
My conversation with the medical team went something like this =
" yes nurse...What??? I can hear you VERY clearly errr.... what?! ...what?! oh no...my mother has what??? ...what??? Can you spell that...what-what??? -what!!! ...let me google it!"
the 'what' is actually = Streptococcus viridans
(definitely NEW words for me...much more difficult
than Christian Louboutin...for sure!!!)
Some of you might have heard that my mommie dearest was admitted to the hospital for about 7 dreadful days! err...Good or bad news first??? bad news is that Streptococcus Viridans 'thingie' is attacking her heart!!! the good news is that she is fighting that 'thingie' now... Somewhat compelled to share some of very personal life that have been stirring for the past several days, perhaps crack the door open a bit more & be more personal in the blogland???
Glad to say that my dear mother is now out of the hospital and in the best environment possible for healing & recovering; surrounded by her family, friends and her beloved pets filtering in and out insuring that she is not alone. Home sweet home (& NO MORE hospital food!!!)and we have seen her sweet smiles again… even heard some bitchy remarks addressed to my dad…(her usual target!) that’s real good news people! She is baccck & bitchin'! Still, it will be quite a long journey before she is fully recovered… She is continuing very intense treatments for the next 10 days. Above all, she remains in good spirits and continues to handle this very tough situation with grace! errr…well...most of the time at least…~Thank you, everyone, through your prayers and well wishes.
~Much LOVE to all!

...just a quick update on what my family has been going through at the moment, hopefully will make all of us take a moment and appreciate life... its vulnerability & fragility too...~shall we...
Shall also post more beautiful-fabulous posts real soon...but I think this is quite a beautiful post...& I'm sure my mom would agree!


  1. Oh Lenore, I'm glad your mom is recovering ... be strong and patient, darling!
    Take care!

  2. Sorry your Mother has been ill. That sounds serious. Hope she regains her strength soon. That's not a easy time when some family member is ill. Take care of yourself through this so you don't get ill.

    Love your blog! Where do you find such great photos? They are such fun.

  3. i wish your mom can regain her health soon. be strong kay! :)

  4. i wish you all the best, hope everything will get better and better!
    thank you for your compliment, it meant a lot to me!
    you're such a nice person:)
    have a good time this weekend, all the love in the world!

  5. i'm glad your mom is fighting that bug!!! she's a ninja in my eyes.

  6. Healing vibes to your mom from the internet.


  7. My lovely and dear Lenore, I'm so so glad that your mom is out of the hospital!!!! Yes, the best environment possible for healing is near family.

    May the Universe be with you all, you're on my prayers and thoughts.

    Sending you all my love and good vibrations.



  8. am glad your mom is doing well. the best to you and yours.

  9. glad your mom is fighting the beast! thinking of you!

  10. She'll get better :oD most times when such things happen to us we realsie how fragile life is and dat we need to live everyday to d fullest :oD

  11. Oh my goodness L, hope your mom gets better asap!

    Thinking of you both and wishing Mom well!


  12. I'm so glad your mother is recovering. I wish her all the best.

  13. Your blog is really cool! And I'm glad you and your mom are doing a bit better, best wishes to you guys. <3 Lola Re

  14. hey lenore,
    thanks for comment in our blog. and thanks god your mom is all right right now!
    peace and light with u both and have a lovely weekend too.

  15. I'm glad your mom is feeling better, it sounds like you have a close relationship with her and I can imagine how grateful she is for you taking care of her right now.

  16. Ooh sweetie!
    It must be horrible for you, your mum and the rest of the family.
    I know what you're going through.... (my mum is okay now thank God!)

    This is a beautiful post dear...

    All the best to you and your family!


  17. Hope your mom gets well soon, dear! Stay strong :)

  18. Sending good thoughts your mom's way. I hope the snippy comments keep coming to show she is getting stronger day by day. Take good care of yourself and know all your blog friends are with you in spirit.

  19. I'm glad she's recovering. I know, it's not easy to have a sick mom. Cherish all the time with your family. I found that the bright side of having an illness in the family is how it brings the family together and really makes you appreciate the ordinary bits of family life. I hope she gets well soon, and make sure you take care of yourself as well!

  20. illness is allways dreadful! Hope your Mom will be better soon, take care both of you :)

  21. Aah i hope she feels much better soon!
    Those photos are so great!

  22. Thank you for the comment you left on my blog :)

    I do hope your Mum gets better & that she has a speedy recovery.

    Take care,


  23. So glad to hear that your mum is successfully fighting off the 'thingie'... and home, surrounded by loved ones. It's always a good sign when all facets of character start shining through again! Wishing you and your family an ever improving week ahead!!!

    And of course, delighted to exchange links... :) xo

  24. I hope that all is going smoothly for your Mom. Sending positive thoughts your way. Thank you visiting and you sweet comment.

  25. Oh my, my dear I hope your mother bounces back to normality soon. My thoughts will definitely be with her :) And how did we not trade links before?!! Lol, you're in my sidebar now :)

  26. Oh... wishing you, your mom and the family the best!

    Stay strong and be there for eachother. Life's too short.

  27. Oh no! I'm sorry your mother has been sick, and I hope she gets much better. I'm sure she feels very lucky to have her family support her though!

    Thanks for commenting on my blog by the way :)

    ~Amanda @ One Happy Panda

  28. I hope your mum's ok!
    My thoughts are with your family

  29. I'm so glad to hear about your mom's recovery. Hospitals always seem to make the experience worse, so I'm glad she's in a better environment!

  30. warm thoughts to your mom in her recovery.

  31. you poor thing, my thoughts are with you right now. parents being sick is always scary and never easy, i so hope she is doing better now. keep us updated xx

  32. Happy to hear she is getting better. No good having a sick love one especially a mom.

  33. oh i am so so sorry to hear of your mum being unwell! nothing worse than having family members or loved ones sick - the feeling of helplessness (can't spell?) is so hard i think. i hope she gets better soon and i pray for you all :)

    xxx LM

  34. I'm so glad to hear that she is on the road to recovery!

  35. Oh I am glad that your mom is recovering and is getting back to her normal self. I hope that you are ok too!

    Take care! x

  36. I am so glad to hear that your mum is getting better. With best wishes from down under!


    V word is arcures...I hoped she is 100% cured!

  37. i wish her a speedy recovery and hope that your family is strong for her in this difficult time!

  38. Oh gosh I do hope she's continuing to fight and is regaining her strength each day... it's really good that your family is there for her. I think that's one of the fastest ways for anyone to get better. When they feel loved. You take care of yourself too ya?
