so lately I've been thinking.....

errr...and thinking
...and thinking
...and more thinking
in my favorite corner of the house...
and suddenly I remembered what
this great man was thinking!
~here is his thought on CRISIS :

" Let's not pretend that things will change if we keep doing the same things. A crisis can be a real blessing to any person, to any nation. For all crises bring progress.

Creativity is born from anguish, just like the day is born form the dark night. It's in crisis that inventive is born, as well as discoveries, and big strategies. Who overcomes crisis, overcomes himself, without getting overcome. Who blames his failure to a crisis neglects his own talent, and is more respectful to problems than to solutions. Incompetence is the true crisis.

The greatest inconvenience of people and nations is the laziness with which they attempt to find the solutions to their problems. There's no challenge without a crisis. Without challenges, life becomes a routine, a slow agony. There’s no merit without crisis. It's in the crisis where we can show the very best in us. Without a crisis, any wind becomes a tender touch. To speak about a crisis is to promote it. Not to speak about it is to exalt conformism. Let us work hard instead.

Let us stop, once and for all, the menacing crisis that represents the tragedy of not being willing to overcome it. " ~Quote by Albert Einstein
was really inspired...so what else,
~created a self portrait!
hello everyone, welcome to my 'crisis'
a.k.a my darkness...
" quack-quack-quack..."
( translation : CRISIS is truly inevitable )
errrrr...so am I a genius now ??!

PS: I'm feeling better...at least I can start
laughing at myself and the world again!
I've realized that I can't do too much
thinking* ~gave me a major headache!~whahhh


  1. I've been thinking way too much lately too. I can't get my head on straight at all or come to a conclusion. That quote meant alot to me actually. Thank you for posting it. The same thing over & over does NOT equal change. If I'm going to do something it's gotta be different. Right, onward I go! Thanks!

  2. Melanie,
    "you go girl!"
    I'm so glad~

  3. I love this black and white images and the words... creativity is born from anguish... I definitely agree.

  4. Without when we stop moving forward we start to move backward. You won't!

  5. Glad the funk is dissipating, you poor lamb!

  6. Amazing quote and pics, darling L!


  7. I can understand your view, thinking too much can really give you a headache & einstein's right, perhaps we'll find our way into some creative path

    thanks for your visit to my blog, hope you are enjoying a quiet and sweet day

  8. oh my goodness! too much thinking for me today! I couldn't quite catch up with my work routine yet! thanks for your sweet comment, darling! xo

  9. Yes, you are a genius and I love you ;-)

  10. You made even me laugh today. I"m proud of you and perfect quotation. Sounds like not only you needed it today, so many of us did. Your the bestest L ♥ hugs & kisses

  11. well this is a funny cute post :) im glad ur feeling a okay! :D i learned a lot from this one too ^.^

  12. You are going to be just fine, L. Keep on keepin' on :-)

  13. Glad you are doing a little better... baby steps. :)

  14. Beautiful...
    And so true.

    Challenges have made me stronger and for that i am grateful.

  15. Challenges do give us a feeling of satisfaction when we have got through them. I hope you are nearly there xx

    Can chat any time you want xx

  16. I thought the quote was pure genius until I saw the picture of your shadow puppet. Now THAT is truly genius at work!

    Feel better!

  17. Ummm...hello, do you even need to ask? Of course you're a genius now! And you've turned your crisis into an amazing bit of creativity! I'm glad that you're feeling better my love!! :)

  18. Albert obviously had more to teach us than relativity... I just knew you would find a positive approach after the first shock, your blog is so positive and creative.

  19. I love the ikat kimono on the side of your panel there...

    The Chinese use the same symbol (wei ji) for 'chaos' as well as for opportunity... because it's often out of turmoil that opportunity arises...


  20. Sometimes the answers come when we stop thinking....

  21. steve forbert wrote a song 'thinkin' that is perfect for these types of feelings. i couldn't find a link to the song as it's a bit old - 1980s, but you will relate if you can track it down, no pun intended. me too, i worry constantly. here are the lyrics

  22. So sweet of you Cindy!
    Shall certainly check out the link*
    Thank you everyone~

  23. I love your style of revealing your genius better than Albert's.

    Don't get me wrong, I love what you quoted from Einstein and see great truth and concepts that I need to pay great heed to, but I can relate more easily to your down to earth genius.

    Thanks for lighting up my life!

  24. Wow. That Albert Einstein. smart cookie. you too. me too. crisis averted.

  25. this post could not come at a more perfect time...so true. I often get lost in thought in my favorite corners of my home:)

  26. Sometimes, we need to just do something and the answers pop up. That seems to be a trend in my writing.
    Einstein was pretty brilliant, wasn't he.

  27. i am fraking in love with that shadow duck puppet photo. theres something so hitchock-ian about it.

  28. wellllllllllllll, not sure what to write here. thinking can be so great, and thinking can be a total fucking nightmare. gah! i wish we all had on/off switches to the brain -- sometimes it would be nice to shut the noise out completely and get a break already!

  29. Glad you are doing better and love the quote. Lots of beautiful creativity will come out of the darkness... Hang in there.

  30. Yep enough with the thinking already Lenore.
    Wise words but we can't all be Einstein.
    You're obviously feeling better though, and that makes me happy x

  31. Oh, I completely agree! I think WAYYY too much! xoxo

  32. Great quote, and i love the way you think...quack!

    Very glad to know you're feeling better.

  33. I just really like your photos. I really do.

  34. Beautiful post....also glad to hear you're feeling better :-)

  35. You are so absolutely correct in this thinking. I love a challenge, even when it is very difficult. I guess I truly love the idea that I can indeed get through the challenge no matter what. The other side is so rewarding.

  36. I'm so thankful for the challenges I've had...or else we'd be so boring zzzzzzz!!! I'm glad you're feeling better doll, truly.

  37. thinking is good. but too much hurts!! glad you're better...

  38. I love, love, love that passage. I always try (and fail miserably) to say something similar when people are going through change/upheaval. I'm glad to have this as a reference to pass along. I'm going to cut and paste that for eternity.

  39. Sometimes too much thinking is too much thinking. But we get thru it!

  40. Great quote, and oh-so-true. You are hilarious!

  41. Darling, lovely, Lenore!! so glad you are feeling a bit better. Fabulous quote. Your creativity is always so amazing and you are such an inspiration.

  42. I'm tellin' you honey the first steps are laughing at yourself, way to go girl. You'll be back in no time.
    hugs DJ
    hey easy on the thinking, you don't want that headache hanging around.

  43. Hmmm...food for thought dear Lenore - I love a good think every now and then but also love a bit of the mindless joy of existence too. Was it the buddhists who said obstacles and difficulties in life are really shining diamonds for the opportunities they bring - very much like what Mr E=mc squared is saying here perhaps?

    I don't think that is a duck by the way - it is most definitely a swan! Hope you're back on the air again soon - miss you Lenore!! XXOO's

  44. Oh Lenore, thought you were nevermore. So lovely to have you back - more healthy, and clearly more enlightened than ever! Thank God for creativity, or creativity for God .. duh, think I'll leave the thinking to others.

  45. Beautiful pictures and quotes!

  46. You are cutest lil ducky I know!
    Trials in life can be so darn hard but they do shape us and make us stronger. I can't wait for more brighter days to come your way!

  47. that last photo is fantastic! crisis is inevitable but i'm glad you're getting through it:)

  48. these photos are phenomenal lenore and i am so glad you feel better. your little area looks unbelievably cozy and i adore your mysterious little self portrait...oh so vain..hahaha.
    hope you have a great week!!!

    oh and thanks for the kitty tumblr heads up. you indeed know i can't get enough..heehee. very thoughtful, you are sweet.

  49. i am so glad that you are back!
