The day After*

" Ready for Black Friday Darrrlingsss..."
[ 'what-black-day?' -for those who live
across the pond, click here to find out more ]
Hope most of you had a lovely Thanksgiving feast?!
My family had a good reunion~no fight!
hmmm...perhaps everyone has all grown-up,
including my parents! It's about time~Finally!!
I was going to post some Thanksgiving photos, but
simply can't handle another "Turkey/Thanksgiving' post
at the moment~ seen too much around the blogsphere lately
No more turkey for now at least. Anywayyy...
In honor of the Black Friday, I have chosen
what else, something black! O'dear, I'm getting so predictable!

100% handmade a.k.a No machines!
How? simply, very-very-very sharp knife & scissor on thin rice paper.
Amazzzzzing...I can't even cut a proper straight line!
~Huge salute to the great talent, set of eyes...& lots of patience!
[click here* to visit her shop-gallery]
Well...anyone brave enough to start the Holiday shopping today?
I'm staying away from the shopping madness.
errr...being trampled by mob of shoppers is not my thing!
I'm going to start decorating the house for Christmas very soon...
which means time to go back up to the attic once again.
Opening boxes marked 'Christmas'...no spiders please-EEECK!!!
"Have a safe weekend Everyone!"
-Pics: Bag by Atelier Blink & artwork via PaperCutDieCut


  1. Amazing... And a lovely weekend to you too, dear Lenore ;-)

  2. wow !
    terrific !
    Great post !
    and I'm so glad that you love my *°*°*°*°*°*°*°*°

    Have a wonderfu week-end !

  3. how amazing! I think I'll start decorating this weekend... love holiday season! hope you have a beautiful weekend, darling! xo

  4. Good to hear your Thanksgiving was a happy one !
    Right decision on the shopping !
    Have fun in the attic - lovely weekend Lenore x

  5. These are amazing! I'm steering clear of the shopping too. I'm actually making a sort of insane 2-day trip to northern Indiana, so hopefully everyone will be at the mall an not on the road. Yucky holiday traffic. Have a fantastic weekend, love!

    P.S. I hope you received your camera. So sorry it took me a while to get around to shipping it. I was on vacation (which seems so long ago now...)

  6. What a talent.. These are amazing.. really beautiful..

  7. I prefer your 'black' friday...amazing work indeed!

  8. wow that took some skill. It's amazing and reminds me of how people hand cut glass.

  9. It seems the hectic season never make us relaxed. Now I have to consider how to go through Chrismas and the New Year one after another. And thank you for posting beautiful paper works. That's really amazing. Art!

  10. Wow these cuttings are amazing. Thanks and great minds thinking alike today. I titled my post the same as you.

  11. I am working today, so no Black Friday festivities. That whole thing is getting out of hand anyway. In Minneapolis, people start lining up 15-20 hours before the stores open. No Thanks!!

  12. I hope you dont come accross any spiders!

  13. These cut outs are gorgeous! What intricate and delicate designs. I'm staying away from the stores today...at least in person. Internet shopping on the other hand, I'm totally allowing myself.

    Good luck with your Black Friday adventures!

  14. I love this blog ! Pictures are beautiful and ... I dream ! ! !

    See you....;-)

  15. i hope you had a wonderful thanksgiving dear :)

    that artist is amazingly talented! i totally ditto what you said, i cant cut a straight line on paper either! haha

    take care dear!

  16. Such a relief when the relatives all chill and have a good time! Phew!! These paper cuts are so delicate and amazing - the mind boggles at such talent and skill! Have a lovely lovely weekend! XX

  17. Woah, handmade?!! Totally need to buy me one of those. Gah, wish I could hop it on over to the States for Black Friday. Hope you're having a gorgeous week :)

  18. no shopping madness for me either thank you very much! these pieces are exquisite!

  19. Glad you had a nice and peaceful Thanksgiving Lenore. Love the paper cuts, just beautiful. Good luck in your attic, have fun and don't get locked in there!! We would all be lost without your fab posts!! As for shopping in the mall, not a chance in hell. I'm working from my home office a little today, spending time in our attic and avoiding the mall, but that doesn't mean I won't be doing some fun on line shopping in the middle of the night :)

  20. Olá...

    Seu blog é belíssimo... estou encantada com os recortes... tão delicados...

    Aqui é um espaço para visitar e ficar...

    Beijos meus, com carinho.

  21. I stay as far away from Black Friday as I can! Malls make me break out in hives, especially at this time of year.

    I love these paper cuts. She is sooo talented and clever!

    Glad your Thanksgiving was good, sweet Lenore. My nephews had meltdowns, which made me glad that my children are cats.

    xoxo Gigi

  22. What gorgeous work! And I'm very much with you on the avoiding the stores part... I've had such a stressful week that the last thing I need is to put myself in the middle of more of it :)

    Looking forward to more on your Christmas decorating dear Lenore!! Such a lovely time of the year...♥

  23. Have a lovely weekend, my dear!

  24. It's not a REAL reunion if there is no fight! he he....Love your post, Lenore! oxoxo

  25. glad things went smoothly...love the paper cutouts!

  26. It seems I'm the only brave person here to venture out LOL!

    Love those paper art. So intricate and beautiful.

  27. So great that your Thanksgiving went well. Mmm I don't think I'd brave the stores on Black Friday from what I've heard. Yikes.

    Hey you be careful up there in the attic girl.

  28. Those are so intricate and beautiful! Glad you had an uneventful holiday. I did, too. (shock!)

  29. wow, that is incredible! the patience....

  30. Wow, those are simply gorgeous. I can't even cut paper in a straight line!

    Happy Belated Black Friday :)
