Can we talk* more...

"Been there - Done that!"
...Another 'Whahhh-moment' ~2 blog posts in one day!!! My-my-my...whahhh indeed! Must be the 'Malaria like-cold-sweats' from last night blind date! But seriously, I just want to thank you guys for all the lovely comments & emails...your kind words mean so much to me... I got a little teary eyed & chocked-up reading them. Thank goodness for my waterproof mascara or I'd end up like a panda bear! Sincerely, "Thank you Darlingsss..." You've given me more courage to date & date & date until the right victim errr...ooops!...I mean right man comes along... ~Blessings* to all! I'm going home to take a looong bubble bath now...alone! ~Woo-Hoo*


  1. No worries, Lenore. He will, he will.

    Panda bears are cute, though!


  2. When you least expect it... That's when it will happen. It will hit you like a Mac truck. Hopefully not exactly like a truck...you know what I mean ;)

  3. you deserve the best and better Lenore! Sleep tight all comfy after bath.

  4. hi sweetie! thanks for the kind words on my blog today. your post is hilarious. i've also been there, done that. lol.

    good luck finding the right "victim" :)

  5. what is this?!! no no WE thank YOU!! thank you thank you thank you for being such a fab person! thank YOU! :)

  6. You definitely deserve the best. Don't settle for less. And a bubble bath sounds wonderful.

  7. Good luck. I wish you the best. The right guy will probably come along when you are least expecting it. Have a great Friday and weekend.

  8. We are in the same boat darling...and you know what, it's fabulous. The blog world is amazing, right?! You deserve only THE BEST...ONLY!

    I hope you are having a lovely evening...XOXO!!

  9. Oh sweetness, never take a bath alone....champagne is the perfect companion!

    Kisses and sweet dreams!

  10. Aim high, Dont settle are my words of wisdom =)Sleep tight

  11. Sorry about your date....gotta kiss alot of frogs before you catch your prince. Bath, wine,rest...smile tomorrows a better day!

  12. Haha, this meerkat gif makes me indescribably happy.

  13. Hope your bath was really relaxing, tomorrow is another day full of possibilites.

  14. No worries. He is waiting for you somewhere. I met Lars when I visit a gasstation. I can tell you - that was like a gasexplosion (big grin....)

    Love you, blessings ;-)

  15. Love the pic! gonna have to catch up....don't you just LOVVVVVE bubble baths :)

  16. ahahahahahahah
    Tis post is very funny.
    Thanks for the laught.....

  17. Ha ha ha - meerkats just are funny for some reason (we have one starring in a commercial here in the UK - [compare the market.com NOT compare the meerkat)
    Happy Weekend LNM x

  18. :-)

    I enjoy reading your blog very much and will add it to my blogroll today!
    Again: Wishing you a wonderful and sunny weekend, dear!
    xoxo sofie

  19. aw i hope you're feeling better hon! seriously, you can't let one guy make you give up on dating, that's silly, there are so many more guys that actually deserve you out there! you will find him one day! till then, chin up, and know that you're fabulous all on your own and you don't need a guy to make you happy or complete you! :)

  20. You are such a sweetheart, I haven't met you and I think your perfect!! heck I already have you married off to my one of my bff's "K", I told him you have great legs and wrists and live somewhere in the World!! He smiled :)
    Have a great weekend

  21. Thanks so much for the lovely comment on my blog yesterday - you are such a sweetie & deserve the best! And remember, tomorrow is full of fresh opportunities...!

    xxxLOL LOLA:)
    PS I love panda bears!!

  22. He is right around the corner. It will happen. It will.

  23. ha ha loved the meerkat gif! how lovely to take a looong bubble bath! hope you have a wonderful weekend, darling! xo

  24. victim is right, victim of luuuuurve.
    have a good weekend lenore!

  25. Hi doll! Love you and your blog. You keep me entertained and coming back for more... Hope you enjoy your weekend!

    I gave you an award on my bloggie. You're awesome :)

  26. The right guy will sneak in and catch you totally unaware...happens that way every time. Enjoy the bubbles!

  27. U are the best! Don't worry darling! He'll he'll lol!


  28. darling, date, date and date, sooner or later you will meet a price instead of frogs. : )

  29. you make me smile every single day. just wanted you to know that:)

  30. dear sweet Lenore,
    I agree with all the peeps above. you are a doll! I know what you mean though, and I actually believe in that old cliché, you will find good old amor in the most unexpected place. but in the meantime darling, just know you are a rockstar. you make my day when I come over here and I wonder "how does she come up with this stuff?? wow I wish I had her creative mind :)" xoxo from Laura and Norman Alexander

  31. He will come along, at the right time, in the right place. It will be when you are least expecting it...:)

