After Paris*

~hellooooo... Hope everyone had a lovely weekend!
So after Paris, I wasn't ready to go home...
I thought since I was in Europe,
might as well take another adventure via train this time...
Why Not!~woo-woohhh*.
...I have a bitter-sweet memory of train rides... When I was a kid, my mom used to take me to visit my grandparents by train. Usually it was after a huge fight between my parents...it followed by my mom packing & 'skipping town' to cool off at my grandparents' house for a few days! There were some dramatic+intense moments in my family when I was growing up...sometimes I'm still surprised that my parents did not end up in a divorce court... Confession time; When I was younger, I secretly wished they would have... I think the worst thing for any child is to witness their parents fight! sob-sob*...oooh too much melodrama for one post! Anywayyy...

"all aboard...destination ~Amsterdam!"
I thought it would be lovely, even quite romantic
to take a train ride through Europe...
here you are...~enjoy!
Paris to Amsterdam


Arrived in Amsterdam Train Station in the evening~
feeling so excited to be there for the first time...plus
I was glad that it's going to be a 'me-me-me time'
a.k.a no business meetings!!!
Moreover, it's the birthplace of the great Vincent Van Gogh!
Next stop/post, what I did on my very-very-very
short visit to Amsterdam...until then everyone!
PS: Lenorenevermore is officially a travel blog now!~whahaha...


  1. you're so lucky you got to travel to europe! i've been wanting to go there since i was so young! and theres something totally hot about a train, i'm an odd one, please ignore me! :P

    stay safe doll!

  2. Amsterdam? Oh, lucky U again... Oh Lenore! Hungary, Budapest? Maybe? :-)


  3. Oh lucky you honey, love the pic with the pc and blog header....cool!

    Yeah no fun to hear mom and dad fighting for sure.

    Have fun,

  4. I love the train pics !!!
    have a wonderful week in Amsterdam*°*°*°

  5. Lucky girl... I remember when I was riding that train from Lourdes to Paris. I did the same thing, take pics of the countryside.

    Can't wait for your Amsterdam posts.

  6. oh lucky girl! Amsterdam is so beautiful! would looove to see your pics! have a great time, darling! xoxo

  7. I can't wait to read more of your adventure in Amsterdam..I hope you can replace some 'negative' train ride memories with new exciting ones. ( My husband was happy his parents divorced because he couldn't deal with all the fighting )

    Sounds like such a romantic journey

  8. I almost feel like I went along for the ride(courtesy of your sidebar bloglist)!
    You're not melodramatic.
    Good to have you back :)

  9. wow, awesome! it is difficult to watch your parents fight (eeek, i know that all too well). at least this train ride was on YOUR terms right?

  10. How sad that your feelings about train travel are so bittersweet ... but I'm glad to hear you carved out some time for yourself while in Europe! Can't wait to hear more about Amsterdam.

  11. i've been following your travels and you are so lucky! i loved your posts on paris and wish that i could be there in the fall. very excited for you and can't wait to hear/see more about amsterdam! i'm travelling vicariously through you. :)

  12. Trains are my favorite mode of transportation--so civilized and so much fun at the same time. When I'm abroad (not to be confused with "a broad," which I am, too) I always take as many trains as I can. Your photos are beautiful, my friend. It sounds like your train memories from childhood are more bitter than sweet, so I love that like that, as down and out chic said, this particular journey was on your own terms.

    A lovely post, honey! xoxo

  13. Oh that is absolutely wonderful! I would not mind at all if you became a travel blogger...how lovely would that be? Hm....I'm just gonna sit here and stew in my jealousy...but not really, I'm happy for your adventures :)

  14. Wow. Great photos. I really love to see stuff about your travels. I've been on very few train rides. Would love to do it more. Have a fantastic week. Cheers!

  15. Thanks for taking me on the ride!! Beautiful photos!! Me-me-me-time is SO important to have.

  16. Lucky you! It sounds like a fabulous trip. I love Van Gogh and have always wanted to see Amsterdam.

  17. What fun! We have been taking the trains on many of our trips and I love it and the train stations are so cool.Have fun!

  18. That's wonderful you took a train ride. I have only taken one train ride and it was when I was younger for a field trip.

  19. Such a beautiful train station! That is the only way to travel...

  20. I can totally relate.... Hope you are having happy travels now! I love solo trips!

  21. so cool...can't wait to see more!

  22. coooooool!
    you've been to Amsterdam!
    the city is lovely, the people is greaaat (better than parisian, arent they!!) and did U visit the Van gogh museum?

  23. Yippee! I'm thrilled that you took a side trip to Amsterdam. Time for yourself is the best time there is. Enjoy and then enjoy some more.

  24. Trains in Europe are such a civilized means of travel....and I love your travel blog! :)

  25. WHAT!!! are you in amsterdam?!!! CRAP! I live in the south of the Netherlands... Rotterdam! I was in Amsterdam, just YESTERDAY!!! how long are you staying? :P
    Anyway, enjoy enjoy enjoy!


  26. How great lucky girl!!!!!
    Hope you enjoy your time, that's such nice pictures.... I think I'm grreeeen of envy... ;o)



  27. Say hi to Amsterdam for me and tell it that I miss it so much... I remember staying at The Flying Pig hostel a few years ago while in college :)

  28. Now, that's a fabulous detour! Can't wait to hear more dets!

  29. I looooove Amsterdam! Have fun, you lovely girl! Cannot wait to hear about your travels there!

  30. Exciting dear Lenore!! I love your travels and the way you so awesomely surprise us with them... wishing you a wonderful time in Amsterdam with no melancholy of the past whatsoever. *bises*

  31. Love that you just decided to travel to amsterdam on a whim...and you're making me very jealous too. Have a great time, and keep those photos and tales coming!

  32. Love those European trains!! The countryside just whizzed by for me..LOL!
    Have a marvelous time...I'm living vicariously through your travel blog!

  33. sounds wonderful! I'm loving your travel posts - keep them coming!

  34. I want to be there!!!
    Are you are having too much fun?

    Enjoy ~~

  35. Oh wow Amsterdam...sigh, I've always wanted to go there...watch out for certain cafe's...the ones where people seem to be squinty eyes and giggling. heehee.

  36. Oh and GORGEOUS photos as per ush.

  37. you went from paris to amsterdam?

    so cool...

  38. Good for you sweetie!! I've heard Amsterdam is very charming and pretty! Have a ball won't you and can't wait to see the piccies!!!! XXX P.S. Sorry to hear about your folks - tough gig for a little child that one - bust ups that is....

  39. Paris to Amsterdam! Can't wait for your next post.

  40. what an adventure! I adore Amsterdam

  41. You are such a world traveler! That's awesome!

  42. I can't wait to see and hear more!
    It's so tough to witness that as I child...even as an adult...I think no matter how old we get seeing our parents go through that is never easy.
    Happy and safe travels, hon!

  43. we travel so little, i'm glad to live vicariously through you. and yes, loud fighting is a bad thing for kids of all ages. enjoy your me time!

  44. I loved Amsterdam. The canals, the people, the bikes everywhere. We stayed in a hostel in the Red Light District. Absolutely amazing. If you are so inclined, and you have the time, go to the Anne Frank museum. It's in the house where she and her family hid during the war. It's incredibly moving. Enjoy your me-me-me time.

  45. how wonderful!!! I love taking the trains in europe. and I once took the train from paris to amsterdam...sigh...I'm feeling so nostalgic now.

  46. I understand about the dramatic moments. Had them during childhood and currently now. Grr... On the bright side, I also had my first Amsterdam experience this spring! Lovely isn't it?!

  47. This post reminds me of a chanel commercial! Love it

  48. Amsterdam? Lucky you. I'm so jealous!

  49. ahhhh how fantastic Lenore!!! I can not wait to see all your beautiful travels! :)

  50. Ooh, you get to travel for business - fab!

    I too have a bit mixed feelings but fond memories of trains.. And wished my parents divorced sometimes! /sigh/ Yup, the yelling is sometimes worse than actually, you know.. Even though some people think of it as such trauma for the kids!

    But my parents seem to like yelling. I see it as some form of passion, or foreplay?? maybe-??

    (Dad says, 'As long as she yells, she cares. /faints/)
