

.... French fashion designer, Jean-Charles de Catelbajac is certainly taking a tongue-in-cheek look at the issue on fashion fakes by recruiting painters to produce imitations of brand logos, and then presenting the finished product as ART! Definitely Raising questionsss about the tension between art and commerce! This work also makes us question- which item/things that can be 'branded', how we live a branded life, how easily the logos can be reproduced and taken out of context...we're also left to consider how and why these designs have become so 'controlling' somehow and important to some of us. Well-well-well...got LENORENEVERMORE to explore...and THINK & THINK about the so called clash between 'high art' and the consumer culture and commerce! Ooohhh...heavy stuff! errr...I *THINK* I need to take my Aspirin for my headache now! I'm really not a heavy-deep thinker like that a.k.a. plain shallow!~whahhh! Well, 'honesty is the best policy'-...just simply enjoy the Visual Delights darlingsss...
- Click on pics to enlarge okie
- Source Via Dazed Digital & To read more click here


  1. Hmmm making me think darling...you're so right, we are so "branded" like cows ha. Love this post..going to go sleep on it! XO

  2. Thanks for sending my already frazzled brain into overdrive! I know it's all done in jest (and the name of art) but I can't get my head around why anyone would want to deface those beautiful paintings. Why does everything have to be reduced to the lowest common denominator ... guess that is the point?

  3. I love this post. Incredible!


  4. Those paintings look hideous with the logos on.Maybe it's time for a less brand addicted life.

  5. I had not seen this yet, very interesting!! My favorite is the Gucci pic, love it..It looks like a Boucher painting, but I don't think it is??? Would like to hang this in one of my bathrooms next to Boucher's four seasons that I have in there!! I adore Francois Boucher. thanks for making me think of him and GUCCI this morning

  6. AnonymousJuly 15, 2009

    Wonderful post. You're going to have me thinking all day now....

  7. I'm afraid I'm not smart enough to leave an intelligent reply so early in the morning...eek actually it's already 9:03am! It's so true though. A product that's just 'blah' or 'ehh' can produce so much hype and demand just because it's been branded.

    Thank you for the sweet comment on my hair/face shape. My grandpa always called me 'moonface' growing up cause it's so round :)

    So glad you caught that and no fire started either! Scary! Don't worry, the hole just gives some extra light :) xx

  8. Gasp! It truly is amazing how far we'll go isn't it? It's flat out sad.

    Thank you for posting this! Oh it makes me think alright....I'm thinking I won't patronize any of the brands on these beautiful pieces of art!
    Bravo for a terrific post!

  9. These are very well done.
    It can so easily go the wrong way.

    And yes, it is art.
    If it raises questions and the viewer is left head scratching it's art. (even if you don't agree with it.)

  10. These are hilarious....LOL...I just had a good time in his London shop.

  11. i love all these tongue and cheek!!!

    how great is that Gucci one?!!?


  12. great topic! I also find it interesting that if the "it" person of the moment wears or does something "off brand" how all of a sudden it become scool to everyone. I'm not much of a philosopher either but your post did dust off the cobwebs in my head!

  13. AnonymousJuly 15, 2009

    It's amazing. When I'm out thrifting, I find myself contemplating designer items that I don't like and don't fit just because of the brand! Drives me BATSO! Branding is a very real force, and not always a benevolent one.

  14. AnonymousJuly 15, 2009

    lol@the aspirin joke!!
    this is all brrrp.

  15. Oh my god, my fave fave designer ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    prettyneons X

  16. I need an aspirin from the headache of the 'chaotic art logo nightmare'! Sad isn't it?!

  17. Great post! Completely agree with your thoughts here! ;)

  18. Lovely post wth outfits too..


  19. Such an amazing artist. I think the sad thing is that people can probably name all of the logos, but not the artwork they cover! Hope you're well dear :)

  20. Very interesting! The logos seem almost butch and aggressive in a way. The whole corporate branding and culture is an entire psychological study in itself - it's so ingrained in us from birth these days! Very thought provoking - many thanks!! P.S. Thank you so much for visiting my blog and writing those nice things!! I've added you too!!

  21. Very cool post, L! That Louis Vuitton Manet made me do a double-take!!


  22. You mean...those aren't real ads????


  23. BAH!! i'll spare you a long commentary! BAH! well, maybe a short one. GIMME A BREAK! i am sick of branding and labels in many ways, but i think i am sort of a slave to them, too. BAH!

  24. These are AMAZING! I love all of these...you should make a gallery! So smart!

  25. Love this post, lady! I'd like to think I'm not a brand whore and that I truly appreciate art...but who knows now? I'm going to be thinking about this one!

  26. you are right. back in the days people buy b/c they like the design hence the art aspect but now it's about the logo and brand. i wonder if the birkin will be so coveted if it's not an hermes piece.

  27. these are very powerful images

  28. AnonymousJuly 15, 2009

    The whole words is occupied with branding and judging because of that.

    Anyway, no I'm sure you're not shallow darling. It just gets tiring thinking so much!

    Thanks for your comment. Keep stopping by me please!

  29. wonderful blog.... have a great week... pam

  30. Wow, really interesting and kinda of inspiring too. :)

  31. really challenging work! thanks for sharing it and just as I have been dreaming up a branding bit on my blog. Now I have to rethink everything :) As always you're the best!

  32. you may be giving yourself a headache, but you just made me smile. i often wonder about this very topic and why it's more than acceptable to fake these labels. i tend to like my things logo free, but that doesn't mean i'm not affected by the labels all around.

  33. I love it! I'm not one that likes to wear or advertise a "brand" much less pay the price for the "brand". What an interesting slant...pass the aspirin please!

  34. Great post. Interesting pictures. It definitely does make one think.

  35. such a innovative collection!!!

    PS-thanks for commenting!

  36. I hate to admit this but I really like the VW one. I don't know what this means though as my brain, too, is now aching from trying to think this whole thing through. I remember when branding was something you did to cows.

  37. I'm sorry this was giving you a headache! BUT such a great post, really it is!

    I won't get things if you can see the logo/brand all over it to the point of nausea.

  38. really a wonderful piece...the brands we each carry on ourselves i think are the heaviest, but it think that is not the point here. what rises to the level of brand, even for a moment as the fickle dictate what is the culture of the day. i could rant but will leave it with a nice post. smiles.

  39. These all made me laugh. I feel weird wearing a brand but everything I have is basically a brand. Like all everything we carry is symbol or symbolic of something.

  40. McDonalds...in VOGUE!! Way too cool! Love it. Love your style. Where, may I ask is Tuvalu??? Thanks for stopping by Boardinghouse(ville) (pop. one). stop in again some time! XX Kim

  41. These images do really make a good point. However interesting and beautiful the artwork underneath, they are totally upstaged by the logos. V. nice.

  42. I love how this got everyone talking.

  43. Haha, these might be a little heavy-handed in their message of anti-consumerism, but they're fun to look at nonetheless!
