this dream mean???) I would even wake up shouting her name, yes...by her first name, "Martha!!!" or sometimes it would only be "Marrrth..." (but I still knew it was her...I mean I don't know any 'Marrrth' in my life!?! Who's that???)
Anyway, I think this lady has great fabulous taste and she continues to impress me especially with her attitude towards life- LIFESTYLE...full of passion & vigour...sponging her life with knowledge and beauty. Most important, she is 'sowing the seeds' to others...and let us be the 'gardeners' and enjoying the harvest...so to speak. Just take a look at her Blog Room/STUDIO...isn't it inspiring?! That's right- she dedicated this space for her Blogging... Le sigh (deep aaahhh-sigh...) Helooo...it's the perfect room for me and my 5 pugs...I always believe that SPACE = true LUXURY! How much I can imagine myself blogging in that very space...I really-really COULD!
Well, this has been my little 'confession!' I'm only human & capable of being a little envious (tssk! I'm dangerous like that! ~Hee*) ...Le sigh...Le sigh...Le sigh INDEED!!! ...I feel so much better now...guess it's always good to make some confessions once awhile... I might do more in the future, bear with me darlingsss... Now let me dream about her in my kitchen next!
click-click-click...THE BLOGSPHERE ?
-Click on pictures to enlarge & view details -Pics courtesy of The Martha Blog


  1. oh i LOVE martha. i'm subscribed to her magazine and frequent her website. the lady has class and creativity mastered - and for that i will forever respect her. i mean just LOOK at this studio! <3 soooo beautiful.

  2. "BLOG ROOM"??? ugh. i love her. i hate her. but i really do love her.

  3. I love Martha and have such respect for her.
    she has been one of my greatest mentors. I just wish we were friends and she let me come on her show!!!

  4. I love that room!!! I wish I had that much space, instead I blog at my school's library or in the kitchen at my house.

    ps. I tagged you. :)

  5. I really don't mind Martha in fact I give her props because that woman did time. She's harder than all the bitches out there.

  6. she would! unbelievably. and i love her in spite of myself.

  7. I'm jealous of her - she does beautiful things but I get too overwhelved by the details.

  8. Wow, that room. I'm kind of surprised she does her own blogging. She has a couple other things to do, usually.

    I love Martha too. I always have, and like you, the knowledge thing has always been a key for me. I remember her early magazines and one in-depth story about citrus fruit. I just devoured it, had never read anything like that in a lifestyle magazine. She's elevated the quality of our lives a lot, I think.

    The only thing missing from this blog room to my eye is the snack tray.

    Thanks! Nice post.

  9. WOW. I love that blog room - so nicee. Here we only know her by her name ;-)

  10. I have enjoyed your posts, and looking forward to reading more~

    Thanks for visiting my blog.


  11. I have enjoyed your posts, and looking forward to reading more~

    Thanks for visiting my blog.


  12. lol I can MOST definately say that i have NEVER had dreams of Martha Stewart hahah. Another reason why you crack me up so much! hahahahaha

    And I agree with you the men DID seem to be trying too hard but they were so much more interesting to look at!

    Hope your sat goes well

    xx Eeli

  13. She's a legend really isn't she?
    Some time ago she asked for bloggers to link to her blog, then she was going to pick a few at random to feature. Naturally, being a fan, I joined in. As far as I know though, it never happened. Probably the response was overwhelming, but I think I'd forgive her anything (hate the way the press have treated her in the past)
    Martha always bounces back though!

  14. Oh I know, this is kickass. I am the least crafty, least organized, least creative person I know, but Martha's still a fave of mine.

  15. I love that room! Cooool!

    I adore Ur new header darling! :)


  16. haha a BLOG ROOM??? haha thats pretty cool.

  17. oh my! this is her blog room??? how can't you be envious? stunning place to blog!
    Have a wonderful weekend, darling!

  18. Oh my, oh my, oh my, that studio looks STUNNING!! Sooo jealous lol. Now the weather is nicer, I've been trying to blog as much as possible in the garden, sitting on the grass :)

  19. That's nice and all, but where is the plate of cupcakes and vase of fresh blooms from her garden?


  20. I have mixed feelings about Martha as a person and personality ... but she does have the BEST taste. Her blog room is totally inspiring! And quite jealousy-inducing. ;)

  21. Who would not want to have a whole room dedicated to blogging.;))
    Thank you so much for your kind visit to my place.,))

  22. I love her! I guess inspiration boards are key for successful blogging. Great post! I am inspired today to recreate my drab office space.

  23. OMG! Wow! What a room! Although I have to sasy, for myself I prefer something more intimate and cozy
    PS the pic you liked is in Bali

  24. baaaah a blog room?!?!
    i want one too.
    sigh you're right, you gotta love or hate martha.
    and i love martha. i secretly want to be like her. hehe.
    have a good weekend! :)

  25. Wow, that's what I call blogging in style...I mean a frigging blog room that's insane----genius insane though.
    PeAce & BoWs...
    prettyneons X

  26. Wow a blogging room??? I only wish...
    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  27. wow... do i need to redecorate then..?

  28. Wow that is a great blog room. Wow. My blog boom includes my cube at work with a nosy cube mate that comes by and watch what I'm doing.

  29. Wow Martha's blogging space IS enviable! I blog from the "office" in my house - really just a closet of a room with both my computers ...
    It's fun to dream though :)


  30. Don't I WISH I had a room like that for blogging! Do you think I wouldn't have bloggers block if I clicked away there? My room is cozy, spackled deep mustard wall covered with black and white pics.

    Come on over...I'm having a giveaway you might like!

  31. Awesome...I need a blog room but I would throw in a few comfy cushions into the mix!

  32. i dunno ...it looks kinda cold to me.

  33. Ugh, what an amazing place.

  34. Have you ever heard Conan O'Brien's imitation of Martha?? Its hilarious!
    I was surprised that it wasn't more cozy looking and I wonder how much personal blogging she does or if she gets others do it for her...she is a busy, crafty lady..I can't picture her being able to sit put in front of a computer for long..hmmmm....

  35. Le sigh! What doesn't Martha have? NICE big space! Oh the painting I could so in there too!
    ENJOY your weekend!

  36. um, my first thought on seeing her blog space was YOU BITCH!!! but maybe i am just a jealous hater today!

    and i think you have a certifiable girl crush on madame martha. :)

  37. ah, so awesome!!! I love me some Martha too:)

  38. Aren't dreams really about yourself in all rolls? Perhaps you are the expert in the garden... you who are full of passion and vigor and are sowing the seeds of inspiration?!!

  39. i'm absolutely not martha--hence the blog title. have a great weekend!

  40. eh eh amboi...makan hati....aku nak juga...!

  41. Wow. I am jealous. But more about the fact that she HAS a blogspace. It's lovely, but..really really organised looking. I imagine mine in a big room full of piles of books and magazines. Maybe I use all my excess books to make a desk to put my laptop on..organised chaos.

    But really, I have to love anyone who has an actual 'blog room'.

  42. Well, since I'm a foreigh I really have no opinion about her, doesn't bother me.
    But I do want a blog room just half like that!!!!!!
    I do agree with you, we must not be envious, but how can we escape from that????? LOL LOL

    Well, my darling I hope you'll have a gorgeous weekend.
    Lots of love
    Is your mother better?


  43. amazing space!! i'd love a blog room too! :)

  44. wow, a whole room for blogging? that's taking blogging up to a completely new level!

    plus the room is super uber clean. and about twice the size of my room lol

  45. Its a great space no doubt but looks so very unintimate or impersonal. I would have imagined her being in a more comfortable and warm setting with more natural lighting at the very least.
    Still, a large space.

  46. I think shes so amazing!! Obviously such a dedicate women with fabulous results xx I want a blog room too now :]

  47. I too have always been strangely obsessed with Martha Stewart. I mean, she can do what all of us do, but she just does it better, from cooking, to gardening, to decorating, to now, apparently, blogging. Thanks for posting these photos!

  48. That room! Le sigh is right!!

    Your fantasy friendship with Martha Stewart is like mine with Tina Fey. I adore Tina and envision us having good conversation, taking our kids to the park and eating cupcakes or something like that...

  49. wow.
    i really do envy martha. i subscribe to her magazine and everything. she is amazing.

  50. She does not blog. No way. Can't. But the space is nice, yes, nice. It's like Ina Garten building a new "barn" that really looks like a 2,500 SF guest cottage. I respect them both, yes, but I don't believe either blogs. They can pay their staff to do so for them. {COVET, COVET}

    Just discovered your blog today via moxie (http://moxiephotoanddesign.blogspot.com) and thank you for your humorous look at life. :-)

  51. I bet you a million dollars she isn't happy. She always struck me as lonely and dissatisfied. A lifestyle isn't a life.
