Drum roll pleassse....

Answer =
...like a virgin, touched for the very
first time...la-la-la...Madonna !
Applause!!!~to those who got it RIGHT!
So clever you!!! [clap-clap-clap...]
But, at LENORENEVERMORE smart-clever people don't get
rewarded...sorry no fabulous prizes Darlingsss...
Well...I ain't Oprah !!!
I must say this was FUN*
~Would you like to play more of this guessing game?
Let me know okie... In the meantime, let me practice on
the 'human pretzel POSE' ...I have to do it on the
conference table infront of clients in our next meeting,
ehem-ehem...still working on my Christmas Bonus!!!
......you know
-Photography ©Steven Klein


  1. the poster... near the doors on the last pics is very very weird...
    looks like a kidney, or a piece of heart... like that!

  2. You're a riot.
    Thank heaven you posted !
    How would I ever have slept tonight :)
    Like a bendy toy isn't she ?

    But check out her latest video, I suspect she's not as nimble as she was.
    Most of it is in superfast motion.

    Have a good day tomorrow!

  3. I KNEW IT!!!! Only La Madonna could do that AND publish the pics to prove it! Have a lovely weekend sweetie!!

  4. Oh my Lordy, that looks so very painful! Only Madonna would be able to do this right!
    yeah I like games, sorry I missed this one.

  5. oh la la, how fun! I would looove to play more of this guessing game, darling! xo

  6. shoulda known, what her man arms... huh.


  7. Thanks! Don't know if I could make it through the night....

    But now.....

    What the heck is on that wall of her's?

    That's going to bug me now LOL!

  8. Yay, I KNEW it!

    I'd never seen this photo before, either! I just had a gut feeling...

    I vote a most emphatic "YES" for more guessing games! :)

  9. I did see Madonna in concert about 5 years ago ~~ wow, what an amazing dancer...
    yes... please post more guessing games!! sorry I missed the last one!!

    LOVE the new Title pic ~~

    xo Laura

  10. Oh, I can't believe I didn't guess it was HER!! I have that last picture on my inspiration board in my craft room. I LOVE that picture, love everything about it!!!
    great post, so much fun!!

  11. Ah ha! :) crazy limber. That will never be me :)

  12. Hey, if you've got it, flaunt it!

    Hope all is well!

  13. You know what's funny, I went to your blog knowing I'd see the answer today, and when I saw the first 3 photos I said to myself, Oh, okay, it *is* a dude!

    That dude has a face just like Madonna's.

  14. Ow! It's hurting me just to look at her. Somehow I missed the guessing game, so I hope you'll do more! xo

  15. This is a huge coincidence but my latest post has the exact same title as this one...EEKS! ESP maybe?

    But my post is about awards and one of them is for you! Pick it up at:

  16. Wow.. human pretzel- shes super flexible! I can imagine all my bones cracking if I tried to do anything like that :x

  17. omg! she has such flexible body parts:) is there anything that woman cannot do?

    Love the guessing game, so fun!

  18. that last picture is FREAKY!

  19. WTF what normal person can do that!Have a wonderful labor day weekend.

  20. Well, only Madonna could do this!!

    Have a great Labor Day weekend!


  21. Amazing! I still can't believe my eyes. Does she really do this? It's not some kind of a joke, is it?

  22. Hmmmm... that pose would probably get me the black american express card from my husband! This was fun, I really thought it was JT.
    Have a golden weekend! xoxo

  23. Love her crazy yoga poses!


  24. LOL, I hope reading this isn't interrupting your pretzel pose :) Guessing games are always fun...when you guess right :)
    Happy weekend, love! xx

  25. I am cracking up - "working on your Christmas bonus". Hey, that should do it right thar!! Why are those photos a bit disturbing? Kuddo's to her for being able to do that because heaven knows, I'd be in traction & we are close to the same age. Great..great fun Lenorenevermore :D deb

  26. she's been working one her yoga pretty hard hasn't she?
    i thought she was a man for minute. yikes!
    happy weekend lenore:)

  27. Well - that's just disturbing...

  28. I can't believe i actually had any clue that would be her, goes to show the split second response...humph, who woulda known?

  29. Woah, that is some serious flexibility!! Although admittedly I can put both my legs behind my head too lol. Hope you're having a beautiful day dear :)

  30. WOW!!!! she seriously looks amazing, I mean really that is a ton of hard work! :)

    Have a great weekend lovely!!! :)

  31. amazing flexibility...who knew?

  32. so impressive!

    more games like this!

  33. Amazing! Though I don't always agree with what she does and says I'm still very much a fan of hers.

  34. I dare say you'll get that christmas bonus

  35. Wow, she still looks amazing. I guess bathing in virgin's blood really pays off.

  36. Wow. Madonna is über-flexible + fabulous

    As is your blog! Fabulous, that is.


  37. Ok, I obviously missed the first post or I would have guessed it right... I mean, c'mon... those are probably the most recognizeable thighs in the world at the moment. It's scary how flexible she is though... I'd be terrified I'd get stuck in that position and my guy would have to wheel me in to the ER like that...

    Ooh, but I'd definitely love you to post more guessing games!
