Profound WoRds*

" Mr Jerk, I may not be
But I can cook & I am not
a frigid in bed either !!! "
[ wow-wee...very profound words indeed Missy!!! ]

.... I was going to post something witty and insightful about “Love-life is NOT really a Fairytale blah-blah-blah...” you know… I get it already! (perhaps NOT???) All I know so far is that I am putting my cute pedicured toe in the very cold water once again…and hope a huge wave of insecurity & the usual reality will not drowned me...errr-errr?! But, I wouldn’t be trying this if there was no support. So “Thank you!”~you’ve given me more courage so far... you have been so caring & loving friends indeed. I'm going to pursue love once again...errr??? Quite scary huh?!

~I've kept this extract from ‘Captain Corelli’s Mandolin’ by Louis de Bernières in my folder, which I think should be engraved in my mind now! Profound words I think...~here it is:

Love is a temporary madness, it erupts like volcanoes and then subsides. And when it subsides you have to make a decision. You have to work out whether your roots have so entwined together that it is inconceivable that you should ever part. Because this is what love is. Love is not breathlessness, it is not excitement, it is not the promulgation of eternal passion. That is just being “in love” which any fool can do. Love itself is what is left over when being in love has burned away, and this is both an art and a fortunate accident. Those that truly love have roots that grow towards each other underground, and when all the pretty blossoms have fallen from their branches, they find that they are one tree and not two.

~Well-well-well...What Do You Think??? Profound words?! ...perhaps I should start applying them into my Love-Life-Journey?! Anyway, I asked a funny friend this very simple but profound* question; "What is LOVE?" and she answered without any hesitation, " I Luuurrrve shopping !!! "~Whahaha...wish it was that simple! or is it???


-Pics: Norman Parkinson via artnet.com & Stella McCartney via LATimes.com Blog


  1. The first photo is really fun! :-)


    I will give you a little award what you find on my blog. The awards attract a tag. Please reveal 10 interesting things about yourself.


  2. I hope you find love, look where you haven't looked before.

  3. Where do you get these FABULOUS photos???

    Have a Beautiful day!!
    xo Laura

  4. Fantastic post, my dear! I'm coming up (next week) on fifteen years of marriage (plus four years before that of living together--yes, I am getting old!) with my husband, and I think there is much truth to that amazing quote from Captain Corelli's Mandolin. Nobody could erupt like a volcano forever; who would pay the bills and walk the dog and fix the toilet when it overflows, right? Yet somewhere amid the ordinary, everyday events of life there is this beautiful slow burn that fuels all your other passions and talents and goals. My love for my husband (and his for me) is not perfect, that's for certain, and it takes work to nurture and sustain it, but it is what encourages me to follow my dreams, our dreams, separately and together.
    You totally rock, by the way, and I love these photographs!

  5. First, I only slept 3 hrs so please forgive me if I am incoherent.
    My dear, do dip that cute pedicured toe in...but make sure you jump in all the way feet first...head and worries last :)

    Before S and I got married he asked that I always remember it's about US, not me or I, but US or WE. You really do have to give of yourself to become one. Wishing you all the best on this journey! xx

    p.s. I could use some Colatox to wake me up.

  6. What a fun photo shoot!
    And I love the last quote.

  7. LOVE - never simple, but all to easy to say.
    We have to believe in love though don't we ?
    It will find you Lenore x

  8. I wish you the best. I'm between relationships right now. The last one really hurt when it ended. Take care. Good luck.

  9. AnonymousJuly 28, 2009

    Awesome quote and so true. Married for 3 years. Love is sticking around even in the bad times. Hard work but the rewards are divine.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    Take care!

  10. AnonymousJuly 28, 2009

    I'm too afraid to even take my shoe off so I can put my toe (non-manicured)into the lake water.

    Could I start with a puddle?

  11. AnonymousJuly 28, 2009

    As someone who is coming up on her 7-year wedding anniversary (!), I ADORE that quote.

  12. Good luck hun!! You are an amazing person so you desire and equaling amazing person to love you!


  13. thanx 4 ur visit & lovely comment!

  14. Love is indeed like a volcano-- lava me :)

    We are doomed to fail in love, because our ideals of romantic love are ingrained in us since childhood and fairytales. If we adopted the steady ideal of familial love, and accepted the fact that, yes, sometimes it's boring and selfless to love someone... maybe people would be less disappointed.

  15. wise words indeed!

  16. AnonymousJuly 28, 2009

    Great Ads by Miss stella
    Love is worth the jump I think, all the best Lenore♥♥♥!

  17. The first picture is super funny! Great way to start my day:) Thanks.

    Okay, I am done laughing so, now I can finish reading your post!

  18. Hmm. What is love? Love is knowing deep down that all the surface crap doesn't really matter in the long run. And you just stay together. Because you really want to.

    Way deep, huh?

  19. Very profound words... and too true!

    Love the Disney-ified photos, too! What a cool editorial!


  20. haha, funny as usual! wish you the best, darling! I liked that comment saying: look where you haven't looked before! this worked for me! xo

  21. You ARE love, my dear friend ;-)

  22. I adored those words and read them aloud to my hubman. They are soo true, I know people that think they are so in love and got married in that mode ..I think that is a dangerous move...you have to grow together beyond that stage of gushy puppy love...you're not really in your own mind at that point.
    I want to get a copy of this.
    Thanks so much doll for sharing!

  23. Gosh love is such a complicated subject. I wish you the best with your love situation. I love that quote, and I think I'll pick up an copy next time I'm at a library.

  24. I like the way your friend thinks!

    whoever you meet will be lucky to have you!

  25. I think those words ring true for me....xv

  26. I agree with your friend! :)

    Love will find us...and they will be lucky gents my darling!

    I love the Stella photos! Bambi makes my frigid heart happy haha

  27. Very profound words. Pretty. May I quote them elsewhere? Also, good luck!


  28. You have to be brave to stick that little toe into the cold water, so yay! Cheers to you! and all the best!

  29. hahaha the first photo is so funny:)

  30. oh, this whole love thing is so tricky! i don't have it all worked out!

    but i hope you find some of it, and that you find it soon! i think you will find it to be quite delicious! :)

  31. first photo is funny haha!


  32. If you don't put your 'toe' out there, then you might never have the chance to 'tip-toe' into volcano's love pit. Love is a journey with many twists and turns, good and bad, happy and sad, but life wouldn't be worth living without it.

  33. That Captain Corelli's quote is very profound, and so true.

    In fact, today, Tommy and I are celebrating our 19th year together! It isn't always easy, and you have to just enjoy all the passion and fireworks while they last, knowing full-well that it's only a temporary stage of the relationship. If you want a deep and lasting bond with another, you must accept that the initial volcano-like feelings are going to go away eventually. But what replaces it is even better...

    I really like the tree roots comparison. Of course, you have to continually water and tend both trees, ensuring a healthy union of those roots.

    But I think the bottom line is that you have to really LIKE the other person, not just love them, in order for it to work long-term. Tommy and I are truly best friends, and we've always LIKED who the other person is.

    Good luck with your new love... Whoever this person is, they are quite lucky to have found you! You seem like you'd be quite a catch!

  34. fiesty perfection!!!!

  35. I have no profound words. Love is just hard. It shouldn't be but it is sometimes. It is also wonderful. Just stay true always. Good luck.

  36. you put that toe right back in that water my dear! Love is love! there are no rules, no guidelines. just follow your heart. Do what makes your heart go pidderpatter (ohh whatever to the spelling you get it lol} things happen, little bumps, ok maybe big huge potholes but, love isn't perfect, we grow together, we work things out, we learn we love we try new things...when you find that one special one you will know....but without your toe getting a dip in the water again....you wont be giving yourself a chance at an amazing, beautiful love..which is exactly, and nothing less, what you deserve!

  37. What can I say? You have to (unfortunately) kiss a few frogs dear Lenore before you find your Prince. Goodness only knows, I"ve kissed enough! Who knows? The next frog might be the one! All the best on your romantic adventure and thank you for the captain and for these quirky cute photos!

  38. Listen, my dear Lala, you need to read some of my Blasts From the Past. They are life-lessons, dahling!
    I kissed so many frogs, I darned near grew webbed feet!
    I finally found my prince and he was SO worth the wait!
    Never give up on love. Never!


  39. Oh dear I couldn't get past the first photo. I was crying so hard with laughter! You are a hoot!! xoxo

  40. This is a lovely post. I love the pictures with the Disney animals! :)

  41. First off, that was one scary photo!!

    I totally agree with Gigi and Anthony.

    Go for it darling,

  42. great quote and first pic!

  43. Nice picture!
    Love the Stella McCartney ads! They look so fab with the Bambi characters!

  44. oh wow, the quote is right on (if you're asking my opinion). the ebb and flow of love is a mystery indeed but it's that choice, in the end, that counts.

  45. OK, either you are posting a lot or I just have not been around the computer much, which the latter is the case.:)

    Love the photos!

    And Captain Corelli's Mandolin is one of my very favorite movies - such a great love story. I want to spend my life with Nicholas Cage's character.:) I LOVED him in that movie.

    You'll find the love of your life, without looking. Love will find you!

  46. your blog is SO fun, i love it!!!!

  47. I love the tree metaphor, especially the part about "finding that" the roots have grown together. Sometimes we don't know the roots have grown together until life forces something on us.

    Our hearts are so tender and love is such a mystery.
