~Let's talk...

~In between meetings with clients in a nearby
office building, I often escaped to this
little green oasis...to gather some thoughts
and most importantly, talk to the plants!!!
Let's take a short stroll, shall we~

" hi there whatever your name is!
you are so bushy-cute! ...are you a native here? "

" so are you! yes, you under the shade with the spiky leaves! "
[ errrrr...am I the only one who actually talk to plants??! ]

This tiny garden park is conveniently located in the middle
of the concrete+glass jungle! ~ So Lovely!

~Time to go back to work again
and do more talking & talking....
somehow talking to plants is so much easier! ~whahhh...

...still via the Green Singapore
PS : I've been asked whether they could use my personal photos to be posted in their blogs. Answer is sure, WHY NOT! Simply give me a credit & link back to LENORENEVERMORE blog would be much appreciated! Secondly, my camera is a compact old Canon SD1100IS -cheap yet reliable! So sorry~ I'm really bad at replying to emails ~Thanks everyone!


  1. aww such gorgeous photos!! lol talking to plants sounds like fun! soecially if they are that pretty! :D

  2. Loving these glimpses of Singapore.
    Nothing wrong with talking to plants, Prince Charles has been doing it for years ;)

  3. Haha. I've a friend who has a habit of talking to plants, well, spilling secrets of other people that she is not allowed to tell anyone to the plants. it's kind of her outlet as to not go crazy with lots of secrets and at the same time keep her promise of not telling anyONE.

    crazy, but it works for her!


  4. It's a beautiful, I like nature!

  5. Talking to plants (and especially ancient trees) is infinitely more rewarding than communicating with the officials at my bank!Keep it up!

    Have a great week - love Singapore and its exotic greenery too!

    xx LOLA:)

  6. Ah, talking to the plants, one of my favourite pastimes. This little haven of plants in the middle of the city seems like a real refuge. Wishing you good luck with all the human conversations, Lenore.

  7. Is talking to the plants less crazy than talking to yourself? I might have to try it.

    Note to self: Get plants.

  8. So, Lenore, what were their responses? dying to know ~ your fellow plant talker :) ox

  9. Dear A.J,
    you so funny lady!
    well, most of them reply in Latin usually...I really need a translator!
    But the best part is when they smile back at me!! (oooh~ I'm officially a lalala mental case! whahaha*)

    Thank you everyone!

  10. Great images Lenore!!
    Your grasp of botanical names is about as good as mine is!! spiky thing and bushy cute sounds about right!

    Thanks for popping over my way...x Julie By the way.. love your gun toting monkey!!!

  11. What a great Singapore pics! Amazing!

    Please don't forget to enter the Schnappy Jewelry giveaway!

  12. Looks so relaxing and tranquil, a perfect break in between meetings and work. I talk to my plants, I think thats why they come back to me year after year, they like hearing how beautiful they are...they are a bit vain!

  13. Hey Lenore ~~

    It looks like a nice quiet place...
    {love your nail polish trick btw!}

    xoxo Laura

  14. Do the plants talk back? =)
    Love that oasis in the city; so peaceful.

  15. Oh Lenore, I hope you know how much you make my day. Really! I love that you talk to the plants and that they talk back in Latin, LOL!

    And the pictures are wonderful. I love that there is that oasis right in the middle of all that hip, urban awesomeness. I'm gonna miss Singapore....

  16. oh that little oasis in the middle of the concrete jungle is perfect for a break! i can see you're having a wonderful time, darling! xo

  17. so great that you have your camera with you and are always on the lookout for that "moment" to share...

  18. well, I don't normally talk to plants. you see, i am not very good with them. they usually wither the moment i walk into their space. haha...i just don't have a green thumb I guess. i do have a bamboo that lives at work on my desk. he seems happy, though i think someone else is watering him...

    enjoi your trip!!


  19. I love your green getaway space. It looks like it's much needed in that very corporate jungle. I, too, Lenore, talk to plants. You and I could sit in a garden and chat for hours--with each other, with the shrubs--it would be wonderful! xo

  20. Golly! I was going to say, "Yes, you are the only one..." but a ton of your responses are plant whisperers too! I'm either surrounded by people who talk to plants or they're lying to you... and you very well may be "the only one"...

  21. you are always so creative Lenore!!! so glad you are having such a nice time!! :)

  22. Haha! I thought they might answer in Latin. Beautiful photos.

  23. What a verdant locale, like Paradise!
    Fabulous photos, darling L!


  24. i've got to get in on some of that green! i love it.

  25. amazing post !
    I'm just like you !
    I talk to the nature just because of the good energy.
    thx for this beautiful post and for your comment

  26. no you are not alone, i talk to plants and animals and sometimes inanimate objects. i might have a problem.

  27. I talk to almost everything :) Gorgeous garden, I live right bang in the middle of the city and concrete but we have gorgeous little gardens in between the apartments that cheer me up, lovely photos

  28. Hello sorry not to have checked in with you for a while, half term was frantic, but I'm back now and wishing I could talk to the plants instead of my mother-in-law! When are you back from Singapore it seems ages since you arrived there?? x

  29. Some of my best conversations have been with plants! :)

  30. That is gorgeous! I'd talk to plants too if i had a little oasis like that. Instead i have the wall of another building. Nice.

  31. That is gorgeous! I'd talk to plants too if i had a little oasis like that. Instead i have the wall of another building. Nice.

  32. I talk to plants! I name them all Bob.

    But I seldom listen to plants. When it comes to vegetation I'm a bad listener.

    But I'm getting better!

  33. i'm not a big talker, but a big looker at cool photos like yours. back to work!

  34. I saw a programme once and it proved that plants do respond to people who chat to them and that people with "green thumbs" seriously have a little something extra eminating from their finger pads! So I think these plants in this pretty oasis would be very appreciative of your chats sweetie!

    Love the contrast of the plants with the skyscrapers! Almost sci-fi!

    Look forward to more of the chronicles of Lenore!! XOXO's as always!

  35. sweet, I have imaginary friends that I speak to sometimes:)
    Btw, I LOVE your blog, it makes me smile and I like how you write your posts.

    well done :)

  36. What a gorgeous place to escape to ..and so very lucky that you get the chance to whilst working...love it!
    Hi..Stumbled across your blog through...Down and Out chic...am enjoying your posts..will visit again. Anna x

  37. hmmm...don't think i've done the talk to plants thing but i def talk to my cats waaaayyy too much. apparently animals like it though.
    very beautiful little area to escape for breaks..i would go there all the time..must be nice to sit and read.

  38. hmmm...don't think i've done the talk to plants thing but i def talk to my cats waaaayyy too much. apparently animals like it though.
    very beautiful little area to escape for breaks..i would go there all the time..must be nice to sit and read.

  39. what a fabulous oasis!

    i don't talk to my plants, but they hear a LOT of tv and music in my place! :)

  40. It's always nice to take a break amongst the greenery, esp in a concrete jungle like singapore!

  41. Haha love the pretty plants! I actually wish we had more nature around instead of ugly telephone poles and whatnot.

  42. Great pictures! (and plants can be better listeners than some people ;-) )

  43. This mix of the organic and the man made is particularly beautiful in these shots. Really lovely, Lenore.xoxo

  44. looks like a very nice escape. we all need those from time to time.

  45. What a lovely place! Have a sweet day!

  46. What a lovely break area! I sometimes rather talk to plants and trees as well. :)

  47. What a gorgeous city garden, a perfect little oasis :)

  48. I do hope I'll get to set foot there one day. Soon!
