Time sure Flies...

My-my-my... it's Monday again ?!!!
...I'm sure most of you know by now that Monday & I have not been exactly best of friends... It started yearsss ago, around the time when I started kindergarten I think. Yes, wayyy back then! Still continues til' today...no more school, just work...work LOADsss! I know-I know...this conflict got to end one day!
Perhaps someday...somewhere...somehow...(...hmmm? Isn't that a Barbra Streisand's song?!) Anyway, my (sometimes) sweet & loving brother sent me a link to this grossly fantastic 'art work?' ...he certainly knows my taste level! In his email he typed; "You have BAD STINKY TASTE, U will LOVE THIS!"(all in capital letters of course!)...told ya' my brother is so very sweet!!! ~Once again time to share...Enjoy Everyone!
" Hope Monday & I could be friends...
errrrrr...just NOT today Darrrlings! "
~Well...I guess the house flies are good for something...FINALLY !!! Quite hee-heelarious & cute! O'dear, never thought I would use 'cute' to describe this annoying-pesky insect!!! Trivia: Do you know that pesky house flies can travel up to six miles in 24 hours, but they usually prefer to stay close by their breeding ground...our homes-eeeck!!!
Have a Lovely & 'non-pesky' week everyone!
-Pics : Thank you bro'! Link click HERE


  1. Cute but gross at the same time. Hope you have a wonderful Monday.

  2. haha definitely some cool artwork and whoever took the time to catch these little buggers and lay them all out deserves some kuddos :) i do admit in a wierd way they are cute! here's to a great week! and a speedy monday...

  3. You are AWESOME!!!
    Love this post :)

    Have a super week,


  4. OMG! What a great post! Artistic, factual, and just so you! Love it!!!

  5. Should I say it ? oh what the heck -
    There are no flies on you Lenore :)

  6. Hahaha! That is totally gross!

    Have an awesome week :)

  7. Thanks stopping by my blog! :D


  8. Wow, I had no idea houseflies could be such brave explorers!

  9. How in the world do you find these things? You are such a crack up!

  10. Thank you for the cuteness on a Monday. She and I haven't gotten along well since kindergarten, either! What a vibrant, alive blog you have here! LOVE IT. Make it well through the Monday. xo Ama

  11. Kinda gross but VERY creative. They made me smile. Is that wrong? LOL.

  12. That was quite interesting. I loved those. Very neat. I'm no fan of Monday myself. Not my favorite day of the week.

  13. Lenore - SO GROOSE - I simply hate those small animals. YAGGGGGHHHH...

    Smile from JM ;-)

  14. I want to swat down Monday like a housefly. ;)

    Hope yours is going well.

  15. Fascinating... nothing annoys me more than silly flies that won't buzz off, so I agree... this is the most useful they could possibly ever be. I think the ones jumping off the diving board are my favorites ;-)

  16. Now those are pretty cool...even though they are houseflies! Love the new header too...great hand painting!

  17. Somehow I feel like the fly and the moth are planning ways to terrorize me in that last one...

  18. you have "bad stinking taste"??? hahahahaha, this post made me crack up. too funny. silly flies.

  19. Pesky monday! Always gets in the way of my fun! I don't think I will ever hold it's hand...that last picture is creeeeeepily adorable!

  20. Love it! Confession: I love bugs. Flys maybe not the cutest, but that art is kick ass. :)

  21. Oh, I know what you mean... Monday can be a real torture chamber sometimes, but these images certainly put a smile on my face! ;)

    Amazingly creative art.

  22. hahahah..i seen these earlier this week and was tempted to post! They are so hilarious...I love them!
    Thanks for posting them so I could giggle again at these hilarious dead flies...lol!

  23. wow.. how can something be so gross, yet funny, yet crazy at the same time! hahahaha!


  24. My favorite is the one with the flies in single file ready to dive into the pool!

    Yes, we must try the Barley tea drink! YUM!

  25. Those images are crazy!! Halfway through Monday!

  26. Oh LADY!!! I don't know whether to laugh or be stunned!! Awsome!!! My goodness me!! WILD!!

    Chin up brave one and have a lovely week!! XX

  27. I hate flies and Mondays. I'm not a morning or Monday person. lol

  28. I love that your *love* for Mondays goes wayyyy back, you're the cutest. And I love your brother's little note :) That is quite gross, my dear, I do not know how else to say it. And I don't want my home to be a breeding ground :( Why must they taunt me? Nothing bugs me more than that buzzing...
    I hope Monday treated you as best as she could :)
    Have a great week, love!

  29. My dear you're just awesome and always love your posts, so funny!!



  30. disgusting! hilarious! translation? I LOVE IT!!!!

  31. Hope you had a great monday, some how:-) Btw I have to confess that I just saw your comment on my blog - shame on me- and I`m so touched about your lovely words! Great, that you like it! And a huge compliment back: your blog is a thrue bijoux!

  32. ahhhahahaha...that is so gross!!!

  33. Fun house fly fact and crazy pics...
    Mondays can be rugged, darling L; I totally empathize!


  34. I've never seen flies presented in these comical ways. They are way too funny with their stick legs and arms.

    Hilarious. Your brother deserves a round of applause for sending you these.

  35. bahaha! hilariousness! that's pretty much all flies are good for: entertaining art!

  36. You and now your brother crack me up. That is hilarious girl.

  37. it is gross.... but so funny!

  38. Ha, your brother totally knows you.
    Someone sent these to me too. I was hysterical.
    I love the ones beach towel lounging. I want to quit my job and hangabout like a dead fly.

  39. These are hilarious and awesome!!

  40. LOL! Those are hilarious, smart, and disgusting at the same time xD
    I have no problem seeing one or two of them, but a bunch lol~ gross xDDD
    I love this tho~

  41. this is the grossest thing i've ever seen, but i can't stop laughing!! and i do have to hand it to you, the pics are definitely creative!!! the lounging flies have got to be my favorite one!!!

