Sexy Neck* + Bite*

Ready or Not ?!
~They are BAAACK....
" Robert Pattinson can bite my neck anytime! "
~oooh YESSSSS.....
Well...Talking about neck a.k.a the erotic zone,
~time for some lovely Art Prints :
"Stu had been practicing for his hairdressing course. He almost got it right. She, on the other hand, was growing a bit tired of the long hours of combing and back combing. Specially because Stu still hadn't realized why she kept on offering her hair, her help. And because Stu still had that tall girlfriend with the fake blond super short do."
"Stella, she just had this feeling. It was more than a feeling, it was a sense of certainty. She knew today was going to be one of the best days of her life. She could smell the spring, the sun felt insistent from the other side of the window. She looked around her once more, before stepping outside. Swelling with happiness, she played Rodrigo and Gabriela louder on the iPod. She was almost bouncing down the street. Whatever was about to happen, she didn't know. But she knew it was good. She loved the world, and the world loved her."
"Jo liked being rained on when she was bathing in the sea, and she liked apples in autumn, with cinnamon. Jo didn't like detergent ads on TV and and people who paused for laughter after a funny remark. Jo enjoyed staying at home on the first day of sales, and drying her hair with a plush towel. Jo didn't approve of little old ladies sneaking through queues, neither did she approve of people who didn't tip her when she served coffee with a big smile."
[~each print by nosideup comes with interesting 'story-line']
-Pics:Twilight cast via Modediktat, GIF by Robert Pattinson.Ca, ©nosideup found here


  1. Can Stella be my best friend? I love stories that go hand-in-hand with great pieces of art!

  2. Aaaahhh....These are great!!

  3. * jo is my favorite.
    * i still have to watch twilight.
    * adrian brody, jason schwartzman or chuck bass can bite my neck anytime.

  4. I can't wait to see twilight tomorrow!!!!

    p.s. i love ur blog!!!

  5. Only Lars can bite me... Nobody else... Ha, ha... Big smile...
    The teens love the twilight here in Denmark.

    Happy weekend, dear ;-)

  6. Would love a bite from Edward...ah!!! Great hair styles I wish I had good hair for a neck exposing do.Have a wonderful weekend.

  7. Oh yeah, I'm ready to watch the next installment...bring it on.

    Oh I like Jo, so funny.

  8. Those first two pics are so funny! Love 'em!

    I'm liking Jo's hair best :)

    P.S. There's a Sugar Doll award for you over at my Conversation Pieces blog.

  9. bring it on - howl! i love stu. enjoy your weekend!

  10. Oh, a sexy neck is an essential..love the JO!
    Happy Friday!

  11. I'm steering clear of the movie theaters for at least a couple of weeks ... but will definitely catch the flick when it hits the cheapies.

    Those prints are gorgeous, and I love the accompanying stories.

  12. haha. funny picks.
    i like the stella hairdo.

  13. Love the first drawing. I am going to see of my hairdresser can duplicate it. If she can I will post a picture.

    Have a great weekend!

  14. lovely drawings and stories! have a fabulous weekend, darling! xo

  15. Very clever! Beautifully bare necks and vampires in close proximity.

  16. I can't wait to see New Moon; I am such a fangirl over the whole Twilight saga!

  17. he can bite my neck any time as well! i'm growing my hair out so hopefully i can have a sexy updo like these!

  18. Robert Pattinson ....
    ahhh, heart beating fast ~~~

    lovely weekend to you!!
    as Always...

    xoxo Laura

  19. I love Jo. She's my kind of girl. Don't even get me started on Robert. I shouldn't adore him as much as I do. It can't be right! xoxo G

  20. LOVE these...I love hair illustrations. It would be so tedious to draw though..eek.
    I really don't like the new dude on new moon though...his face bugs me..he looks so smug. robert's a little bit of a cutie though..but honestly nobody does it quite like Depp for me, nobody ever will. except for my husb. ;)

  21. Oh yes, it's a zone that can get one in a lot of trouble (especially if you hang out with vampires)
    Great illustrations.
    Have a good weekend !

  22. Thank you everyone!

    you are so sweet...your hubby is one lucky guy!
    errr...how come I've never heard such sweet things from my mom re; my dad?!!!

  23. Love the art prints! Very cool. Have a lovely weekend!

  24. What a fabbo idea for a drawing! So gorgeously done too! All that beautiful hair - makes me want to grow mine!

    ....I feel like I'm totally outa da loop re-all things Vampire - must do my research!!!

  25. Love the prints alone, but with the storyline - so incredibly clever. I'm off to see more... :)

  26. She loved the World and the World loved her...fabulous!!

  27. These boys are a little too boyish to turn my "rusty crank" but I would not say no to a little nibble from Clint, even at his age....!got me thinking!....gotta do a feature on my favourite actor of all time....great neck art, love it, Lenore!!

  28. those pictures are hilarious and cute up top...
    I just have one question though, what's jacob doing with fangs??? has he totally forgotten he's a vampire-loathing-werewolf??? LOL :D

    The art is beautiful! My sister would totally love something like that, she's obsessed with anything that has an interesting story line:)


  29. Those photos of the Twilight boys are great. I've never seen them and I love them. SO funny.

    And those hair style drawings are amazing. I especially like Jo. I want, want, want it to be my hair.

    Hope you had a wonderful weekend :)

  30. LOL I love those shots - nothing better than a group of hot guys willing to act silly :)
