Sleeping Beauty~

How's the weather* in your zip code???
[ I'm curious a.k.a nosy like that! ]
~It's been very cold + raining non stop where we live...makes me
feel so sleeeeepy...errr more like lazzzy! I need to bring my down pillows
and comforter to work tomorrow...I really-really should!
hmmm...under my desk would be quite a perfect spot I tell ya'~shhh...
-Photo © Tracy Raver, visit her website HERE & go all "~awwwww..."


  1. It's been the same here in California, rainy, cold, wet, rainy cold:( in other words no fun!
    but that does sound like a good idea, bringing pillows and cozy comforters to work...hmmmm:)
    I LOVE those cute pictures you put up there!!! that one baby that is chuckling is sooooo cute (so is the one with the hair sticking up everywhere, lol, that's me in the morning)!!!!!

  2. Cold, rainy, hot. cold=40's-50's.
    hot= 70's.

    Crazy weather!

  3. it's been rainy but not too bad. mostly drizzly. it's warmed up a tad bit which is good. rain and cold air is not a great combo.

    btw i want to sleep like those babies. so cute!

  4. Oh my goodness! Too cute! Love those little sweet ones and the grumpy looking ones too!

    It's sunny and in the 70s/80s here. That's Florida. Mele Kalikimaka.


  5. Adorable is all I can say!!!

  6. Those were beautiful. But then again, I am a sucker for baby pics. Cold, a little snow, a little rain, a little nicer today.

  7. Aww, same here in İstanbul !

    I don't wanna leave the house.. The blanket and hot coffee are my best friends nowadays...

  8. It was really hot on the weekend but monday and today has been quite cool and windy.
    Love the photos, babies are just darling when they're sleeping.

  9. oh my those are cute photos!!
    and if you do make a bed under the desk let us know, that is very George from Seinfeld of you :) LOL!

  10. Oh what adorable baby pics!
    So sweet!
    Thanks for popping over to Bainbridge!
    Yes...the cookies were delish...
    my hubby had to watch all but one be mailed off to my mom!
    I also gave my Doogan just a bit of a nibble!
    Hope you'll come back to visit!

  11. It's hot hot hot here! And you are making my uterus hurt lady. Stop that!

  12. I just got a weird baby pang! WHOA Lenore we are still on the loveboat. hahahaha

  13. I love these images...I first thought it was Anne Geddes' works then you mentioned the photographer. She is just awesome.

    It's comfortable in the tropics... I love our weather now.

  14. Eeeee...gorgeous human dumpling pics like these have one of two effects on me:
    1) induce broodiness or
    2) stall and buy a puppy instead :-)

    Hot, hot, hot SA summer inland has turned into two ice-cold, rainy days because of gale-force winds in the Cape. Welcome respite though!

  15. oh cute babies! The weather is so cold in Denmark... uhi :o)



  16. Such sweet little babies!

    Right now it's 6 degrees in Wisconsin with a wind chill of -8. Sigh.

  17. Gray,bitter ass cold and gray! Dreary humid did I mention bitter ass cold! Love those babies especially the last! Stay warm!

  18. Now this is the position I would like to adopt until at least mid January.
    Wish I had a desk !
    Cold here - snow is forecast.

  19. So adooooooorable, darling L!


  20. Oh how sweet, I miss holding little babies. Our weather is a bit overcast today, but cold sunny crisp days are on the way!! Hurray, perfect for a blowout :)

  21. these are the sweetest photos EVER. just warms my heart looking at them.
    foggy here and warm today. gross if you ask me :)

  22. the weather isn't too bad here! i love these sleeping babies. they are so cute!

  23. Awwww!!!! Photos like this make me want to have a kid one day in the far away future but one day.

    The weather in New York state can't make up it's mind what it wants to do. It rains, snows, hails, & thunders all in one day. Go figure huh? =)

  24. Why do you always have the CUTEST posts? Sleeping babies...ahhh :)

    Our weather is just like your, only colder :( Weird snow/rain in the last couple of days makes me so sleepy too~!

  25. The newborn photos are too, too cute.

    Here in southern Wisconsin we've got snow on the ground from last week's storm. It's a beautifully sunny day but the temps will be dropping from 17 degrees this morning to 3 degrees later in the day.

    All we can do is smile and dress appropriately. Right?

  26. OMG LENORE!! I love this post! now I must have all these pictures....I especially love the 2nd and last one. OMG WAY WAY WAY TOO CUTE FOR WORDS! ...I am going back to stare some more! Happy Tuesday! Have a great day!

  27. Oh my. These photos are so beautiful!

  28. Freeeezing! Although now at least I can finally wear a few of my winter coats....

    Adorable pics! That's how I feel most of the day ;-)

  29. It's really freakin' cold (for Southern California) but I'm gonna trade it in for NYC weather in less than a week so I suppose I should toughen up a bit.

    Also, um... cutest baby pictures ever! How do they fall asleep just anywhere, anytime? Wish I could do that...

  30. Precious pics! Those babies are TINY!

  31. awwwww....these baby pictures are so cute. gah, adorable.
    it is COLD here with plenty of snow, and still snowing. eeek. makes me want to stay home all day, everyday. hehe, I don't mind hibernating one little bit.

  32. These pictures are to die for! I cant wait to ravage through your blog! Thank you for finding jolie jamie!

    Ps. New york is not too bad today, kind of a light winter day!


  33. My uterus just did a double take...haha!

    And in Boston it's cold and pretending to be pretty, but I just know the snow is coming.

  34. these are beautiful!

    it has been cold and rainy and awesome here in southern california, but it is warming up...boo!

  35. Awwwww.....!!! Bless! <3

    ...and in Sydney it's hot, humid and windy - cool windy thank goodness! Except today is cool, cool and windy and overcast! So, perhaps the best way to describe Sydney's weather is "yo-yoesque"!

  36. Oh what a darling baby, I want one! Oh, maybe not yet! ;) The weather here was rainy but now it is back to being sunny, yay! Hope you are doing well. :)

  37. Those babies are so tiny and precious! It's getting cold in Boston...20s tomorrow EEK!

  38. Yeh, until you get to change them or they start to cry1 The real fun starts about 18 months when they start to walk and parrot you!

    The weather in 48047 is cold and snowy.

  39. Bathwater,
    Dang* in that case I better start saving now...for nanny/baby sitter allowances!

  40. Oh, you know SF: Foggy and 50 degrees year-round practically.


    Am I the only one creeped out by these babies?

  41. Oh pretty darn hot actually ... hey, these photo's are beyond gorgeous, I just love them.

  42. Yes they are so cute when they are sleeping....then they wake up lol!

  43. It has been cold and grey skies here lately, but the sun is trying to peek through the clouds. These babies are so adorable! My cousin and his wife brought their 7-week old baby to visit last weekend, and I think she's the most beautiful little girl I've ever seen.

  44. oh my goodness! these are soooo cute! gorgeous!

  45. i want a baby now. do you think they will all be this angelic? it's chilly but sunny in my par of the town.

  46. COLD! Fall was longer and more lovely than usual, but winter arrived a couple weeks ago and is here in full force.
    Can't wait until spring.

  47. Adorable! They make us happy and smile! Babies are great!

  48. Hee! These are wonderful. My cousin's wife just had a baby yesterday and I'm anxiously awaiting the photos! Who can resist such sweetness? xoxo

  49. It's HOT HOT HOT here in Queensland, Australia. Another heat wave on it's way

  50. mostly drizzly. it's warmed up a tad bit which is good. rain and cold air is not a great combo.

    Work from home India

  51. I love these pictures....can I have one NOW???

  52. What precious little angels.

    Brr...it's been super duper cold 12degrees F when I convert it. Gosh, I miss Summer.

  53. Whether it's August or December, it's California. We can't tell the difference, haha.

    I love these little bambinos!

  54. look at those chubby little cheeks!! and the weather in london is COLD. lots of ice and skating without the needs of iceskates! fun but scary!
