
... The adorable Prince Harry was playing polo in New York Harbor earlier this year. Before the match, he remembered Princess Diana...~was he sweet or was he sweet?! Following his dear mother's footsteps by helping raise money for AIDS-orphanage Charity. The polo match would benefit a charity for AIDS orphans in Lesotho, Africa- a cause for which the late princess worked diligently...The prince set up the charity with Prince Seeiso of Lesotho, who also lost his mother at a young age. Harry says that his mother's love for New York City made the occasion "all the more poignant" especially for him. awww...Cheers to that, ~BUT...

later on that day...*squirt*
errrrr...still adorable?!
" My dear friends & readers, Sad to inform you that recently I've been getting comments from 'anonymous' and he/she has now started using the name "LENORENEVERMORE" to sign-in & leave pesky comments. Please be aware of this matter! If you see comments on your blogs with my name; "LENORENEVERMORE" on it, they are NOT necessarily coming from me personally...Make sure the comments have My legitimate Blogger account & profile attached & back-linked to this blog! Meanwhile I've edited/updated the comment settings to avoid any further nuisance... ~Thank you everyone! "
-Source & pics: DailyMail.co.UK


Dream Sequins said...

Wow. Harry's getting hot. Or is it just me?

McVal said...

Harry is just like anyone else. Dignified one minute, a goofball the next... I hope that guy he squirted on had a good sense of humor..

LenoreNeverM♡re said...

My mom(the Cougar!) thinks he's hot too! haha...

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
High Heels and Huntin' Boots said...

I agree...he's grown out of his "ugly duckling" stage. Slightly rude, though. I wonder what the guys reaction was...I can't imagine anyone would find that laughable...

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Char said...

maybe the guy just said something rude to Harry?

I miss Diana - she was a lovely person

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Christina said...

boys will be boys, philanthropic or not! i say let him have a good squirt:)

Kitty Stampede said...

i've done it...heehee.
and what a saint for carrying on that amazing cause.

Tights Lover said...

It's got to be tough to always have a camera on you.

You can't get away with anything!

Gigi Thibodeau said...

I can sooo picture my nephews doing that. Of course, they are ten years old! xoxo

pve design said...

Boys will be boys!

Alicia @ boylerpf said...

They will never be out of the spotlight..I think everyone was enamored with Diana..aahhh...

I think Drollgirl was having the same problem with the anonymous blogger...geesh!

Jan said...

Priveleged he may be, but being Harry must be difficult.
I did see Diana (up close) once.
She really was stunningly beautiful.

LenoreNeverM♡re said...

Thanks, I don't mind anonymous comments...BUT when they start using my Blog name to sign in, that's creepy!

Lisa Anne said...

Harry is funny! OMG that sucks, what is wrong with people and their twisted games they play. thanks for making us aware even though I know you'd never leave me an in appropriate comment!

People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

Hi LNM, Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment! I really appreciate it!

Can you even imagine all the details and disciplines Harry must live with and by? He's got to kick off his shoes sometimes...At least this is better than when he donned the Nazi uniform, right??

Cheryl Peters said...

He's just having some fun in my opinion. What harm can come from a stream of water, even if it's mixed with a bit of saliva?

I'm so sorry to hear of your blog problems. It sounds like you've nipped it in the bud as least in part. I'll pay close attention to any comments on my blog that have your name. I'll let you know if anything appears that's not legitimate.

Iva Messy said...

eeeekk!! so sorry they are using YOUR name Lenore! bleh that is so not cool!!

bananas. said...

oh man...harry is HOT! i have a major crush on the kid and i am so not into redheads.

and that last pic is normal. he's a guy, what do you expect? lol.

ps. I HATE ANONYMOUS! that spammer needs a good ass kicking.

Couture Carrie said...

Still adorable!

So sorry about your problem with anon :(
Thanks for letting us know :)


sofiasophie said...

well.... boys will be boys.... but Harry's getting HOT....

Thanks for warning us about your blog problem, I hope it is going to be solved soon....


Angela said...

harry is pretty hot looking.

I am Alive said...

Well, I personally find him spoilt.. but how would it matter to anyone anyway if some gal from India who so called refer herself as IMAlive is having problem with Prince Harry?
Hey, good blog.. came here from Shaddy's comment trails...
Will visit again.

Phoenix said...

Aw, he's a kid. Classy one moment, immature the next. I think he's gonna turn out to be a very good man :)

Anonymous said...

Harry always seems to be such a prankster.

Gabbi said...

He's so my favorite prince dear Lenore! Great post :) As for the Lenore impersonnatror... what are they saying? Is it the strange symbols with back links?? So annoying.

Aline said...

he is such a cutie pie!

I'm so sorry about the comments...that is such a bummer!

Clare said...

I think because he probably will never be king that he feels that he can act obnoxiously and comes across like a twit. I like his brother a whole lot more. Not attractive to me either.

Darn that anonymous blogger. Would like to tell him off

Mary-Laure said...

He's just immature - touching one moment, obnoxious the next. His older bro seems more poised.

drollgirl said...

oh, he is a cutie, but he is also a dirty bird! and methinks he most likely has a kinky streak a mile wide! and i have a feeling he is quite the troublemaker in general!

and as for that jerk off taking your name and leaving comments, we should BURN HIM AT THE STAKE. for reals. that yutz needs to get a life.

Unknown said...

Great pics of Harry. I love your idea of putting tea lights in those tumblers, I wish I could pop to the US to buy, but sadly no! Have a sweet day! x

AJ at OFLBlog said...

I just looked up my hand-dandy personal, leather-bound dictionary (and that is supposed to make it sound important and trustworthy) and "naughty" is defined as "nice"...so there....BTW: Harry IS hot!!! God, what am I saying, I am probably old enough to be his mother...wait, I'd rather not count...

Gabby said...

I love Harry no mater what! And boo to whoever is impersonating you...that is crap!

Unknown said...

A mixture of both for Harry? :)

Seeker said...

He's so hot even when naughty... lol (if I were the other guy maybe I wouldn't laugh ;o))

I'm with you my darling on the hatters issue... I had (cross my fingers 'cause they have been away)
that problem and Sharon Rose had the problem of using her name to left comments.
I feel so mad with these people that seem not to have a life!!!!

Love you, gorgeous


Anonymous said...

There is something adorable about him. Perhaps a little of naughty and nice both!

Paulina said...

hahahahhahahaha this is too funny!!!!!!!!!!!! He is a cutie, but what is that squirt?? ummmmm........

trishie said...

Harry's quite the charming young man!
That's really creepy regarding someone using your name on blogs...eeeks!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Do people not have better things to do with their time?

debra@dustjacket said...

Ah Harry the Lad :)

So sorry to hear the probs, hope it all goes away.

Sam said...

The scuttlebut is that he is James Hewitt's progeny....hmmmm - although his bad boy behaviour leads me to believe he is a Windsor through and through! Being who he is however ( a royal with every camera lens in the universe trained his way) I would suggest that the squirtee deserved to be squirted!

Keith said...

Sorry about the problems you've have. Good luck.

My sis has a huge crush on Harry. He's the royal she likes.

Elizabeth Marie said...

ohhh Harry is hot!

Sorry about the weird anonymous person!! EWW!

Ela said...

Harry seems to do the sweetest things then goes and does things that make you go, "huh?"...or vice versa.

Oh no, hon! Sorry that's happening, I wil surely let you know if I see someone impersonating you!

Madeleine Miranda said...

Oh well, at least you are now 'famous'! that's why you are getting weird comments and/or impersonators!

Hope that they stop bothering you soon!