
... Weekend is here again!!! ...like a great cloud delivering rain on a hot-hot day! But I hope it won't rain this weekend though... and ruining an outdoor wedding ceremony... Yes, I've been invited to witness an out-of-town "I do's" ceremony. It's going to be about 3 hours drive to get there...Not a bad thing at all- a few hours on a nice summer weather drive on the High-Way and we'll be there in no time...yay! ...Quite excited!! Easy-Breezy Road trip unlike these...
~fasten your seat belt & take a look :
The highest paved mountain pass in the Eastern Alps, the Stelvio Pass Road connects the Valtellina with the upper Adige valley and Merano. It is located in the Italian Alps close to the Swiss border. Closer look:
...While it might not be the most 'risky' as other dangerous routes, it's certainly breathtaking. The tour books advise that the toughest and most spectacular climbing is from the Prato side, Bormio side approach is more tame. With 48 hairpins, this road is regarded as one of the finest continuous 'hairpin'[sharp angles] routes in the Alps.

This one is really-really BAD! -The Russian Federal Highway which connects Moscow to Yakutsk, where the coldest temperature ever recorded outside Antarctica was recorded. Yakutsk is also the largest city built on continuous permafrost. Considered one of the world's most dangerous roads... Well, during the winter, which is approximately ten months long, driving in and out of Yakutsk is subject to heavy snow, ice, and reduced visibility. However, winter road conditions are a picnic compared to trying to navigate the Russian Federal Highway on July and August. Because of the permafrost there is no asphalt, creating a mud induced traffic jam every time the summer rains drop by the region...surely a muddy-sticky situation!!!
Last but not least...the most 'nail biting' road:
This is Death Road...I know why now! just Look at this danger zone!

Errr..."Mommie...I'm scarrrrred..." -The Death Road, is about 69 km road leading from La Paz to Coroico [Bolivia's capital, to the Amazon region] in the Yungas region of Bolivia. It is legendary for its extreme DANGER: in 1995 was named as the "world's MOST Dangerous Road"....Eeeck! I can see why!!

" Well-well-well... I shall NOT complain
on my road trips ever again...even when there's traffic jam
...or those small bumpy tiny pot-holes on the highway!!! ...Are we there yet?!!! " ~oops!
Have a Safe*
Beautiful* Weekend~

What's your plan this weekend? ...Do share okie*

-Pics & source via Drivebackintime.com & Oddee.com


  1. have fun at the wedding!! :)

  2. Wow, it sounds like fun! I love road trips. All I need is some junk food, good music, and the open road. I'm going to lay low this weekend in preparation for my first week at work! So nothing exciting for me...

  3. Have fun! A friend of mine is getting married next Friday - alas, I can't be there, as the wedding is taking place waaaay across the Atlantic!

    These roads sure look dangerous...

    Why do you put so many asterisks in your headlines? :)


  4. Have fun at the wedding! Hopefully your trip is much smoother than those roads!

  5. Exciting photos! My parents are visiting this weekend ... and just met my boyfriend's parents for the first time earlier this evening! We'll be hanging out and then graduating grad school on Sunday.

    Have a delightful weekend!

  6. I'm I was okay with the first two but that last one scared the crap out of me!!!

    I love road trips. I want to go on one to Chicago or Kansas City.

    This weekend is dedicated to yard work. My mother needs us to finish planting a garden.

  7. I think if the weather permits me that i'm going to a Renaissance festival. ^. ^

  8. The Death Road... hmmmm, looks like a piece of cake.

  9. And a very happy weekend to you!

    Here in Denmark Lars and I are going to do something wonderful too. Not visiting friends or family, but we are going to restore our glashouse and will spend hours by doing this.

    xxx JM ;-)

  10. Scary roads! Lol...
    Enjoy your trip!

  11. i hope you have a great time! and i am glad you are not on any of these SCARY-FUCKING-LARRY roads! i would die! i never want to go on them! ack!

  12. Have fun on your road trip and wedding. My weekend is not going to be as fun...cranky teenage girl sleeping over.

  13. Have fun! Great post!

    Have a great weekend, darling!


  14. Outside BAD Inside GOOD
    Enjoy your trip!

  15. ROAD TRIP!!!!!
    How fun that could be!

    Well, have a nice time with lots of fun on the trip and wedding, dear.

    Love the pictures.


  16. wow beautiful photos!
    Have a great weekend!

  17. How inspriring it always is to catch up with your blog, even though the Amazon road pictures did freak me out.
    I love the yellow ribbon shoe in your previous post. A bit like Viktor & Rolf.

  18. There must be many kinds of roads to take in one's life as well. No thanks for a dangerous one. Have a nice weekend and enjoy the wedding ceremony.

  19. oooooo...roadtrips are the best..crank some tunes and roll down those windows and take it all in..ahhh...I love it!! I hope the weather ends up gorgeous for you!

    and eeeeekkkkkk....just looking at death road makes me nauseous. That would be far to scary, yikes.

  20. SCARY roads!
    We could see a scary looking highway when we were on a train going through the alps from Switzerland to Italy... I'm sure the train tracks are probably scary looking too... fortunately I could not see what I was ride on.
    Bon week-end!

  21. Whoa those roads are crazy, especially the Bolivian one!

    Hope you have an awesome road trip ~ weddings are such fun!


  22. wow,,, those road made me scare... =(
    take care darl.. =)
    and dnt forget to post your photos at the wedding =)

  23. Can you imagine??? Forget the seatbelt and wear a parachute!

  24. Hope you have a wonderful time! Drive safely :)

  25. How fun :) Hope you have a wonderful time at the wedding dear! Yikes Death Road looks insane. I remember when I was in Syria, we were driving through the mountains, and there were no barriers to stop us from falling if we did a corner wrong. I was scared...a lot!

  26. Say..... is that YOU in those pictures? The brunette?

    And by the way: I have severe motion sickness. I could never survive a drive on that thing


  27. Oh my goodness, and I thought The Cabot Trail in Nova Scotia was a bit difficult for me to navigate, that would scare the heck out of me, but it is intriquing me!!!

  28. those cliffs are making me nervous. i hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  29. AnonymousMay 16, 2009

    Have a fun and safe trip!

  30. Have a wonderful time at the wedding. I hope the weather is great and the roads are smooth.

  31. have fun!! :)
    it's much more exciting than my weekend - I caught a bad cold and have to stay home all day :(

  32. Scary drives! :) Have fun at the wedding... xo

  33. Fantastic pictures (those last two roads scare me, but I would totally drive that road through the Alps!). I hope you're having a lovely weekend and a safe trip!

  34. I've seen a video for that Death Road. OMG!!!
    As for the Russian one, I think Ewen McGregor and his buddy Charlie Boorman tried to navigate it on motorbikes!
    Regardless, Lala - have a great and safe trip. Don't drink too much Champers, Dahling!


  35. I love road trips!!!! So fun!

  36. I love weddings...even if I don't know the couple that well I get all teary eyed. Geesh...I'm so sentimental!!
    I tagged you if you would like to take a look.

  37. Beautiful post! I hope you had fun! I stayed in town reading for my exams...sad!:)

  38. Wow!! Death road is right.

    I love that pic of the girl in the car. So carefree!

    I hope the weekend has been good to you. :)

  39. Hope you had fun at the wedding and misbehaved yourself in wonderful style:) PS I have passed an award to you, pls visit my blog for details.

  40. Hope you have a spectacular time! I love road trips, but then again they start so much fun but it's all about attitude so if you go into it with a good attitude it will be fine!


  41. Awww I love weddings!!! And road trips! I hope you had a beautiful time!

  42. Great photos. I hope you had a good time at the wedding. Take care. Cheers!

  43. I hope you had a WONDERFUL road trip darling!!! jackie O sunglasses in tact xo

  44. Wow road trip, hope you have a blast...do post pic's eh?
    PeAce & BoWs...
    prettyneons x

  45. Hey girlie, I tagged you on my blog (fashion "always and never"). Have a great week!

  46. haha! hope you had a wonderful time at the wedding! was it a lovely trip? tell us please!

  47. holy!! The Death road looks sooo scary, I'm already afraid of heights so I think being on a tour bus looking down while driving would give me a heart attack!

    I loveee these photos you posted, it makes me wanna go on a road trip!

  48. oh and have fun at the wedding!

  49. I'be been there several times, and that road is pure... torture!!!

    I love your blog! Thanks for stopping by mine.
