Couldn't sleep last night...

...so I made this ultimate comfort food
(a.k.a midnight snack ~I'm dangerous like that!)

~Baked Macaroni & Cheese!
How can a lonely night be bad when there's
that slightly burnt cheesy-crispy top crust to be savored.
yesss...that's actually my favorite & the best part!

Confession: I have constant craving for cheese...
My favorite would be Denmark's Havarti Cheese ~YUM!
"How about you...Any favorites ???"
allow me to share more of my constant love
for all things 'cheesey' with you today...

~Lurrrve...these wooden cheese cutting boards!
Especially the natural uneven edges & the beautiful
wood grain, they add a certain rustic charm!
These one of a kind pieces are by Firewood Furniture

Well everyone, it's finally Friday!
say," CheeeeeSE....."
and have a wonderful+glorious weekend okie!


  1. I LOVE CHEESE too. I could eat it all day long. That baked mac looks delicious.

  2. Yummmm.....

    I need that cool cutting board as well :)
    Happy Friday... yippeeeee :)

  3. It looks absolutely mouth-watering!

  4. CHEEEEEESSSSEEEEE!!!! I love it!! and baked mac & cheese?? Feed me now!!

    Have a great, cheesy weekend!!!!!

  5. Mac-n-Cheese is one of my FAV meals anytime!

  6. That looks absolutely delish!! I love that you had it for a midnight snack ;)

  7. If I can't sleep I'll go for chocolate and bananas... But did you really sit there and took pictures before you tucked in? Very disciplined! Happy Weekend!!!

  8. Cheese may be my favorite food. I once met a girl that didn't like cheese and I was almost kind of offended by her! What a traitor I thought! On wednesday my GF and I went to this spanish tapas place one of the things we got where these round fried donut looking things filled with warm goat cheese and bell peppers! SERIOUSLY AMAZING!


    S.S. DOBBS

  9. Oh, those midnight snacks (sigh)..things never taste as good as they do around midnight...why is that???? speaking if why, why is it that everything I so adore is either illegal, immoral or fattening (but who cares, darlink, right? tomorrow, is another day!) oxox

  10. Dear Sarah,
    that sounds so deliciousss~
    excuse me while I drool*

  11. wow, I adore cheese... but cooking at midnight? that's too much for me! well... I won't reject such a delish if someone invites me! haha!
    have a wonderful weekend, darling! xo

  12. Why is there nothing as comforting as warm mac and cheese? It's one of my favorites too. My other two comfort foods are (1) bufala mozzarella on toast and (2) nutella bread pudding. Those can take any hurts away.

  13. My mouth is watering.

    Yummalicious x 100000!!!! Share please???

  14. mmmmmmmmm....I am such a cheese fiend too. I love Havarti cheese too. I think I want to go make a classic grill cheese...with all this talk, I'm craving one.
    have a great weekend!

  15. I could survive on wine, cheese and bread alone with the occasional plate of mac and cheese. Maybe some olives too...

  16. that does look good, but a cheese and marmite toasted sandwich is totally the best comfort food ever.

  17. sounds delicious! i have a constant craving for cheese too, i just can't get enough!

  18. yummy umm yummmy what a great choice!

  19. yum!! your mac n cheese looks so delicious! and i LOVE cheese...like probably too much. my favorite? goat cheese...or brie...or havarti...mmmm k i'm gonna go get some cheese now.

  20. LOL I'm always craving CHEESE MORE MORE MORE CHEESE PLEASE!! Looks like a super yummy snack...especially at midnight ;) Happy Friday Lenore! Have a great weekend!

  21. Ha! I didn't do my weekly cheese post this week, but I was going to write about Havarti! So look for that next Thursday.... :)

  22. MMMMMM!! That baked mac & cheese looks awesome. I may or may not be drooling right now.

    My midnight snacks usually consist of scrambled eggs or cereal. I need to start branching out!

  23. Cheese makes me so happy! I love brie and it's my favorite. That mac and cheese you made looks delicious and the burnt part up top is absolutely my favorite, especially when it's attached to gooey goodness underneath. I heart this cheese post so much.

  24. I have a terrible weakness for Cheese and I know its terrible for me but I don't care, I love smelly, creamy cheeses best of all and I pile it up thick on toast, or seeded bread - SINFUL - no wonder I'm a bit chubby at the moment.xx

  25. I am starving now. And I have a pretty good baked mac and cheese recipe myself. I can almost smell yours from the pic.

  26. I hope there wasn't to much of a need for comfort food! Have great weekend1

  27. Cheese is so delicious! I have been thinking about what cheese to buy to pair with crackers for afternoon snacks :P any suggestions? I hope you doing alright.. not being able to sleep does not sound too good. I'm glad you had a blast on your birthday though!

  28. Cheese or chocolate (sometimes both) can't go wrong.
    Happy weekend lovely Lenore x

  29. That macaroni and cheese and the crunch of it sounds fabulous right now. Oh, the look of it has my mouth awatering.

    Living in Wisconsin, home of the Cheeseheads, I do my state proud with my love of cheese. I don't know much about the fancy cheeses but cheddar, swiss, colby jack, mozzarella....and others I can't recall truly trip my trigger.

    And then there's pizza. It couldn't exist with a good smothering of cheese to hold all the toppings together.

    That's where we're headed soon, to Domenico's in downtown Beloit for their gooder than good pizza pie.

    Bye, bye, dear.

  30. yum!! I could eat some baked mac n cheese right now.

  31. i predict that i will not be able to sleep tonight, so please send me some of this. YUM!!!!

  32. I love Havarti, Brie, and Taleggio! Ohhhh...now I want cheese, crusty bread and red wine! Oh, and I want to dine on that in Italy. Can you make that happen for me?

  33. Dear Caroline,
    What? I have become your concierge & travel agent now? hahaha...
    'Italiano; Grazie Mille!'

    Thank you everyone & have a delicious weekend! ~XO*

  34. Yum- definitely a winner as comfort food. One of my fave's is Kerrygold Irish Chedder's. But all their products are delicious.

  35. awww hell yeah. that looks like some of the best mac and cheese ever.

  36. Omg this looks positively delicious. Yummy!

    I hope you have a wonderful weekend! xoxo

  37. baked mac-n-cheese is a family staple on the holidays. :D i cannot wait until easter! :D

  38. It'll be a sad state of affairs when I move to Singapore and it's expensive cheese! Yum to crispy mac 'n cheese!

  39. Looks so good!! ah, I'm so hungry now :)
    love the cutting boards, too.

  40. Yum.
    Smoked Gouda the rind. Hmmm? A trip to the deli perhaps? And then to get a bottle of Carmenere? Join me?

  41. I just ate lunch, but now I'm hungry!

    Mac and Cheese!!!

  42. That looks really yummy! have a nice weekend!

  43. Wow, it's just tempting. it's Sunday morning here. I love cheese. That's a great hint for today's lunch. Have a nice weekend.

  44. Food always tastes better when you're not supposed to be eating it ;) those cheese spreads look amazing!

  45. Just in time for a midnight snack ;)


  46. Such of sense of humor.... I like it "cheeese" and it looks like so gooood !
    Have a wonderful Sunday !
    Tomorrow Monday grrrrr*°*°*°

  47. if i was told to never eat cheese, i wouldn't listen. i love blue cheese and even gorgonzola (in very small amounts!)

    we had jalapeno havarti with red pepper jelly on an angus burger last night....so delish.

  48. Cheese is among one of the greatest things in the world...seriously!!

  49. ok, so this definitely has to be one of the most delicious posts i have ever read haha. i am soo hungry now, and all i can think about is cheese! darn it...

  50. These pics tempts me!!!!
    I wanna to eat!!
    I've just found your blog...great posts.
    Please check out my blog,too<3
    XX http://tokyofashionholic.blogspot.com/

  51. Oh cheese! I try to not ever have it in the house because I go a bit crazy when it's around! Yarlsberg, camembert, brie, mouse trap, edam - you name it - even the blue veins are OK in my books! You are pretty special to whip that dish up in the dead of night - I'd just make a lunge for anything in the fridge!!

    Have a lovely weeke sweetie! XOXO's

  52. Aww you're making me so hungry!

  53. Oh dear, it would be way to difficult for me to pick a favorite cheese (my love for it goes so deep - though I suppose you already knew that because of the name of my blog!). I love any good gouda, and Beecher's Flagship (cheddar) and Marco Polo are divine. Lately my husband and I have been trying a few "live" cheeses.

    Your mac and cheese looks better than any other mac and cheese ever! Shhh.. don't tell my Mom I said that.

  54. yumyums! i love all things cheesy.

  55. Yum! That looks seriously delicious!

  56. That looks soooo yummy! Why don't my midnight snacks look like that???
