WATCH them~ we don't really have to be very RICH*

~Herb & Dorothy tells the extraordinary story of a postal clerk and a librarian who managed to build one of the most important contemporary art collections in history with very modest means!
In the early 1960s, when very little attention was paid to Minimalist and Conceptual Art, the Vogels quietly began purchasing the works of unknown artists. Devoting all of Herb's salary to purchase art they liked, they collected guided by two rules: the piece had to be affordable, and it had to be small enough to fit in their one-bedroom Manhattan apartment. Within these limitations, they proved themselves curatorial visionaries; most of those they supported and befriended went on to become world-renowned artists, including Andy Warhol, Julian Schnabel, Sol LeWitt, Christo and Jeanne-Claude, Richard Tuttle, Chuck Close, Robert Mangold, Sylvia Plimack Mangold, Lynda Benglis, Pat Steir, Robert Barry, Lucio Pozzi and Lawrence Weiner. The art world is always captivating & always inspiring isn't it? ~Lurrrve it!!
-To purchase DVD click here: Herb and Dorothy.Com


  1. Absolutely incredible. This is inspiring Lenore. I'm so glad you shared. I love this kind of story.
    xoxo :)

  2. Wow. What incredible people. I can only imagine what kind of minds and love it takes to do something like that. They must be the life of every dinner party.

  3. Oh, I am adding these two to my pantheon of heroes - what vision, what imagination, what fun! I bet when they started, people thought they were nuts!!! One day, my collection of shoes will be famous too...one day! love the story, thanks for sharing! ox AJ

  4. What a story!!! Thanks for the inspiration!!

  5. This is the greatest!! There is hope for the little guy :)

  6. An incredible tale !
    And yes ... always captivating.
    Lurrrve it too Lenore. x

    (See. You did survive Monday)

  7. they are classic. i love it.
    you are great!

  8. I've been meaning to watch this!!! Thanks soo much for the reminder. They are so amazing..just love them.

  9. I reckon that curious cat had a large part to play in the story...

    Must see this film when it's out in the UK (probably next year!) Looks and sounds totally fascinating tx x

  10. PS Oh, is this film already out? Have sooo much cat-ching up to do!

  11. Oh my gosh. Can you imagine??? That is great.

  12. Amazing couple... their story is really inspiring. xoxo

  13. I truly admire. How wise they were! The movie sounds like a delightful lesson for all of us to learn from.

  14. Wow very interesting and inspiring!

    Thanks for the well wishes- my first day went very well! :)

  15. I caught the last half of this documentary, this couple's collection (and story) is so amazing. I must watch it from the beginning!

  16. I just watched this two weeks ago. Great story.

  17. This is really cool! Oh and they're wicked cute :D

  18. How cool is that? Love this story!

  19. Inspiring, and what a great story:-)

  20. I LOVE this movie! so great.

  21. that is ssssssoooooooooooooohhhhh coolio. lurve it.

  22. ooh this is so interesting! thanks for posting, lovey!

    xo tiffany

  23. So Smart.
    If it's Art that we love, then it Art we shall buy, and know that it pays.

    At sixteen, I saved up all my cash from selling pumps in every color at the mall.

    I was a few dollars away from dropping it all on a Peter Max piece. Something fun and silly and full on color, of course. I was talked out of it, and bought a car instead. It was stolen 9 months later, and I was still paying it off. At the time I had no idea, that I could have paid the gallery in portions with my neighborly good conduct, and a smile.

    I hated that practical car, and I still dream about that one Art piece that I let get away.

  24. Absolutely LOVED this documentary! Makes you stop and realize how your pennies do add up!

  25. I love people with vision and the bravery to do what they feel passionate about. Well done, Herb & Dorothy! (I bet they are laughing now.)

  26. I can't imagine having the vision to spot undiscovered talent like that. Truly amazing.

  27. what a sacrifice to make, one whole salary solely for art??? they must have lived very frugal lives otherwise. amazing.

  28. wow amazing, Lenore! truly visionaries! thanks for sharing! xo

  29. Love this story! Thank you for sharing...xx

  30. oh, this is amazing! i have to watch it! reading it makes me want to start a collection myself :3

  31. This is amazing ... I am going to watch it!! Thanks for the post... Great blog also!!


  32. Lenore thank you so much for sharing this amazing story! I love it and how it shows one really can accomplish anything in life!!

    Art by Karena

    Giveaway is up on my site, come and join!

  33. extraordinary! thanks for inspiring me with this story!

  34. Talk about having an eye!
    I love it!

