
So glad you've enjoyed the previous post! Well, here's another 'flamingo moment' darlingsss... This time paired with another beautiful creature~ Catherine Deneuve -taken by David Bailey in 1968. I am having an exhausting rough week...really need to unwind. All I know is that I am looking forward to leave the city and off to the countryside for the weekend..."buh-bye stress & busy week!!!" Shall take my camera to do more click-click-click on the peaceful Nature* ...Finally, simple-yet extremely profound words to end this week: "~Woo-Hoo !!!"
Have a Fabulousss Weekend* Everyone!

-Photo © David Bailey via V&A UK


  1. Hope your weekend is restful and relaxing, doll!

  2. Pretty! I hope you have the fabulous, relaxing weekend you deserve, hon! xx

  3. Gorgeous!! I can't wait to see your country weekend pictures!!
    I hope you get to rest, de stress AND have lots and lots of FUN

  4. Have a great nature filled peaceful weekend,those are always the best!!

  5. I love flamingos. Had plastic ones on the lawn for my 40th birthday. Have a beach towel with even more of them. Have a nice weekend.

  6. I'm soooo glad you're getting away from the stress to reeeelaxxxxx!

    Please soak up all the freedom your trip to the country affords you. Breathe in, breathe out. Let go of everything else and just beeeeee.

    I'm glad you're taking your camera!! It'll motivate you to notice all the beauty around you.

  7. Oh goodie! I'm happy to hear you're escaping for the weekend Lenore. Enjoy! I can't wait to see the pictures!

  8. YES!! Enjoy unwinding! That sounds fabulous! And you *click click click* away! You take great shots!

    A very pretty flamingo indeed.

    Have a great weekend! :)

  9. yay! hope you have a wonderful time enjoying nature, darling! xo

  10. Yes, this is divine! Wish you a fabulous day darling!


  11. rest up and have a fun weekend. thanks for some more flamingo loveliness:)

  12. Hi darling! Kisses! I know I love that about the F21 bags! Makes me feel better about giving them so much money hahaha...

    Have a RELAXING weekend my darling!

  13. dear lenore. you are my most mysterious blog friend :-) you make me always happy with your style, your way of describing the things is so special and unique and i like it (and also you) a lot. wish you a wonderful weekend in the nature. here the opposite, i've to work through the nights this weekend at a big club festival. happy days*

  14. Love this! Catherine Deneuve always has been the ultimate chic and classy lady. And that flamingo art in your last post is incredible! Have a great weekend!

  15. Have a wonderful relaxing weekend, dear friend. xxx JM

  16. Totally gorgeous!
    Hope you have a fab weekend too, darling L!


  17. I like the new header! You sure know how to bring a ray of sunshine to a rainy day (it is raining today). Have a golden weekend!! xoxo

  18. Catherine is indeed beautiful.
    Have a great weekend x

  19. I believe those simple words need to be exclaimed as the champagne cork is popped!

    Happy weekend dahling!

  20. Everytime I pull up your blog, I crack up at the title photo!!

    Bright, Bold, and Beautiful
    weekend to you too!!

  21. I hope your weekend is so peaceful and full of rest! I love that picture :)

  22. Have a great weekend, flamingos are so graceful! XO

  23. oh she is so damn gorgeous!!! with or without bird, she is a dream to look at!

    and you! i hope you get some time to relax and unwind! it sounds like the grind is getting to you. p.u. to the grind. i hope you can shake it off, shake a leg, and have a great weekend. do it! and i am clinking an imaginary cocktail to you/with you!


  24. what an amazing photograph!

    YOU have a fabulous and relaxing weekend!!

  25. have a fabulous weekend. : ) see ya monday.

  26. I hope you'll have a peaceful time in the countryside. Don't make yourself busy taking pictures!!! I'd love to see some though! :)

  27. oohhh...i'm so glad you visited me today and that now i have found you... that baby/header is mesmerizing and certainly put a smile on my face...i hope being in the country will make you smile! enjoy the weekend!

  28. Love the pic, have a relaxing one my friend :)

  29. Great flamingo inspiration, such a fan of Catherine Deneuve!

    Have much fun in the country dear Lenore... looking forward to the photographs and post.♥

  30. when i was in high school i had a principle who loved flamingos

    and have a great weekend!!!

  31. Catherine, Catherine!!! J'adore!! I read in the paper yesterday that she was reciting some work in front of an Italian audience with some other bloke I'd not heard of -and she got boooed off stage!!! They were yelling "Thieves, thieves etc we want our money back!!" I was so curious because that's all the paper reported! What on earth would prompt that sort of response?? Anyway: I love her to bits! Thank you!...and have a lovely weekend!

  32. beautiful photograph, just gorgeous!
    have a nice relaxing weekend :)

  33. I love spending time out in the country! I always go to my friend Ashley's house and take tons of pictures. It's perfect, there's even a railroad right near her house. It really is like an escape. :)
    have a great weekend!

  34. What a beautiful pic, what a beautiful woman!

    Hope you ahve a great country weekend!

    xxxLOL LOLA:)

  35. What a lovely and fun photo! :)

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend!


  36. Thanks so much for the lovely comment - I'm always pleased to *see* you at Lola Towers!!

    Hope you're having a wonderful Saturday too!

    xxxLOL LOLA:)
    PS You're be hearing from me again on Monday - a little surprise!!

  37. Wauw, you have a great blog!
    I'll be back :-)

    Enjoy your weekend!

  38. your header scares the shit out of me every time I click on your blog ;)

  39. Wishing you the best time... take lots of pics, relax, forget stress, and enjoy!!

    Happy weekend love.

  40. Catherine Deneuve is my ULTIMATE style icon. She's amazing. BTW, one of my favorite first films of hers, Umbrellas of Cherbourg was my mother's favorite film, and she passed along this insane love of her and musicals to me and sis. xx Bon weekend!

  41. I don't usually like flamingos that much because they're *pink* (come on!), but in black & white they are beautiful! :)


  42. Isn't she beautiful? I know it's kinda about the flamingo, but it's a little about Catherine too...

  43. wow, super cool!

    Have a great week!

  44. Thank for the birthday wishes! I hope you had a wonderful weekend my dear :) Love both flamingo posts. The photo of Catherine is just beautiful!
