"Ladies & Gentlemen..."

This travelling blogger really-really-really need
to take 'How to pack light 101' class ASAP!
Anyway, it's time to fly back home Darrrlingsss...
The view from the top~ 'weeehhh...'
...wishing to see it again someday!
for now it's time to go home and see my babiesss...
errr...hope they are not too mad at me for leaving them
wayyy...too long?!
" it's about time!!! "
New visitors/readers, these are my babies...
I always tell people that I have 5 babies,
but no stretch marks to brag about!
" muuummmy dearest is coming home... "


  1. you babies are just adorable. and i buy lots of little stuff in asia as well. oil blotting paper for summer is a must. : ) xoxo

  2. Your babies look like they all have different personalities.
    Were they mad at you ?
    Or do they all jump on you at once?
    I will try to imagine the scene. x

  3. Safe travels!!

  4. Cute puppies...but they all look grumpy in that picture! (Maybe they always look grumpy?)

  5. Those are just the kind of babies I like to return home to. Well, mine have long tails and purr, but you know what I mean. Your babies are so beautiful! xo

  6. hahaha...your puggies are too cute! they will not be mad, they will snort up a storm for you though. ;)

  7. Gorgeous babies!
    And as for the picture from the sky.. Wow! Makes me dizzy just looking at them!

  8. Oh! That luggage! I'm sure everything is absolutely essential that you have packed! Love the view and your bubbies - is the personage on the far right smiling - I'm pretty sure there's a smile there! What a wonderful welcome home committee! Sam. XXX P.S. Adore your new header sweetie!!

  9. Aaaawww.....your babies are adorable!!

  10. Safe travels loving your pictures they are amazing!

  11. Your babies are so waiting for you! Be safe!!! :)

  12. COme on!
    5 dogs?
    that is quite much..... a lot of cuddles you have to give.....

  13. awww, how adorable!!

  14. I'm not bragging about my stretch marks any time soon. Ah ha. Your babies are adorable. I bet they're ready for mama to come home!

  15. I'm sure there will be lots of yipping & grunting when Mommy walks through the door...5 times the lovin'!

  16. your little guys must miss you so much....hurry home!

  17. your babies ARE going to be mad, but just for a nano second. as soon as they hear that key in the door, the click of those heels and your sweet voice, they will be BESIDE themselves with joy. prepare for snarfling, licking, whining and loving from those adorable babies!!!!

  18. NO WAY! you have five pugs?! awwwwwww...looks at those mugs. i love them, yes i do!

  19. what a great aerial view!

  20. Wishing you a safe and relaxing trip home dear Lenore... your babies are ADORABLE!! And I love what you tell people. :) Also, the view from the your flight is amazing. Such a gorgeous tapestry.

  21. Love that photo of your babies, they do look a bit cranky...ha!
    Have a safe trip home.

  22. so sweet!! I am sure they are just so patiently waiting for their mummy to come home :) Have a safe safe safe trip!!

  23. AWWWWWWWWW!!!!! They can't stay mad at you!

    WOMAN your comment had me rolling with laughter! "vegetarian dish" hahahaha!!!!

    Safe travels!!

  24. ... but you didn't visit London!! Never mind, it's raining cats and dogs here and I've been dreaming of California. Love your blogs - have added a link to yours on mine - happy travels xx

  25. aww, what great babies you have!
    have a fabulous trip ♥

  26. Adorable babies! I hope they don't cause as much trouble as my human babies.

  27. I'm glad you are home safe and sound after your lovely trip. Your babies must be so happy to have their mommy back home!!

  28. You've got adorable babies. Have a safe trip home. Take care. Enjoy the weekend. Cheers!

  29. aw, love your babies.

    have a safe trip x

  30. Just catching up with your posts now.... ahh, if I had known you were going to Amsterdam, I would have given you a few pointers of great restaurants and shops in hidden locations... I lived in that city for 2 years and they have the best indie boutiques (and discount designer stuff). In any case, hope you had a great time!

  31. Fabulous pics, L!
    Your babies are too adorable!!

    Have a wonderful weekend, darling :)


  32. oh darling, your sweet babies really look grumpy! if I were you, I'd bring lots of gifts for them! lol!
    have a safe and lovely trip home! xo

  33. Aw, your poor babies, missed mommy so much!
    We did too :)

  34. you must be a proud mommmy ;)

  35. Aww, they are soo cute!! :) Love 'em!!

    And trips are fun - I try to learn how to travel lightly too, sigh!

    Except when you really can't help it lol! (Why did I have to lug all those books from London, eh?!;)

  36. omg - what cuties!! We only(?!) have 2 pugs & always talk about how fun it would be to have a harem of pugs. Somehow they are even funnier the more you see together!

    Did you ever see the Valentino documentary? Not as much pug as the previews made it seem there would be, but the group following him around was priceless! :)

  37. i love your babies they are so cute. have you ever told us their names? je ne me souviens pas cherie...
