
" If he didn't catch me when I fall
...It's because he believes I could fly "
I hate to complain ...errr that's not necessarily true! Here is the thing, I'm having a rough time at work since I came back from the trip...I'm not 'inspired' at all and that's never a good thing! ~Hoping that something extra-special will turn my passion light bulb ON* very soon... Or perhaps it's just that time of the month coming errrrr...emotional-period* here I come?!? TMI~help... ~XOXO*


  1. Oh boooo! :( That's hard when work becomes a slog and a trial - I'm sorry to hear that! When anything becomes like that I drop all my expectations and just put my head down and get through it. I try also to set up mini treats for myself such as: buy a gorgeous mag on the way home or get myself a book or buy some killer art supplies or even a trinket such as a ring or something. Do hope things pick up though - you're probably a little exhausted perhaps too - you have been working very hard I think...roll on Christmas break I say!

  2. I'm having trouble staying focused too at work... sigh.
    If I can just hang on til Friday...

  3. It's so tough getting back to the grind after a nice vacation. Take your time, try not to get stressed!

  4. maybe you need a day or two off to do nothing and veg at home. your schedule has been a full one lately. xo

  5. What do they expect? You're not a light switch.

    Searching for inspiration is hard. Not looking, you just may stumble over it.

  6. You are always an inspiration, and I have no doubt that the lightbulb will be back on in a snap! Just take a few moments and relive a reverie of Paris!

  7. I wish I had words of wisdom for you.Just relax and don't but too much pressure on yourself...breathe...and drink some wine.

  8. oooo inspiration let's see...oooo I got it! I share an office with a sweet kid who just came back to work after being gone for months for chemo treatments. No more cancer and he's happy to be back to work. Imagine that!! That radiates energy, let me tell you! Here's radiating some to you to...lalalalala

  9. Dear texassky,

    wow~Thank you so much, I got a good goosebumps I needed that jolt...hope he continues to be well!

  10. try to ake time, even to not have inspiration....
    I know, it is easier to say than to do!
    Anyway, COURAGE!

  11. The transition back to work after a trip is always a tough one... You will be re-inspired soon, I'm sure, darling L!


  12. hate that feeling.

    that and period bloat. ughhhh.


  13. Sometimes, I have problems focusing, too. If only we have that light switch in our purse that we can just pull out anytime... Safety button, err, focus button, that's it! :)

  14. Tell yourself you're glad you're not inspired. Tell inspiration to leave you alone. Tell yourself if inspiration comes, you'll totally ignore it.

    Then just sit back, relax and wait for it to show up.

  15. Grrr hormones !
    I agree with Sam - give yourself a treat.
    Wishing you better x

  16. hope you find your inspiration...
    i love all you "errr"s i think they are hilarious.

  17. I'm not inspired either! I'm doing a bathroom remodel. I've slowly remodeled every bathroom in this particular client's house. I came up with an incredible design...if I do say so myself. The husband loved it! The wife...not so much. Now I'm hitting a brick wall. I think because I'm a bit pissed off!

  18. you'll get your mojo back, trust me. it may take time, and hopefully it doesn't. i am sure it's just that time of year (or month!) or hormones! i need constant stimulation (teehee!) and i get super bored easy, so i try and do things or get into things that give me an "umph"! a little retail therapy never hurts, either! ;-)

  19. oh dear, it is the worse funk to be uninspired. find a muse...watch a sexy movie... remember a happy thought.


    hugs xo :)

  20. Thank you ladies!
    I was in tears during my lunch break earlier...Thank goodness for waterproof mascara I tell you...those hormones need a kick in you know what! Thanks again everyone~

  21. poor lenore! I know what you mean sometimes I feel like such a bad profesora. lately I just see it as a ticket to a modest meal and nothing more. i used to be so creative and excited in the classroom and now i feel like such a bore. i guess everyone goes through ups and downs.

    I hope you are feeling better dear. You are so inspiring to little ol' me and I get such a joy from seeing your creative posts on your blogeroo. i am sure the jet lag is not helping the creative juices and then of course the monthly visitor does seem like a curse doesn't it??


  22. there are will always be "dry" season...just remember they don't last. one thing you can count on is change!

  23. Len,
    when i can't git inspired, i go fishin, when i git home, i open a beer, kick off my boots, put on some ass kickin music, and that inspires me to do some more fishin.

  24. LNM, I can't imagine YOU not being inspired, but I don't know exactly what you do at your job..it does sound fabulous though, at least all that travel! I'm a cranky mess today with a cramps and a migraine..talk about TMI..But I had a fun business luncheon today that snapped me out of my 'mood' ..so maybe you need to be around someone really interesting for the day and the passion will be back!! Is starting your own company an option????

  25. Hey, good luck - don't worry, you'll get through this!


  26. hang in there! something will spark your fancy fancy, i just know it!

    and the curse of the ladies pretty much deadens a LOT in life. bleh. throw in a mammogram like i just had (while on the period), and you will just want to wail out loud "i am woman, hear me WHINE!" but things will get better!

  27. oh no!!! Hang in there Lenore!!! Something will light up and you'll LOVE IT! :)

    bleh...the monthly visitor is such a drag. Makes me all emotional too! You are fantastic!! Don't you fret one bit!

  28. I found these same exact letter in ginormous bold orange print on a bridge in East LA. It brightened up my crappy day.


  29. you'll get through it, you have a creative soul!!!

  30. You'll be OK on weekend! Life is not that hard all the time. Why don't you enjoy the mild scent lavender candle when taking a hot bath as you have once advised me to. I often follow this since then.

  31. I hear ya Lenore and can totally relate. I've been kinda feeling very similar for the past while. You are amazing and will blast through the set of blahs in a hurry, I'm sure of it!! oxo

  32. oh i hate it when this happens! i'm sorry, i know sometimes getting back from a trip and then coming back to life is difficult. hang in there! the internet, going outside, i hope you find it.

  33. Ah yes I am familiar with the feeling. Fret not, inspiration will come back soon. Brighter, too.

  34. Ohhh boo! I feel your ehem cramps I mean pain! ha.

    You are a shining star and are burning bright darling!! Don't worry! Eat some chocolate.

  35. Aww I hope you find your inspiration soon dear.. meanwhile stay relaxed! Stress + period is not a good combo!

  36. I'm sure it will come back to you soon. I have faith in your brilliance. Relax and do nothing for a while.

  37. Hiya babe, eat some chocolate, drink some wine, catch up with a girlfriend. Mmmm if only it was that easy ... but it sure does help. Oh and spending money on shoes, bags, clothes ;o

  38. Very much relate dear Lenore... I've been pretty uninspired these last 2 or 3 weeks. At first I blamed the cold then I blamed work related things... but no, I just feel very *blah* for the most part. I definitely need a holiday maybe? :)

    But enough about me, hope the muses visit you soon!♥

  39. Whenever I'm tapped out I go for long walks and let my mind wander...lemme know if that works for you :)
