
" ~Good Morning Monday* "
....Ooohhh...these photographs by Francesca Bondy are delectable and so drool-worthy! As we all know breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but sometimes I have to force myself to have my breakfast… I don’t really have any appetite in the morning somehow... Normally I prefer simple warm breakfast~ a quick omelet; 2 egg whites + 1 yolk & a piece of wheat toast or a simple traditional oat meal with fresh blue berries… How about you? Do you guys love your breakfast meals? ~Tell me what you LUV*{I'm very nosy like that!)


  1. Good Morning Monday!! I luv granola with vanilla yogurt and some blue berries in it. And a big cup of jO! Have a wonderful Monday.

  2. good morning! it's bright and early here and this post was perfect to get me going on a monday morning :) whatever is in that third picture looks absolutely delicious! have a great monday dear!

  3. breakfast is always different here. i prefer to sleep long than waking up ;-) and at the end i've to hurry and i've just time for a coffee. i need coffee-every morning. and i would really like to eat more fruits or healthy things. i like most long breakfasts on weekends. a big table. a lot of people, coffee and fresh orange juice, croissants, müesli, eggs, bread, cheese, butter and homemade jam, honey, yoghurt and sometimes also a good newspaper to read, not to eat ;-) .....happy monday to you my friend*

  4. Picture 3 looked so pretty and tempting so I've been over to flickr.
    What a task Lenore - this lady is breakfast mad !
    Turned out to be seedy bread with beetroot pate!
    I wouldn't even want to try that in the evening.
    My coco pops are calling me - catch you later !

  5. Those look so good!

  6. Thanks for these photos. Makes for a happy Monday. I'm glad you like the award. So well deserved!

  7. Scrumptious images! Enjoy your day, I am off to eat my own breakfast but sadly it is does not look as good as the ones in your images!

  8. oh, these pictures are adorable! thanks so much for sharing.

    I love a good breakfast. Today I had oatmeal with banana and honey. Also had a slice of buttered toast too. Quick and easy, but a good start to the day!

  9. What beautiful morning table settings! I would love to get in the habit of waking up 1/2 hour earlier to treat myself to a good breakfast on a nicely set table (love the linens and the vintage tableware!). Usually I skip it or eat whole-grain cereal. If I've been to the farm stand I top it with berries. However, I do love weekend breakfasts and we often make eggs & wheat toast, homemade pancakes, etc. At least this morning I have a bagel. Better than boring cereal, but not nearly as good as these beautiful breakfasts. Oh wait - I have a mango! The morning just got more interesting!

  10. Mornin lil' lady, I'll have the lot please :)

    Have a great day,

  11. Good morning! My favorite breakfast of the summer is yogurt and frozen berries. Delicious!

  12. I always try to eat breakfast. I don't usually have time for a "real" meal though. This morning it's a peanut butter granola bar and a banana.

  13. good monday morning, darling! I generally only have a cup of tea with milk and a toast with cream cheese for breakfast. but now I'd love to have some of the yummy meals of your photos! xoxo

  14. I agree. Beautiful photography!! And, breakfast food is one of my favorites! I'm off to get a egg and cheese bagel from Brueggers!

  15. Oooh! I'll take an order of those clover waffles. Yum! During the week it's lite (piece of fruit, yogurt, and toast). Although this morning it was 2 Verona cookies instead of toast. Shh! :)

  16. I'm the same way! Never truly hungry until I've been awake for a couple of hours. What is that ABOUT?

  17. I'll have a little of everything please - all looks so yummy!!

    Hope you're having a great Monday!


  18. Oh, I LOVE breakfast foods! I love an omelette with cheese and veggies. I also love anything like French toast {with challah}, blueberry pancakes or just some plain oat meal with brown sugar.

  19. I usually eat a granola bar and water if I don't feel like eating breakfast. but if I wake up starving I eat 2 slices of bacon, 1 scrambled egg, hashbrowns, and either two buttermilk biscuits or toast.

  20. Now I could use any of those for a Monday morning breakfast! Delicious and so appealing! I'm not a big breakfast eater but with the amount of coffee I drink, would end up with an acid stomach if I didn't ingest something! I am a fruit lover and always have some on the counter for snacking...blueberries, cherries, bananas...you name it. Happy Monday!

  21. happy monday to you ms. chipper!
    i don't eat breakfast, i know, blah blah blah. the problem is, come 11:00, i could eat a horse. like now- i'm starving!!

  22. Yum dear Lenore! I'm with you on the light breakfast, my fave is oatmeal with blueberries also and a splash of soy milk. Also like it with apple chopped up into tiny pieces. Just had breakfast and now I'm hungry! Off to see more of Francesca's amazing photography...xxoxo

  23. Hello there, Happy Monday :) hehe

    I hope you had a fabulous weekend!!

    BLEH I really don't like breakfast. GASP. I know. I never have. I don't remember the last time I actually ate early enough to call something breakfast. All those photos look fabulous, I'll take any of it...just at least after 11. Is that still breakfast? :)

  24. omgosh all that food looks to die for! breakfast is my absolute favorite meal, and since you can eat it at any time i usually end up having it more than once haha :)

  25. Wow, I know my day would start better if I got all that for breakfast! I usually have cereal or oatmeal/porridge for breakfast. And it needs to be sweet... I can't have anything savoury first thing in the morning. Hope you had a terrific weekend!

  26. Oh my...these are heavenly looking...makes me actually want to go eat some brekkie..cause i'm like you, i tend to skip it. my tummy doesn't seem quite ready until lunch to eat. i adore cheesy omelletes and a good ol' classic grease storm of a breakfast with the pork and eggs,toast and coffee.
    i also adore bagels with cream cheese...mmm...i am so drooling right now. ok you did it,i'm starving...off i go...

  27. Happy Monday to you too! I would love to wake up to a breakfast like one of these, but I'm afraid I wouldn't want to go to work afterwards. Wishing you a golden week. xoox

  28. I love chewy oatmeal, and I also like to mix 3-4 cereals with fruit, yummy. But most of the time, I miss breakfast, my tummy is sort of sensitive.

  29. OMG SO YUMMY! I need to go get some food first.

  30. Do I drool over all your posts? I think maybe so...
    Those look delicious!

  31. A HAPPY Monday to you sweet lady!

    Well, since I have not had breakfast, these delicious photos are making me hungry. Like you, I don't have any appetite until around 10-12. I think it has something to do with not wanting to get up and face cooking.:) I am so NOT a morning person. However, when I travel, I love having breakfast - always something light, can't handle the heavy-duty, hearty breakfast.

    Wishing you a wonderful and DELICIOUS Monday!!!


  32. I had fried baby bananas with ice cream, and after that avocado-salmon-sandwich this morning.... agh... need to start exercising... but it was delicious!


  33. ooooh, these shots are fab! i love breakfast! but i rarely have time to actually cook it. boo. lately it has been dry cheerios. B-O-R-I-N-G and not exactly pretty, but it gets the job done! :)

  34. Love them. But, like you, don't always do a great job of making it for myself. These look sooooo good!

  35. Love fresh fruit with yogurt and granola!

    And the photo of the heart-shaped waffles made me smile because I have this little waffle maker, and I swear it's how I sealed the sweet deal of love with my McDreamy!

  36. All I had was a bowl of Special K with blueberries. I'm not very into breakfast. But my favorite is french toast.

  37. You are so chipper today! I love it :)
    My favourite breakfast meal has to be bacon, bluebbery crepes, bacon, fresh fruit, bacon, homefries and um...bacon ;)
    Happy Monday, love! xx

  38. yum yum yum. i like some please!

  39. Oh Lenore! The soft boiled egg and toast!! One of my favourite meals of all time - no kidding!! Have a lovely week sweetie!

  40. Happpppy Monday!

    It's not the morning but I want breakfast. Again. haha :)

  41. YUM!


  42. I start my day with a big glass of water. I follow that with coffee, one or two cups throughout the morning.

    I love Kashi Trail Mix bars, Cheerios, a piece of fruit, a tablespoon of Jiff peanut butter (straight from the jar), light soy milk, some cottage cheese...

    I nibble at work between the dental patients coming and going. I usually have two or three of the items I mentioned above for breakfast each day.

    I'm slipping in my old age. I used to concoct some really nutritious breakfasts of oatmeal, flax seed, walnuts, wheat germ, prunes or I'd use my juicer to make awesome fruit and vegetable drinks.

    I don't know what's happened to me but I'm lazier these days.

  43. These treats are so pretty I would feel bad to eat them lol HAPPY MONDAY!

  44. I love it when my husband cooks us all breakfast to order. He feels all provider-ish, and we all have fun awaiting our morning dishes.

    Those heart shaped waffles make me smile, as well as the whole composition of that last photo.

  45. I love going out for breakfast but hate making it, so breakfast is usually coffee. I'm lazy. Ah ha

  46. mmmm basically, breakfast is my favorite food OF ALL.

  47. my husband makes me breakfast for dinner all the time. these are beautiful!

  48. So delicious. I'm drooling over those points with strawberries and cream spread.

  49. Come OOOON!
    watching these pics, I want to eat EVERYTHING!!!!!

    I Looove to have breakfast...and dinner and supper as well!
    Usually, as a good french girl, I use to have toasts of good and fresh bread with salted butter and dad's marmelade. A cup of coffee with milk and some fresh fruit (I live near the market, so I do have fresh fruit every day!)...
    Miam miam......

  50. Oooh I love food, and I love it even more when its pretty! Nice blog.
