
More visual delightsss via Japan...this time another reminder to 'stop and smell the Roses' so to speak...and count all our blessings...
Big or small~a blessing is a blessing! Amen!
~Trully blessed to have this experience and share it with you lovely people...YES, you darlingsss!...and also to have seen so many inspiring things and also met so many nice people on this trip...one of them is Michiko, she is one talented florist!
She told me that since she was a little girl...she knew she would work with flowers! I think it's such a blessing to know what she wanted at such an early age and is actually doing it now...while there are some of us who might still be doing the 'errr??? errr???' in life... "Hello my name is Guilty!" (hate to admit, but I am somewhat still doing my 'errr?ing') Any of you relate to this??? Say 'yes' pleassssse...so I won't feel alone here...~hee*
Anyway, back to LOVEliness...
Isn't Peony one of the most showy flowers?
"Hello gorgeousss..."
Well...sometimes mistake can be a blessing in disguise...
I forgot to use the flash on my camera and I really love the result...take a look:.

This could be my favorite photo I've taken so far on this wonderful journey...~kinda moody and mysterious! The Japanese calls it 'Wabi-Sabi' : perfect-imperfect! [Click here to learn more on Wabi-Sabi*]~Okie for now...MORE picturesss to share* Darlings... Coming next: my home away from home a.k.a Hotel room + Japanese fashion + more-more-more...
" promise !!! "


  1. These are SO beautiful & this is such fun ! (Have given up on progressing from 'err?ing)

  2. stunning pictures as always. wish I were there , maybe I should pack up the kids and go one of these days

  3. Love all the flowers. Love the pictures ;-)

  4. Your writing is so much fun to read. My goodness, what beauty your eyes are taking in.

    Yes, you are so right - "a blessing is a blessing"! I just got word this morning that my niece was in an accident last night, they transported her to a city hospital, with a head injury. So, we should strive to keep peace with all, and enjoy all the moments.

    Heck darling, I can't even decide what color I want my hair to be - so I gave up a long time ago trying to figure out what it is I want to do - going with the flow is what I do best.:)

    Keep on having a wonderful and blessed time on your trip. You're a beauty!

  5. AnonymousJune 09, 2009

    I'm striving to be Wabi Sabi ;)

  6. AnonymousJune 09, 2009

    Such gorgeous images ... I can almost smell the blooms.

  7. Beautiful pictures, I love Peonies! I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up.

  8. you are having such a good time - and I live it! Stunning flowers!

    And I'm still searching for my place in this world, but having a grand time while doing it!

  9. haha, i can definitely relate. those flowers are beautfiul!!

    glad you're enjoying your trip (:

  10. it is such an art form in Japan...my mother's aunt had studied the art of flower arrangement for years! Keep the Japan stories coming!

  11. Beautiful flowers... and I'm SURE that the photos don't do them justice!

    I'm with you, Lenore. Still errr??? errr???-ing my way through life! But it's a pretty darn good one. My life, that is! Of course, being able to travel, like you, would certainly sweeten the deal.

    Looking forward to another episode of your Japanese photo adventures!

  12. Oh, I do love all those flowers!

    I'm a strong believer in sticking your neck out for your dreams. It's easy to listen to people who tell you it can't be done - I put the teacosy on my head so I can't hear them!

  13. It's so nice that you upload many photos while you're here and I'm glad to know our people are nice to you and you're enjoying the trip. By the way the the Meteorological Agency said the rainy season has started in our region. It's comfortable and annoying as well but hydrangeas are at their best during the rainy season. It's another blessing, right? Have a nice day!

  14. Woahawoah...Gorgeous!!!! I can imagine how intensely beautiful it must smell and look in person. I do adore that photo without flash...the texture of the flower really shows through...I love accidents in photography that are pleasant surprises.

  15. Gorgeous flowers! Can't wait for more Tokyo to come!

  16. wow! beautiful flowers!


  17. Exquisite photos! Thank you for sharing your journey with us! I love peonies. They are so sweetly old-fashioned and romantic. I tried growing them once, but they didn't do well :( Perhaps I'll try again...

  18. ooohhh...
    I'm glad you enjoy the visual delights!!! Thank you everyone!

  19. oh my! those first 2 pics are gorgeous, made my day.
