" WOO-HOOO !!! "
I can be quite annoying...it's Monday(...again!)
...and I'm CHEERful as can be...

A quick recap on my last week 'Cute-Dentist-blush-blush*-Dr ClooneyISH'
date...errr I mean appointment... Believe me, I was really excited (butterflies flying high & low in my stomach...I mean whereas can they fly to right?! Brazil???) Quite pathetic really... I even made an extra effort to dress up and looking really cute for him... Hah! even brushed my teeth TWICE!!! before I left home...(right!!!...blush-blush*& then BRUSHED!!!...like the story so far???)
I took the advice from the gorgeous Carrie of CotureCarrie and apply LIP-Gloss as she suggested (vanilla & cotton candy scent if you are curious to know!) ~"Thank you CC darling!" Anyway, I didn't want to be late for my date-errr...I mean my appointment & kissed all my dogs goodbye & rushed my way to his clinic... In my car I realized my dogs hair/furs were stuck on my sexy lips!!! How SEXXXY can that be?! ...My lips 're growing a man's "five o'clock shadow" right before my eyes!!! BLONDE stubbles at that!!! (my adorable Pugs have 'fawn' blonde furs you see...)
...WHat is this with lip gloss & hair/DUST particles...they stick like magnet to a fridge door I'm tellin ya'...
Talking about trying my very best to look CUTE & SEXY for this dentist, I realized that it is much harder than I expected.... (Woo-hoo???Boo-booh!) Just take a look darlings... HOW can someone be 'SAXayyy' from this angles! High Voltage light shone right on my face, Mouth opened real WIDE!! & extreme FEAR+TERROR in my gorgeous eyes (I might have flickered my long beautiful eyelashes, but I bet I look more like someone with seizures...Don't forget lips with lipGloss quivering and all...Last but not least- Saliva being SUCKED by a machine(hey why not suck my brain too!!!) Well-well-well take a look for yourselves darlingsss...

very-very 'cute & sexy' indeed......

smile or laugh at me will ya'
...will be continued*
-Pics : Vogue China & all animals Via Flickrs.Com


  1. ha, i love your series in dentist appt/date!

  2. lol cute so so cute you are hahaha. CC always gives great advice she also has a talent for scouting pretty things!

    And yes! Bella is a fav of mine too! hehehe


  3. Beautiful!Thanks for leaving comments on our blog.Look forward to further communicating with you.Good luck!

  4. Awww hahaha, this post was awesome dear! The lip gloss sounds yummy, and I'm sure you looked fine even with that saliva sucky thing trying to pull your face off. The animal pictures were cute, I love that camel one :)

  5. Hilarious ...
    the efficiency of the nurse with the suction is crucial here, choking or spitting being the alternatives! :)

  6. You are so funny. I'm dying for the continued. I was at the dentist last week too. Not cute or sexy. No fun at all. I wore my worst clothes and Carmex on my lips. I don't like him. Blah! Maybe I need a switch?

  7. This cracked me up.


  8. eh sayang the lacoste buaya kau post dua kali...salah lah...lol...TTYL..XOXO

  9. Lenore, you are a HOOT!

  10. hahaha... so funny photos darling! don't let us waiting too long for the end of the story!

  11. hahaha looking cute and sexy for the dentist, funny! I wish my dentist is young and good looking

  12. the suspense grows! I love these pictures, you always come up with amazing photographs. can't wait to hear the rest of the story.

  13. my what a pretty smile you have! :_

  14. funny... like the dog hair lips... it'll be the next thing on mcqueen's runway ;)


  15. BAHAHAHA! That was great...I would hate to have a cute dentist..all those bright lights and up sooo close to my face...Eeek..too much information..haha. Man, that cracked me up...omg I can't breathe..lol
    too funny!

  16. You funny!
    I had a big crush on my dentist...fantasies of throwing my arms around him as soon as I got my yapper shut again and the "bib' of my neck. Then the happy gas wore off and I remembered my husband and my right mind. The dentist wasn't so hot after all...and the elation was gone...love that happy gas!

  17. My dentist is very nice but not at all worth a special application of lip gloss! Can't wait for the next installment of you adventure/date/appointment... :o)

  18. Hehe I am ALWAYS getting cat hairs stuck to my face. Hot!

  19. um, i never met a man that didn't like a woman with her mouth wide open. i am sure you were as cute as can be. :)

  20. Every time I got to the dentist and think of how unglamorous it is, I try to picture people that are considered 'good looking' among the public and them having the spit go all over their faces like Brad Pitt, or James Franco. To put it in a nut shell, it is so unglamorous.

  21. cute post!! I'm eager to hear how it went...and I live with two cutie pie pugs.

  22. i think you should have a "tooth ache" and wear a low cut top and he wont be looking at your mouth.

  23. I just looove those animal pics. Some of those guys really need to see a dentist. But what about the poor black doggie... who or what on earth took a lump out of his tongue?!

  24. Hahaha, this is so funny! I love it :P

    The moment I read the part of you kissing your dogs goodbye, I immediately thought "Wait, but she has lipgloss on!" And then what I feared would happen, happened... Sorry! Next time you'll be more prepared. And, yeah, those angles aren't too flattering at all... oh, but you're surely cute enough to get away with that! :D

  25. lol - this is a great story! There is nothing funner than having a crush! Butterflies are the best. :)

  26. Oh no! LoL.. But maybe he was seduced by your smile before and after? ;)

  27. Haha!

    Great photo selection Honey! :)


  28. a very cute post! xoxo

  29. You are too adorable, L! Thanks for the shout-out and for taking my advice - yay! Love all these pics; made me smile and show off my pearly whites! I'm crossing my fingers for you and the DMD!


  30. Hahaha, omg, you are so funny+adorable.

  31. LOL... I am sure you still looked beautiful.

  32. Can't wait to read the next chapter!

  33. OMG L* just you to make me smile that I am with those pictures and text.
    You're so funny and cute, sweetheart.

    Thank you soooooooooo much my dear for your words of support and concern.

    So how's your mom? Just well???

    Take care darling, all the best


  34. Great, great photos!! You are hilarious and adorable...even with your mouth WIDE open!

  35. I've had mini crushes on all of my dentists. Unfortunately, my tonsils are my worst angle.

  36. OMG!! i couldn't wait to get off work tonight so i could come home and read the latest installment in the dentist series!!!

  37. lmao interesting pics, animals have such an interesting mix of dentata! :o]

  38. this is so funny & cute!!

    ps, i'm adding you to my blogroll now, xx

  39. Lenora - All that smiles - I love them ;-)

  40. Haha that is so funny. Glad the dentist trip was enjoyable...I personally hate them!

  41. Thank you so much my darling for that beautiful poem!!!
    I love it!!!!!! And love you.
    Blessings as always.


  42. Thank you everyone!!!
    I'm glad you are laughing at my pathetic LOVE life...sob-sob!

  43. this lipgloss sounds good, where do you buy it?

  44. you are absolutely darling+hilar!!! your words, the pics...too perfect...i know your pain for being in love with someone in the medical profession...(when i was younger...try being in love with your gyne dr)...now that's embarrassing! can't wait to hear more xoxo jo ;)

  45. I like the way your mind works.
