
~Do you know that 99% of men
read Playboy Magazine for the incisive articles?

.....Yeah Right !!!
If you believe that, than you'd believe
Diana Ross is actually my biological mother !
-Pics: Vintage PlayBoy via here & Bunny via cuteoverloadCom


  1. is there any text? haha

    xo Laura

  2. I have to say that jokes are pretty funny. my grandfather had an enormous collection and when he passed away we went through them to give them away and had a good laugh.

  3. A guy MAY read the articles, but as a guy I can tell you 99% of us don't buy Playboy FOR the articles.

    Big difference. :-)

  4. oh boy, we bought that top issue in a vintage store and it is really cool. the advertisements are so macho. there are several articles, but we didn't read a word and we won't lie about it, either;).

  5. No ... I totally believed that they did - those pesky photo's of girls just get in the way! *wink

  6. is she really your bio mother?!


    thank you for the ginger tea w/ honey suggestion...you are amazing! thanks again!

  7. Playboy actually has THE BEST celebrity interviews! Seriously.

  8. Wendy,
    I believe you darling, I love the comics & illustration as well...I learn to pose well thanks to the magz! ~wink-wink*

  9. haha, I don't believe that at all!! You know why they REALLY read the mag!

  10. Fabulous food for thought..ha! But I don't think too much "thinkings" going on do you? Fabulous post dahhhling, especially the tiny bunny reading the book.


  11. I thought inspiration came from those pages...ha!

  12. and they read hustler for relationship advice. ba dump bump.

  13. lenore, sweetie, you do know how fast bunnies multiply, don't you? that without having to read that magazine...

  14. Enry TofflerOctober 07, 2009

    ...just see birds everywhere--your blog is top sauce, very flirty, you naughty gal!!

  15. thank god they don't have that mag here...or do they?

  16. Enry TofflerOctober 07, 2009

    talking of posing--are you saying, Lenore, that you look a tincy bit like those gals--saucier!

  17. Enry Toffler,

    Thank you!
    ...not at all, just love to pose to burn some calories...hee*
    Anyway,Do you have a blog/link?

  18. Classic covers - wonderful!! I've never actually looked inside one ever! Must do that before I die I suppose! I like that serious looking bun - gazing at other serious looking buns - excellent stuff!

  19. hey there!
    hmmm. the very last picture was very adorable (i.e. the bunny reading a bunny book), but i'm not so sure of the other pictures, hahahaha. :P
    thanks for your sweet comment on my blog... it made me smile! :)
    x michelle

  20. I still have my Playboy Bunny costume that I have had since my 20's, I think I'll break it out this Halloween and see if it still fits. That should be a real hoot around my kids teenage friends and all their dads!! Oh how fun....

    Love the top pic, that would be great in one of my bathrooms and the bunny on the bottom is so adorable. Fun post!!

  21. I never knew Miss Ross was your mother. lol Just kidding. I do read some of the articles, but I sure don't get the mag for the articles though. :-)

  22. Who can resist a cute bunny ?
    Did some great covers didn't they?

  23. Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting! I love getting new readers! Also, thanks for the congrats!

  24. Hey, did you know that everysingle playboy cover has a bunny on it? Some are super obvs but others are like where's waldo.
    Look at the little white gleam of light in the brown girl's eye.

    Its a fun game to play when you come across a stack on vintage mags at an antique shop or at grandpa's house.

  25. Aww, the bunny picture! And Playboy covers actually used to be pretty cute!

    And what Michael Rivers said, HAHAHA!

  26. hahaha! cute bunny... he may be more interested in articles than they are! lol! have a great day, darling! xo

  27. love love love the vintage look

    and that last pic cracked me up!!!

    xo to you bunny!

  28. The older Playboys seem so much more classier,cute and playful than the newer variety. I love the look of the girls from the vintage ones..there is an innocence there. They have since gone down skank lane.

  29. Diana Ross is your mother! that is soooo cool! haha great shots you posted though, creates a little charm to it, doesn't it? almost classy

  30. I'm in love with the pervy little bunny at the end!! :) I read Vogue for the articles also...

  31. those old playboy covers are great1 my first animal ever was a bunny so they hold a special place in my heart :)
