View_From_AttiC* [part-1]

" Oooh-ooohhh......
This is quite embarrassing!!! "
~But I must-must-must be brave & errr...share???!
So darlings...get ready to enter the DANGER+MESSY ZONE
a.k.a my Attic.
ready or not here it is...... ~BAM!!!

photo- take 1 (oops...blurred!)
photo- take 2 (also blurred!!)
photo- take 3 ( Dang*...still BLURRED!!!)
WHY all the BLURsss???
-Because I was trembling with FEAR at the sight, that's WHY!!!
(So SCARRRRRY!...almost wet my pants scary!!!)
You understand now that this was a major-major-MAJOR task...OVERwhelming!!!
"errr...errr...errr...where do I start ???"
Look at what I found among the nightmare...an old-sweet 'dream!'
...growing up my 'dream' was to be a fashion designer!
As part 1 of the 'Attic-FRANTIC' Series (EPIC-SAGA propotion!)
I am showing my old fahion sketches which I did
when I was about 11 years young! (hmmm...wayyy back then when I was still sweet, innoncent & FULL of promises...errr...What happened?!!!)~eeeck*

Enjoy Darlings......[errr... I hope??! ]

Ahhhhhh... brought back some bitter-sweet memory!
Woo-Hoo*...look at the designs...
Dang*! I guess Less was definitely NOT More!!! ~hee!
I remember that I wanted desperately to go out and make photo-copies of my designs...of course this was way before having home photocopy machine or scanner/printer. And my dad told me, "Don't waste your money dear..." ~OUCH-OUCH-OUCH!!! My parents were not very 'keen' on me pursuing anything that had to do with the
Arts & Design...sob-sob*
~Well...that was just a snippet from my childhood-past...
MORE coming... To Be Continued Darlingsss...
"What was YOUR DREAM growing up, were your parents
supportive & encouraging???"
...and Have you forgiven them..(hee-hee!!!)
Do share okie..



  1. I like your drawings...one of my dreams was to be a private investigator.:) That had something to do with the crime books I red during my adolescence.

  2. Wow - fabulous sketches (for 11 or any age!)
    Such a pity you weren't encouraged - but happens all too often unfortunately. x

  3. AnonymousMay 26, 2009

    Growing up my parents weren't
    supportive & encouraging. They said art was a waist of my time :(

  4. Lovely post. I wish I was that talented at 11.

  5. I adore Ur drawings! U are a talentum!


  6. It stinks how much parents can negatively influence you, even if they don't realize it. I was always very artsy, but my parents were overly-supportive, pressuring me beyond what I was passionate about till I didn't want do it anymore.

    Your drawings are really great! You should make photocopies, if that's what you want to do.

    PS-I don't even want to look at my attic

  7. AnonymousMay 26, 2009

    Braving the attic was TOTALLY worth it to unearth these gorgeous drawings. I think you should try to re-create some of these looks with items you own now!

  8. Oh, sweet, sweet! I love your drawings, and as the mom of a 12-year old, they seem to me very accomplished. Not everyone can draw like that, even at 46!

    Ouch is right, Daddy-O. I'm sorry they said that. My father encouraged me to study what I wanted, but indirectly I felt that "brainy" stuff was more okay than "artistic" stuff. As I get older I feel more free to pursue the less logical, more free and organic creative things. Color theory, for instance, was not a big issue in our academia-infused house!

    I hope you're finding some outlet for that latent talent in your blog, dear. 'Cuz you DO have it. XO

  9. I love your drawings! I can relate to the parents not into their kid going into the arts.

  10. All of your sketches are so lovely :) Wow, your attic looks so much more interesting than mine lol. And my parents didn't actually know what degree I was even doing until about half way through my first year. They heard the 'History', but assumed the 'of Art' was me mumbling!

  11. thanks for sharing.
    we all have unmentionables and little treasures we can't bare to toss.
    It's nice that you kept those pieces.

  12. Ooh! You are so talented! (Were you watching a lot of Joan Crawford movies by any chance?) Nothing like quashed dreams, eh? There's still time for you to make it as a designer. Heck, so many women could use your help (just open the front door and walk down the street - you'll see what I mean). I hear shoulder pads are making a comeback too.
    Your attic is as scary as the cupboard under my basement stairs. Ooh boy!


  13. you crack me up!

    your sketches are lovely!

    I wanted to be a ballerina, laker girl, or attorney (what a mix...right?)

    My parents supported my dancing dream for as long as they remained dreams of mine.

  14. WOW she you did find a treasure of memories. I have to say being being so young and have a dream is amazing. I'm still trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up. My parents never set the bar high. Can't wait to see more of the attic finds.

  15. Oh, ok. So now it's a dueling match about who has the messiest environment, eh? Ok. I am going to show my office, Command Central, for the shambles that it is.

    I will have to tend to all of those unopened enveopes soon but I am so glad that I have automatic payments thru my checking account and all I get are statements that the money has been gotten.

    I hate to think of what I might find, though....


  16. oh my! soooo fantastic drawings, Lenore! you know... never is too late!

  17. thanks for sharing and i would have been scared too! and yes, i've forgiven my parents.

  18. 11? You've got to be kidding!! Terrific and very French looking for an 11 yo.

  19. I'm so sad, my mom threw away most of my drawings. I wish I would of demanded to stay in dance. I wasn't the best at it but it was something I love to do.

  20. Those sketchings are amazing! I mean you could frame those instead of making them into clothes or create them in color. You are a true talent, but your attic not so much =)

  21. awww...those are sweet. I love child drawings...I have a few I kept as well.

    Its quite fun going through old stuff, but you can get hooked on it and not get much work done..hehe, i know from experience.

  22. Love that first photo, L! And thanks for the peek into your weekend project and your diviiiiine sketchbook! You are so talented in so many ways!

    Great Q about the parents... I think they tried to encourage whatever I dreamt of doing on any given day, but I still haven't grown up, so maybe that wasn't the best approach!


  23. i hope you pursue your dreams, regardless of what it is!

    my dream job growing up was a writer! instead, i married one! i live vicariously through him :)

  24. oh i wanted to be a designer too but my parents didn't like that. so i got a degree in economics instead.

  25. I wanted just to be me, everybody else wanted me - not to be me.

    Now I am me - Yes... And I love it.

    Love JM ;-)

  26. Oh those sketches are lovely! You should frame them- so gorgeous. But your attic certainly ain't gorgeous, lol.

    My dream was to be a children's book author and illustrator. Some day...

  27. Lala - You missed the award for YOURSELF, Dahling! I just hadn't got round to notifying everyone yet.


  28. I think your drawings show real potential for designing fashion. I mean, you were ONLY 11?! You obviously had a lot of neat ideas bouncing around your adolescent mind! If that talent had been supported and channeled down the right path, who knows where you could have gone? One thing is certain, you turned out stylish and fashionable, after all!
    Me? Well, I thought I wanted to be an actor or professional photographer, but my parents didn't really encourage either one. And they were pretty UNinvolved throughout my formative years, anyway. So it's THEIR fault that I've ended up working in the boring loan industry, instead!
    It's kind of fun to blame our parents, huh?

  29. I second that you should frame those sketches. Beautiful!

  30. You are so talented enough to draw those sketches when just a girl.
    When I was just a girl, I wanted to be a Sister out of a very simple idea that I might have many chances to go abroad. Of course before I talk it to my parents, I just learned a Sister is not a profession to be a world traveler.

  31. Ha! The designs are super!! Good thing you kept those

  32. um, that attic project looks RATHER DAUNTING! blech! can you make someone else deal with it?

    and love the drawings!!! sooooooooooooo cool. and damn the parents that poo poo the arts. sigh. i know all about that!!!

  33. I really like your drawings. They are great. You got my attention though with the sexy photo you posted. lol

  34. Oh my girdle! I love your sketches!! 11 yrs old?!! Truly amazing!! Most of the time my p's were supportive of me, except this one time I was only 18 yrs old living at home still in HS wanting to buy a double flat and rent it out. Ahh... just think I could be right up there with Donald T. Enjoy. xoxo

  35. Wow you have always been a talented darling! Amazing sketches!

    My parents have always supported my career in fashion, bless their hearts! So thankful!


  36. Those are awesome.

    I also wanted to be a fashion designer. In our 5th grade yearbook, there was this whole feature on what we wanted to be when we grew up. Most people chose scientist, lawyer, doctor... I was fashion designer.

  37. Your work is fantastic, darling!


  38. AnonymousMay 27, 2009


  39. wow those drawings are really impressive for an 11 year old! my dream was to be an olympic gymnast and my parents were so supportive! keeping me on a team and paying for all of my competitions, along with being at every single one to cheer me on. i was very very lucky :)

  40. Great, great drawings! You were 11? How impressive. You certainly have a flair for the arts.

    Good luck with your attic. Every one of my closets look like that. We just moved and there is isn't much storage here. just tiny made in the 70s closets. boo.

  41. 11? geez, you were amazing. I had the same. I majored in art in college until my parents backed me into a corner wondering how I would ever take care of them in old age with measly salary. I remember telling my mom if she was really old(and mean) we could turn her into glue and I could use her in class while teaching art.

    Attic are very scary places.

  42. When I was around 5 till about 8 I wanted to be a cook, not a chef, just have my little niche in the town and cook good home cooking! but I was told if you weren't a chef you wouldn't make money...then I started watching those chef shows and those people are so angry.

  43. hehe, I didn't really have a dream growing up, just trying to make it through the day everyday I guess! But right now my dream job is to be a glamour photographer for Maxim. I think that'd be sooo cool to make someone look so sexy different from their everyday look!

  44. bonjour !
    these sketches are so fabulous !
    lovely blog :) im gonna visit it right now :)
    well if you wanna be inspired by my collages or just dreaming comme and visit my blog :)
    a très bientot!
    Boubouteatime xx

  45. Answer: thank you so much ^^

    Oh, I love the drawings! :-D

  46. love the vintage underware the corsett ohhhh i love it ...

  47. You are AWESOME!!! I love your drawings and your boldness for showing them to us :)

    Me? I was too scared to even whisper what I wanted to do let alone reveal them to dad...so you are my new art warrior!

  48. It was the 60s and I wanted to be an international playboy. But there were no vacancies so I had a sex change instead. And no, my parents were not supportive, but I forgive them :)

  49. Those drawings are incredible. You should frame a few, for sure.

    I remember my dad telling me that I should do something other than major in art because how in the world was I going to ever support myself? So I got my AA in business administration, then I went to art school and owned my own photo biz for more than 20 years. Yeah, what a waste of time. :-)

  50. Gosh, girl, you are too funny...I have to remember to drop by when I need a laugh!

    BTW, it's never too late to be who you might have been...
