
BAMMM !!! + Woo-Hoo...
Fitting room action-pose
while trying on this FUN*
(Double FUN!) dress today...
...Hello everyone, meet my 'twins!' Please trust me, in person they don't really look this perky, voluptuous & fabulous! Must be the right camera angle....or the right lighting... or something like that??!! I couldn't believe it(or them!)myself when I downloaded this picture from the camera...Woweee they look HUGE! ...really, MUST be some kind of MIRACLE & camera magic...hmmm??? But guess what; at the end, I did NOT purchase this little number of a dress... I thought it was just wayyy too riskayyy & saxayyy for this formal dinner event that I'll be attending this weekend. Errr...I prefer to say "hello" with words & perhaps with my smile, but NOT with my boobs!!! Anyway, I guess the 'drama' will have to continue...have until tomorrow to find the right formal & less riskayyy dress! Another stressful event, my Big Boss flew in earlier this evening from Hong Kong to attend this special invitation as well...and he is very conservative! oooh...He would really make me to wear a turtle neck sweater with that saxayyy dress!!! ~hee*
This NOT a Crime Scene!
Just my feet needed Tender-Loving-Caring attention!
...they're so tired from walking from shop to shop...
Hmmm...Singapore is truly a Shopping Paradise!
~here are more 'tired-feet-action-poses' :
" ooooohhh......"
" aaaaahhh....."
" ooohhh-aaahhh..."
[ done on the clean floor of a shopping mall!
whahhh...am I a Drama Queen or what?! ]
shhhhh...look at what I smuggled into my
hotel bed room this evening!
"hello gorgeousss...you guys are going to
relief me from some minor stress okie!"
[ errr...I do have conversation with my food sometimes! ]
...sooo good !!!
They sure were very comforting~
yesss...all six of them Darlings!
[errr...they were small donuts...burp*]
~to be continued darling...hope to have
some photos of my dress & the party in the
next post okie*
In the meantime, enjoy* & have
a Wonderful+Delicious Weekend*
~XOXO* via Singapore~


  1. my GOODNess you have nice tatas! hahahah!

    and i'll take those donuts, por favor! :)

    have a super weekend.

  2. hello boobies! LOL :)

    I am sure you will fine the perfect dress, for you, your boobies...and meet yours bosses conservativeness :) lol

    omg those look so yummy!! SHARE SHARE SHARE!!

  3. if you were a housewife from new jersey you would call them bubbies! have a good weekend!

  4. love the twins, love the shoes, love the donuts :) hehehe

  5. Hello twins! And hello yummy looking donuts!! Looks like you are off to a good start for your weekend!

  6. haha! what a TEASER, lenore! next, a full-bodied pose, please! i love this post, dear!

  7. Ha ha! Hilarious!

    Love your shoes!

    Happy friday!

  8. Woah that is a damn sexy shot !
    I mean you, not the donuts.
    Although they did look yummy.
    Have a great weekend. xxx


  9. omg you busty lusty foxy little thing!

  10. Nice shoes!!! As for the boobies... I won't comment! Avert eyes now...
    Yummy donuts...

  11. Ah i had a reduction in jr high and after i finished puberty, thinking of having another one. no to boobs but yours look great! ;)

  12. Those twins do say 'hi to me!!!
    very friendly.....


  13. Sexy Lenore, I love the bra color. Plum? And the shoes are so cute and comfy looking.

    And lastly, but very importantly, the donuts look dee'lish and so very color coordinated. YUM!!♥♥♥

  14. WOW perfect body, we've seen the legs and now this, you are out of every man's league!! Cute shoes too. As for the donuts I just lost 5 lbs and now I'm probably going to make a late night run to Dunkin Donuts and gain it all back. Looking forward to more fabulous pictures from Singapore.

  15. Va va voom!! Yes, I think you'd get all the gents talking to your chest if you wore that little number! I'm with you, I really don't feel comfy wearing boobs-a-plenty dresses - I don't like that kind of attention - like you I prefer to dazzle people with my MIND!! Hehehe! Best of luck with the mission to find a suitable party frock and best of luck with the big boss too!! XXX

  16. This post was delicious from beginning to end. You are too fabulous for words. xoxo Gigi

  17. holy boobs, girl! it's funny you mention that you don't think your tatas look like that normally...my hubby took a shot of my while in mexico and i looked like i had perfect melons. we'll never see that again! LOL!

    good luck with your search tomorrow! you will find the perfect outfit...always done under pressure!

    those leopard flats...i die!

  18. Hey thanks for taking us into the dressing room, the twins look fab-u-lous!

    It is SO a crime scene ... look at those cute shoes and donuts!

    Way funny missy,

  19. such gorgeous tired shoes!

    Now buy that dress for the States. One hot number! Plus it's made for you!

    But I agree, it would be to risque for that business culture. Try a one shoulder dress. Sexy but still respectable.

  20. Could you please tell me the name of your camera? I think the hubs would like that kind of outcome!! Happy weekend & lots of fun dancing the night away!

  21. hahaha.

    This was a great post, really funny (:

  22. I am soooooo curious now about this dress and I really wonder how it will be.... and with your boss coming around....

    love your ballerinas!

  23. Lol, this made me laugh.

    Love those donuts, they look so yummy!

  24. You're killing me with those donuts, it's all I can think about now.
    Thanks so much for stopping by. I loved your note. xo

  25. You look gorgeous, darling L! Love these pics!


  26. You naughty girl, you kill me! LOL, I don't think the camera adds 10 lbs to that area. That's all you my dear.

    Donut Factory - um yes please!

    Happy weekend, love! xx

  27. I don't care with anything when I see donuts, so I want them NOW!!!!!

    LOL :)

    Hope you're having a great time!!



  28. Haha! What a little secret from Ur body. :-D

    Have a great weekend, doll!


  29. 您想娶到一位勤勞、漂亮、甜美、不愛慕虛榮的美嬌娘,做為您終身伴侶?親密愛人提供大陸新娘、外籍新娘、越南新娘、新娘配對、婚姻介紹、婚姻仲介、未婚聯誼、相親、紅娘配對排約、男女交往、婚友聯誼服務、交友與協助來台、兩岸結婚相關證件辨理等,大陸方面有廣西新娘、婚友仲介、福建新娘、婚友介紹、大陸、廣西新娘、婚姻仲介。


    外籍新娘 外籍新娘 外籍新娘
    大陸新娘 大陸新娘 大陸新娘
    越南新娘 越南新娘 越南新娘
    東北新娘 東北新娘 東北新娘
    廣西新娘 廣西新娘 廣西新娘
    吉林新娘 吉林新娘 吉林新娘
    福建新娘 福建新娘 福建新娘
    中國新娘 中國新娘 中國新娘

  30. Well hello twins! You look fabulous! I love donuts, but don't eat them often because my sweetie gets these sugar crashes and can't eat sweets for breakfast. Personally, I think donuts are appropriate any time of day. A yummy substitute however is the chocolate chip pancakes that my sweetie makes, and is making for dinner tonight! We have been eating such bad (but good) food this week, next week we're doing vegetarian and detox diet!

  31. nice! those shoes are hot!

  32. love your shoes!! Did you find a dress and post the pictures girl!!

  33. Hey there. Great post. I hope you've been having a wonderful weekend. Take care. Cheers!

  34. wow. waking up to boobies...so this is what boys like, huh? lol.

    hope you're having a fun weekend!

  35. ooo, you sexy mama!! those donuts look delish.

  36. you make me smile dear lenore. and i would really like to travel with you to this funny business meetings together with kissing fishes and donuts...;-) have a wonderful time*

  37. Oh you crack me up! Singapore?! So jealous! Hope you have a lovely time! And be sure to give you feet ALL the love and care they deserve! :)


  38. too funny!!!
    lovely to be at the twins debut!!

    xo laura

  39. You need to take those sassy little leopard-clad feet back to that store and pick up that dress! Who cares if you don't wear it for this dinner, but one day, my friend, you will wish you had it in your arsenal of clothes! Oh yes, it is too divine to leave behind!

    It is SOOO good to be back in your happy little world!


  40. Love those leopard print flats you're wearing and those donuts look so yummy!

  41. Thank you everyone!
    errr...still can't believe the TWINS!


  42. the camera was being HONEST, it doesn't lie, enjoy those perky tatas!

  43. I think the camera definitely adds weight- not just in the places you wouldn't care for either! Love these candids... I am pretty non-existent up top, and I just discovered myself with cleavage in a picture from Fashion Week. So funny!

  44. I wish that I could have those boobies, donuts, and flats!!!

  45. oooo...hahaha lenore..why i never.

    i wish i had cleavage..i have itty bitties. I LOVE, LOVE those shoes, so sexay!
