
~Landed smoothly...the rain greeted us!
"Where ???"

hellooo...Darlings! Well-well-well...I'm in Tokyo!!!
~Here are some quick random photos of my first night*
in one of my favorite cities in the world!

I think I might have frightened the doorman
with my luggagesssss...

Fresh flowers at the hotel lobby as we checked-in!
"oooh...all these for me?!
awww...You shouldn't have!...really me???"

-NO!!! ...not even a single stalk!~hee*

~Since we arrived pretty late in the evening...we had a quick late supper
and walked in the rain... The hotel was nice enough to provide umbrellas...
...As usual Tokyo is as colorful & vibrant!
[These photos reminded me a little of my favorite movie- 'Blade Runner']

~Alright darlingsss... will certainly share MORE photos when I can okie*
Although I enjoyed the rain...secretly hoping the rain would stop and grant me to take more outdoor pictures soon... PS: Thank you everyone for all your kind words & forgive me for not being able to reply at the moment...Tokyo needs my FULL attention! ...Food Glorious Food + Shopping Mecca + Friendly citizens + More Visual Delightsss...LENORENEVERMORE should definitely have FULL attention ready... "Woo-Hoo !!!"
~XOXO* & Rainy-wet Greetings from Japan!!!


  1. AnonymousJune 05, 2009

    Raining in Tokyo? No matter, it washes everything clean again and makes all those pretty lights look like Vegas!

  2. You're in Tokyo! Wow! That's cool! All I know of Tokyo I've seen on film...Babel, Lost in Translation... The Amazing Race. I doubt I will ever go, but it certainly looks fascinating. Have a simply splendid time, dahling!


  3. This is my dream vacation and i'm so jealous! your photos are amazing, and don't worry about us, HAVE FUN!! and bring lots of cool photos for me ;)

  4. fun!!! it does look like blade runner with all the rain.

    have a great time

  5. HOW EXCITING!!! i hope you have a great time there!!!

  6. you're in tokyo? it is indeed a fab city. i can't wait to hear and see what your find there.

    i'll be waiting!

  7. TOKYO! Fantastico! Love the pictures and eagerly await more...

  8. You Lucky Lady you! Those photos are amazing! I totally feel it!
    You have a great time EATING lots of yums, SHOPPING merrily and enjoying all those cute people. I adore the Japanese! I have some friends and cousins that live there and I totally want to visit someday.

  9. Maybe a lame question, but I don't know: What are you doing there? Is it business? Is it a vacation? What?? I love your photos.


  10. Enjoy and I can't wait to see more pictures.

  11. I was going to say that these shots are very much in the Blade Runner genre but you said it first. Tokyo is like Blade Runner, in some areas and at night. Have a fab time in Tokyo!

  12. How exciting gorgeous!!!!!
    Enjoy it the most.




  13. Happy Saturday to you! Hope you are doing something fun ~~

  14. tokyo? WOW!! hope you're having a wonderful time despite the rain :)

    ps, you are the winner of my last week's giveaway! the prize is anything for the hair from: http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=5001630&section_id=5467066

    and just email me your choice & delivery address to blog@luphia.com

    thanks! :)

  15. You are in Tokyo. Great!!! I would like to visit Japan once. Love you pictures ;-)

  16. WOW! I've never had the joy of seeing this part of the world, but I can only imagine how beautiful it is. Enjoy your trip - have lots of fun! xox

  17. WTF?? What are you doing in Tokyo???
    I thought you were going to Europe... don't ask me why...

    Beautiful pics, can't wait to see more...

  18. oh fun. have lots of fun eat. get some royce chocolate, they are good.

  19. How exciting to know you landed in Tokyo! Welcome back! This isn't your first time visit, is it?
    I know it! I have a feeling.
    YOu must be attending an important event! I could have checked it if I lived in Tokyo. How long did you say you will stay in Japan? Only in Tokyo? not Nagoya? (I know Nagoya is in between Tokyo and Kyoto&Osaka and easy to skip)lol
    Call me anytime if you want to be "Ann" of Roman Holiday. Have a wonderful time! and Thank you for a big surprise!

  20. bonjour !
    First time i come across your blog, so im gonna visit it now :) well if you wanna be inspired by my collages or just dream, come and visit my blog :)
    a bientot !
    Boubouteatime xx

  21. So fun!

    Have a great weekend, Honey!


  22. Tokyo must be great!!have fun!!xoxo

  23. What fun Lenore! Thank you for sharing your photos... while you were thinking 'Blade Runner' I was thinking 'Lost in Translation' (a fav of mine).

    Looking forward to future posts on your fabulous trip...

  24. tokyo!? fantastic. i hope you have a blast. keep the pictures coming.

  25. I am so excited for you! Tokyo looks like such an amazing city. These photos are so cool. I absolutely love the photo with the umbrella. Brilliant! Have fun, be safe, and I can't wait to see photos!

  26. Thank for sharing this photos! I can't wait for more!
