
.... In the human species, the females are generally more flamboyant gender…with all the fashion, make-up and hairstyling to look more attractive. There’s a 'theory' that every action of a human being is governed by the desire to attract a mate... On the other hand, in most species of animals, the male is somehow more attractive than the female. Lions have their long flowing manes. Male antelopes have highly decorative antlers and so on... And male birds such as the peacock (for example), is so much more showy and colorful that they completely steal the limelight from their ‘dull or drabber’ female counterpart. I was told that generally, some species of female birds have drabber plumage than males to serve as excellent camouflage when sitting in the nest. This way it would be difficult for a predator to spot her in the nest. Anyhow, most of the time the male is more beautiful to attract the female's attention for breeding or mating! errr...really?!
~Just take a look :

Oooh...yeah baby!
you really-really turn me on!!!
-Pics via Photomagazine.com & The adorable quirky 'male species'
via Deichkind {a German musical group band]


  1. OH MY GOD!LMAO! this is hilarious

  2. These chaps are obviously looking to attract the more adventurous of the female species - those with a penchant for curious plumage and a love of the unusual and unique. How curiously colourful - love it xx

  3. OH NO... think I just want to look at Gisele thank you .. *wink!

  4. OMG! Giselle is a vision as always, I don't know what to say about the guys cause I am a bit torn...o.k. I give in, the gentlemen are a close second for sure!!

    Have a fab weekend!

  5. Feather Abuse.
    (Have a great weekend LNM) x

  6. Oh My, sorry Gisele you don't have a chance next to these gorgeous men, even my handyman couldn't compete with them :)

    You are a riot Lenore-
    Have a fabulous weekend

  7. These are amazingly shocking and fabulous. Made me smile certainly.
    XX Kate

  8. Ehi!
    Thank you sooo much for the comment on my blog! It's very sweet ^_^!
    I'm glad that i've find your blog,it's beautiful,interesting and funny!
    Hope you can visit me again!

  9. No way do these pre-made Peacocks make it in my book...LOL! I'll take the look of the first lovely any day!

  10. Good thing we don't follow the animal kingdom, huh? Feathers never did look good on me!

  11. oh my....birds of a feather don't really flock together do they!! Have a wonderful weekend!

  12. The bird in me's squawking, flapping her wings and flying as far from those three feathered men as she can.


  13. Oh so hard to choose....LOL!

  14. Enry TofflerOctober 09, 2009

    Bog?! did you say--have I got a Bog?(a while back gal--been busy). Don't know, whats that? you got one? I just love to hear about all the naughty things you've been up to--
    (argghh just reading your back blogs)
    (Renore, its not all about sex you know gal)

  15. Enry TofflerOctober 09, 2009

    Now, I really must thank you many times over, super posts.

    Oh--if I was 20 years younger gal.
    Enry xxx

  16. Oh wow those were some, ummmmm I don't even have any words. I'm at a loss. LOL

  17. oh my goodness! please no! haha!
    hope you have a fun weekend, darling! xo

  18. bahahaha...oh my. That last one made me choke.

  19. I think I just regurgitated my cereal..you are hilarious!!

    Oh..happy weekend & let the feathers fly ~

  20. Hahaha!

    I may pass on my feathers for now, thanks...

  21. That is a very keen observation, Lenore. But, of course, the way those guys are tarted-up NO ONE is going to find them attractive... not even the animals!

    Hey, btw, I'm out traveling with my circus today in order to inform a very select few that they have a special award/project waiting for them back at the Pop Circus big top. And you, m'lady, are one of the few!

    I hope that you don't mind too terribly. I know how these things can sorta seem like a chain letter, or something. But I really did chose you because I find your blog to be very creative and inspiring,aaaaand you make me laugh all the time!

    So I hope that you "pop" by the circus to see what I wrote, and to get the award guidelines. Buh-bye!

  22. Haha! So fun and coool!

    Happy Friday!

  23. Sexy and.... um.... creative?

    Fab weekend, darling L!


  24. Ew! Gross, but very funny. Have a fabulous weekend, my dear! xoxo

  25. Sorry ! They make me go all 'Carry On'. Just thanks and have a good weekend yourself.


  26. ahahahaha ...I read it all before scrolling ...ahahahah ..and then died laughing!!! so great.

  27. I'll stick with the Birds of a Feather....much more pleasant for the eyes!

  28. BAHAHAHA, that is too funny. who is looking at gisele when these snazzy fellas are rockin it. wherever those men are, i wish them good luck in finding their mate. great blog!


  29. barfaroni on these dudes!

    but, as a lady, i am relieved that makeup is available to spruce up my looks! :)

    hope you have a great weekend!

  30. its all you birds flocking together thats scary. you're all horrible :P (weird i wrote Renore i just meant to pick a random letter like fenore, this is such a rubbish way to communicate!)

  31. Good Lord! The word "YUCK" springs to mind but very hilarious too.

  32. hee hee hee...have a wonderful weekend!

  33. Mmmmm, those men don't look so attracting to me. The wild life of animals and birds are very interesting.

  34. Maybe I need to do up the hubs like that. Ah ha
