"Hellooooo..decided to make+squeeze time to post today"

~If Alexis can do it...so can I ?!
my limousine ride from airport to the hotel:
" I'm back in New York state of mind everybody!!! "
The limo driver, Mr Wong was a very sweet tiny man...
He shared a tiny bit of his life story during our drive to the hotel...
He told me that he immigrated to the U.S with only about
$500 to his name... To make the long story short, he has been working
hard to support his family... I could sense his pride & also spotted
a twinkle in his eye from the reflection in the driver's mirror. Especially
when He said that his son will be graduating soon with a degree in Medicine!
So glad that he shared this with me (cos I'm nosy like that!~hehe*)
But seriously, I was touched, inspired & hopeful...and most importantly,
blessed to be living in this land of opportunity~or I should say opportunitiesss...
-PS: Thank you for all the lovely comments everyone! Will catch up with all of you when i get home okie*
-Photo: Joan Collins as Dynasty's Alexis Carrington via HERE & the rest by me.


  1. it's somehow whimsical of how someone's real life experience can inspire us :)
    welcome back to NY!!


  2. LOL... you're so fabulous! xx

  3. That is definitely the life... have fun in NYC!

  4. Love that type of cab driver, it's the ones who don't talk freak me out.
    Have a good trip Lenore. x

  5. Take a bite of that Big Apple for me. I like that your nosy like that. Sunshine smiles!

  6. Awwwww bless..what a lovely little story x

  7. Have a good trip...lovely story :)

  8. Go Alexis!!

    What a sweet man, way to go.

  9. Hey! You're in my neck of the woods. Give a shout. How long are you here? Enjoy. You make NY look even better in these pics.

  10. Really wonderful story and anonymous or not...do tell... do you look like Joan Collins!?

    Art by Karena

  11. Riding in a limousine! You go girl! I'm so happy and proud of you.

    To think I'm friends with someone with such an amazing job and the subsequent opportunities to travel.

    I've always been too timid to go out and do something big with my life. It's fun living the things you do through your blog.

    Love ya,

  12. Nice ride! Don't you just love some of the perks one can get at work (though I guess for all the work some of us do, it's the least a company could do ;-) Hope you have a good time in NYC! Mr. Wong's story is truly inspiring... he must be so proud of his son!

  13. Mr. Wong was totally trying to hook you up with his son, the doctor!

  14. If there was somewhere I really want to be with right now, it's NEw York! *enter ALicia Keys, neeewww yooooorrrk* and kudos for kind limo man :D

  15. wow limo riding in NY! you are truly top of the heap, darling! have a wonderful time! xo

  16. Limo rides and inpsiring stories from random people- you live an awesome life and I love hearing about it.

  17. Sweet story - ability is of little account without opportunity (according to Napoleon!)

  18. ooo riding in luxury girl! haha. and that is the sweetest story, i love hearing about old immigrants who moved here in hopes of leading a honest and successful life and everything actually working out for them in the end :) good to know that hard work does pay off!

  19. have fun in the big city!

  20. That really is a sweet story. It's so nice to meet people, in a seemingly random way, who share something about themselves that inspires us, or even just that we remember. :)

  21. I love NY! Well done for meeting such a sweet driver. I didn't meet too many of those when I was there but I guess it's a pretty stressful job. Glad you found a nice one! Have a super time!

  22. Please tell me you blogged FROM the limo. That would be so posh.

    You're fabulous, dear!

  23. It's amazing what we can find it if we just learn to listen :) Somehow it doesn't surprise me that you're a good listener.

  24. Love the pics! Have fun. :-)

  25. You've got such a kind heart, Lenore! Is your post today a video? If so I have to wait until I get home (to a proper computer) to watch it. Enjoy NY! Hoping for more stories...

  26. everyone has a story but it takes special people to be willing to listen. good for you and good for him.

  27. What a great story! I love that you talk to people, you know? :)
